


开发者选项中 打开OEM unlocking


aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ fastboot  devices
31AE303457D1036	fastboot
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ fatboot oem at-unlock-vboot
No command 'fatboot' found, did you mean:
 Command 'fastboot' from package 'android-tools-fastboot' (universe)
 Command 'fastboot' from package 'fastboot' (universe)
fatboot: command not found
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ fastboot oem at-unlock-vboot
OKAY [  0.055s]
finished. total time: 0.055s
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ adb root
* daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
restarting adbd as root
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ adb disable-verity
Successfully disabled verity
enabling overlayfs
Reboot the device for new settings to take effect
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ adb reboot
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ adb reboot bootloader
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ fastboot oem at-unlock-vboot
OKAY [  0.055s]
finished. total time: 0.055s
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ adb root
restarting adbd as root
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ adb  disable-verity
Successfully disabled verity
enabling overlayfs
Reboot the device for new settings to take effect
aaaaaa@813-B365M-DS3H:~$ adb reboot


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