Android network - NUD检测机制(Android 14)

1. 前言

  在Android系统中,NUD(Neighbor Unreachable Detection)指的是网络中的邻居不可达检测机制,它用于检测设备是否能够到达特定的IP地址。当Android设备尝试与另一个设备通信时,如果发现对方不可达,它会触发NUD过程。NUD 的底层实现还是依赖kernel,Android层有服务建立通信,当kernel检测到当前网络与周边的neighbor不可达时,就会发送消息通知上层,上层处理msg

2. 源码分析

我们以 wifi 为例分析NUD检测机制,源码基于Android 14分析

2.1 ClientModeImpl

  当用户点击WiFi开关,打开WiFi后,ClientModeImpl会进入 ConnectableState 状态, enter后会调用makeIpClient

// packages/modules/Wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/
	class ConnectableState extends RunnerState {
        public void enterImpl() {
            Log.d(getTag(), "entering ConnectableState: ifaceName = " + mInterfaceName);
            setSuspendOptimizationsNative(SUSPEND_DUE_TO_HIGH_PERF, true);
            if (mWifiGlobals.isConnectedMacRandomizationEnabled()) {
                mFailedToResetMacAddress = !mWifiNative.setStaMacAddress(
                        mInterfaceName, MacAddressUtils.createRandomUnicastAddress());
                if (mFailedToResetMacAddress) {
                    Log.e(getTag(), "Failed to set random MAC address on ClientMode creation");
            mWifiStateTracker.updateState(mInterfaceName, WifiStateTracker.INVALID);

private void makeIpClient() {
    mIpClientCallbacks = new IpClientCallbacksImpl();
    mFacade.makeIpClient(mContext, mInterfaceName, mIpClientCallbacks);


class IpClientCallbacksImpl extends IpClientCallbacks {
        private final ConditionVariable mWaitForCreationCv = new ConditionVariable(false);
        private final ConditionVariable mWaitForStopCv = new ConditionVariable(false);

        public void onIpClientCreated(IIpClient ipClient) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            // IpClient may take a very long time (many minutes) to start at boot time. But after
            // that IpClient should start pretty quickly (a few seconds).
            // Blocking wait for 5 seconds first (for when the wait is short)
            // If IpClient is still not ready after blocking wait, async wait (for when wait is
            // long). Will drop all connection requests until IpClient is ready. Other requests
            // will still be processed.
                    new IpClientManager(ipClient, getName()));

        public void onPreDhcpAction() {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;

        public void onPostDhcpAction() {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;

        public void onNewDhcpResults(DhcpResultsParcelable dhcpResults) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            if (dhcpResults != null) {
                sendMessage(CMD_IPV4_PROVISIONING_SUCCESS, dhcpResults);
            } else {

        public void onProvisioningSuccess(LinkProperties newLp) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            mWifiMetrics.logStaEvent(mInterfaceName, StaEvent.TYPE_CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL);
            sendMessage(CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES, newLp);

        public void onProvisioningFailure(LinkProperties newLp) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            mWifiMetrics.logStaEvent(mInterfaceName, StaEvent.TYPE_CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_LOST);

        public void onLinkPropertiesChange(LinkProperties newLp) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES, newLp);

        public void onReachabilityLost(String logMsg) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            mWifiMetrics.logStaEvent(mInterfaceName, StaEvent.TYPE_CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST);
            sendMessage(CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST, logMsg);

        public void onReachabilityFailure(ReachabilityLossInfoParcelable lossInfo) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_FAILURE, lossInfo);

        public void installPacketFilter(byte[] filter) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_INSTALL_PACKET_FILTER, filter);

        public void startReadPacketFilter() {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;

        public void setFallbackMulticastFilter(boolean enabled) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_SET_FALLBACK_PACKET_FILTERING, enabled);

        public void setNeighborDiscoveryOffload(boolean enabled) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_CONFIG_ND_OFFLOAD, (enabled ? 1 : 0));

        public void onPreconnectionStart(List<Layer2PacketParcelable> packets) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_START_FILS_CONNECTION, 0, 0, packets);

        public void setMaxDtimMultiplier(int multiplier) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_SET_MAX_DTIM_MULTIPLIER, multiplier);

        public void onQuit() {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;

        boolean awaitCreation() {
            return mWaitForCreationCv.block(IPCLIENT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS);

        boolean awaitShutdown() {
            return mWaitForStopCv.block(IPCLIENT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS);

  IpClientCallbacks包含了多个回调,其中onReachabilityLost()这个回调,是我们跟踪NUD机制的其中一个重要回调,它发送了CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST msg去通知WiFi fwk进行处理(断连wifi)。

2.2 IpClient


// packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/ip/
    public IpClient(Context context, String ifName, IIpClientCallbacks callback,
            NetworkObserverRegistry observerRegistry, NetworkStackServiceManager nssManager,
            Dependencies deps) {
        super(IpClient.class.getSimpleName() + "." + ifName);

        mTag = getName();

        mContext = context;
        mInterfaceName = ifName;
        mDependencies = deps;
        mMetricsLog = deps.getIpConnectivityLog();
        mNetworkQuirkMetrics = deps.getNetworkQuirkMetrics();
        mShutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        mCm = mContext.getSystemService(ConnectivityManager.class);
        mObserverRegistry = observerRegistry;
        mIpMemoryStore = deps.getIpMemoryStore(context, nssManager);

        sSmLogs.putIfAbsent(mInterfaceName, new SharedLog(MAX_LOG_RECORDS, mTag));
        mLog = sSmLogs.get(mInterfaceName);
        sPktLogs.putIfAbsent(mInterfaceName, new LocalLog(MAX_PACKET_RECORDS));
        mConnectivityPacketLog = sPktLogs.get(mInterfaceName);
        mMsgStateLogger = new MessageHandlingLogger();
        mCallback = new IpClientCallbacksWrapper(callback, mLog, mShim); //封装了传入进来的callback

        // TODO: Consider creating, constructing, and passing in some kind of
        // InterfaceController.Dependencies class.
        mNetd = deps.getNetd(mContext);
        mInterfaceCtrl = new InterfaceController(mInterfaceName, mNetd, mLog);

        mMinRdnssLifetimeSec = mDependencies.getDeviceConfigPropertyInt(

        IpClientLinkObserver.Configuration config = new IpClientLinkObserver.Configuration(

        mLinkObserver = new IpClientLinkObserver(
                mContext, getHandler(),
                new IpClientLinkObserver.Callback() {
                    public void update(boolean linkState) {
                        sendMessage(EVENT_NETLINK_LINKPROPERTIES_CHANGED, linkState
                                ? ARG_LINKPROP_CHANGED_LINKSTATE_UP
                                : ARG_LINKPROP_CHANGED_LINKSTATE_DOWN);

                    public void onIpv6AddressRemoved(final Inet6Address address) {
                        // The update of Gratuitous NA target addresses set or unsolicited
                        // multicast NS source addresses set should be only accessed from the
                        // handler thread of IpClient StateMachine, keeping the behaviour
                        // consistent with relying on the non-blocking NetworkObserver callbacks,
                        // see {@link registerObserverForNonblockingCallback}. This can be done
                        // by either sending a message to StateMachine or posting a handler.
                        if (address.isLinkLocalAddress()) return;
                        getHandler().post(() -> {
                            mLog.log("Remove IPv6 GUA " + address
                                    + " from both Gratuituous NA and Multicast NS sets");

                    public void onClatInterfaceStateUpdate(boolean add) {
                        // TODO: when clat interface was removed, consider sending a message to
                        // the IpClient main StateMachine thread, in case "NDO enabled" state
                        // becomes tied to more things that 464xlat operation.
                        getHandler().post(() -> {
                            mCallback.setNeighborDiscoveryOffload(add ? false : true);
                config, mLog, mDependencies

        mLinkProperties = new LinkProperties();

        mProvisioningTimeoutAlarm = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(),
        mDhcpActionTimeoutAlarm = new WakeupMessage(mContext, getHandler(),

        // Anything the StateMachine may access must have been instantiated
        // before this point.

        // Anything that may send messages to the StateMachine must only be
        // configured to do so after the StateMachine has started (above).



    class RunningState extends State {
        private ConnectivityPacketTracker mPacketTracker;
        private boolean mDhcpActionInFlight;

        public void enter() {
            mApfFilter = maybeCreateApfFilter(mCurrentApfCapabilities);
            // TODO: investigate the effects of any multicast filtering racing/interfering with the
            // rest of this IP configuration startup.
            if (mApfFilter == null) {

            mPacketTracker = createPacketTracker();
            if (mPacketTracker != null) mPacketTracker.start(mConfiguration.mDisplayName);

            final int acceptRa =
                    mConfiguration.mIPv6ProvisioningMode == PROV_IPV6_LINKLOCAL ? 0 : 2;
            if (isIpv6Enabled() && !startIPv6(acceptRa)) {

            if (isIpv4Enabled() && !isUsingPreconnection() && !startIPv4()) {

            final InitialConfiguration config = mConfiguration.mInitialConfig;
            if ((config != null) && !applyInitialConfig(config)) {
                // TODO introduce a new IpManagerEvent constant to distinguish this error case.

            if (mConfiguration.mUsingIpReachabilityMonitor && !startIpReachabilityMonitor()) {


    private boolean startIpReachabilityMonitor() {
        try {
            mIpReachabilityMonitor = mDependencies.getIpReachabilityMonitor(
                    new IpReachabilityMonitor.Callback() {
                        public void notifyLost(InetAddress ip, String logMsg, NudEventType type) {
                            final int version = mCallback.getInterfaceVersion();
                            if (version >= VERSION_ADDED_REACHABILITY_FAILURE) {
                                final int reason = nudEventTypeToInt(type);
                                if (reason == INVALID_REACHABILITY_LOSS_TYPE) return;
                                final ReachabilityLossInfoParcelable lossInfo =
                                        new ReachabilityLossInfoParcelable(logMsg, reason);
                            } else {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            // Failed to start IpReachabilityMonitor. Log it and call
            // onProvisioningFailure() immediately.
            // See http://b/31038971.
            logError("IpReachabilityMonitor failure: %s", iae);
            mIpReachabilityMonitor = null;

        return (mIpReachabilityMonitor != null);

  构造IpReachabilityMonitor对象时,实现了一个IpReachabilityMonitor.Callback()回调接口,它会调用IpClient的Callback wrapper通知onReachabilityLost()事件。



 rec[0]: time=06-20 01:45:37.298 processed=ConnectableState org=DisconnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_IPCLIENT_CREATED screen=on 0 0
 rec[1]: time=06-20 01:45:37.492 processed=ConnectableState org=DisconnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_ENABLE_RSSI_POLL screen=on 1 0
 rec[2]: time=06-20 01:45:37.544 processed=ConnectableState org=DisconnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_SET_SUSPEND_OPT_ENABLED screen=on 0 0
 rec[3]: time=06-20 01:45:37.587 processed=ConnectableState org=DisconnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_RESET_SIM_NETWORKS screen=on 0 0
 rec[4]: time=06-20 01:45:37.587 processed=ConnectableState org=DisconnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_RESET_SIM_NETWORKS screen=on 0 0
 rec[5]: time=06-20 01:46:49.169 processed=ConnectableState org=DisconnectedState dest=L2ConnectingState what=CMD_START_CONNECT screen=on 1 1010 targetConfigKey="iPhone"WPA_PSK BSSID=null targetBssid=2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 roam=false
 rec[6]: time=06-20 01:46:49.170 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L2ConnectingState dest=<null> what=SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT screen=on 0 0 ssid:  bssid: 00:00:00:00:00:00 nid: -1 frequencyMhz: 0 state: INTERFACE_DISABLED
 rec[7]: time=06-20 01:46:49.172 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L2ConnectingState dest=<null> what=SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT screen=on 0 0 ssid:  bssid: 00:00:00:00:00:00 nid: -1 frequencyMhz: 0 state: DISCONNECTED
 rec[8]: time=06-20 01:46:49.176 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L2ConnectingState dest=<null> what=SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT screen=on 0 0 ssid: "iPhone" bssid: 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 nid: 1 frequencyMhz: 0 state: ASSOCIATING
 rec[9]: time=06-20 01:46:49.325 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L2ConnectingState dest=<null> what=SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT screen=on 0 0 ssid: "iPhone" bssid: 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 nid: 1 frequencyMhz: 0 state: ASSOCIATED
 rec[10]: time=06-20 01:46:49.325 processed=ConnectableState org=L2ConnectingState dest=<null> what=ASSOCIATED_BSSID_EVENT screen=on 0 0 BSSID=2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 Target Bssid=2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 Last Bssid=2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 roam=false
 rec[11]: time=06-20 01:46:49.327 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L2ConnectingState dest=<null> what=SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT screen=on 0 0 ssid: "iPhone" bssid: 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 nid: 1 frequencyMhz: 0 state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
 rec[12]: time=06-20 01:46:49.353 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L2ConnectingState dest=<null> what=SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT screen=on 0 0 ssid: "iPhone" bssid: 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 nid: 1 frequencyMhz: 0 state: GROUP_HANDSHAKE
 rec[13]: time=06-20 01:46:49.367 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L2ConnectingState dest=L3ProvisioningState what=NETWORK_CONNECTION_EVENT screen=on 1 false 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 nid=1 "iPhone"WPA_PSK last=
 rec[14]: time=06-20 01:46:49.381 processed=ConnectingOrConnectedState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT screen=on 0 0 ssid: "iPhone" bssid: 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 nid: 1 frequencyMhz: 0 state: COMPLETED
 rec[15]: time=06-20 01:46:49.398 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_CONFIG_ND_OFFLOAD screen=on 1 0
 rec[16]: time=06-20 01:46:49.399 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_SET_FALLBACK_PACKET_FILTERING screen=on enabled=true
 rec[17]: time=06-20 01:46:49.404 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES screen=on 0 0 
 rec[18]: time=06-20 01:46:49.405 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_SET_MAX_DTIM_MULTIPLIER screen=on maximum multiplier=1
 rec[19]: time=06-20 01:46:49.528 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION screen=on 0 0 txpkts=10,0,0
 rec[20]: time=06-20 01:46:49.530 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_PRE_DHCP_ACTION_COMPLETE screen=on uid=1000 0 0
 rec[21]: time=06-20 01:46:49.646 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_POST_DHCP_ACTION screen=on 
 rec[22]: time=06-20 01:46:49.647 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_IPV4_PROVISIONING_SUCCESS screen=on{baseConfiguration: IP address Gateway  DNS servers: [ ] Domains , leaseDuration: 85536, mtu: 0, serverAddress:, vendorInfo: ANDROID_METERED, serverHostName: iPhone, captivePortalApiUrl: null}
 rec[23]: time=06-20 01:46:49.647 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES screen=on 0 0 v4r
 rec[24]: time=06-20 01:46:49.647 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=<null> what=CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES screen=on 0 0 v4 v4r v4dns
 rec[25]: time=06-20 01:46:49.648 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ProvisioningState dest=L3ConnectedState what=CMD_IP_CONFIGURATION_SUCCESSFUL screen=on 0 0
 rec[26]: time=06-20 01:46:49.653 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_ONESHOT_RSSI_POLL screen=on 0 0 "iPhone" 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 rssi=-70 f=2437 sc=null link=65 tx=0.3, 0.0, 0.0 rx=0.0 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:832291253] from screen [on:0 period:832291253] score=0
 rec[27]: time=06-20 01:46:50.256 processed=L3ConnectedState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_NETWORK_STATUS screen=on 1 0
 rec[28]: time=06-20 01:46:51.024 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES screen=on 0 0 v4 v4r v4dns
 rec[29]: time=07-04 16:09:02.894 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES screen=on 0 0 v4 v4r v4dns v6r v6dns
 rec[30]: time=07-04 16:09:03.869 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES screen=on 0 0 v4 v4r v4dns v6 v6r v6dns
 rec[31]: time=07-04 16:09:03.871 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_SET_MAX_DTIM_MULTIPLIER screen=on maximum multiplier=2
 rec[32]: time=07-04 16:09:04.574 processed=ConnectableState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_UPDATE_LINKPROPERTIES screen=on 0 0 v4 v4r v4dns v6 v6r v6dns
 rec[33]: time=07-04 16:09:11.381 processed=L3ConnectedState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=what:131383 screen=on
 rec[34]: time=07-04 16:09:11.792 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_ONESHOT_RSSI_POLL screen=on 0 0 "iPhone" 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 rssi=-63 f=2437 sc=null link=57 tx=7.9, 0.0, 0.0 rx=4.5 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:1261342139] from screen [on:0 period:2093633392] score=0
 rec[35]: time=07-04 16:09:29.250 processed=L2ConnectedState org=L3ConnectedState dest=<null> what=CMD_ONESHOT_RSSI_POLL screen=on 0 0 "iPhone" 2e:bb:5f:ef:01:91 rssi=-66 f=2437 sc=null link=26 tx=2.8, 0.0, 0.0 rx=1.7 bcn=0 [on:0 tx:0 rx:0 period:17458] from screen [on:0 period:2093650850] score=0

  根据log和代码,我们发现在DHCP之后,wifi状态机进到L3ConnectedState时,会收到CMD_ONESHOT_RSSI_POLL 消息

// packages/modules/Wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/
    class L3ConnectedState extends RunnerState {
        L3ConnectedState(int threshold) {
            super(threshold, mWifiInjector.getWifiHandlerLocalLog());

        public void enterImpl() {
            if (mVerboseLoggingEnabled) {
                log("Enter ConnectedState  mScreenOn=" + mScreenOn);
            updateLinkLayerStatsRssiAndScoreReport(); // 发送CMD_ONESHOT_RSSI_POLL

    private void updateLinkLayerStatsRssiAndScoreReport() {


                case CMD_ONESHOT_RSSI_POLL: {
                    if (!mEnableRssiPolling) {

         * Fetches link stats, updates Wifi Data Stall, Score Card and Score Report.
        private WifiLinkLayerStats updateLinkLayerStatsRssiDataStallScoreReport() {

            if (mWifiScoreReport.shouldCheckIpLayer()) {
                if (mIpClient != null) {

            mLastLinkLayerStats = stats;
            return stats;


// packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/ip/
     * Confirm the provisioning configuration.
    public void confirmConfiguration() {

class RunningState extends State {
        public boolean processMessage(Message msg) {
            switch (msg.what) {
                case CMD_STOP:
                case CMD_START:
                    logError("ALERT: START received in StartedState. Please fix caller.");
                case CMD_CONFIRM:
                    // TODO: Possibly introduce a second type of confirmation
                    // that both probes (a) on-link neighbors and (b) does
                    // a DHCPv4 RENEW.  We used to do this on Wi-Fi framework
                    // roams.
                    if (mIpReachabilityMonitor != null) {


2.3 IpReachabilityMonitor


// packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/ip/
    public IpReachabilityMonitor(Context context, InterfaceParams ifParams, Handler h,
            SharedLog log, Callback callback, boolean usingMultinetworkPolicyTracker,
            Dependencies dependencies, final IpConnectivityLog metricsLog, final INetd netd) {
        if (ifParams == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null InterfaceParams");

        mContext = context;
        mInterfaceParams = ifParams;
        mLog = log.forSubComponent(TAG);
        mCallback = callback;
        mUsingMultinetworkPolicyTracker = usingMultinetworkPolicyTracker;
        mCm = context.getSystemService(ConnectivityManager.class);
        mDependencies = dependencies;
        mMulticastResolicitEnabled = dependencies.isFeatureEnabled(context,
                IP_REACHABILITY_MCAST_RESOLICIT_VERSION, true /* defaultEnabled */);
        mIgnoreIncompleteIpv6DnsServerEnabled = dependencies.isFeatureEnabled(context,
                false /* defaultEnabled */);
        mIgnoreIncompleteIpv6DefaultRouterEnabled = dependencies.isFeatureEnabled(context,
                false /* defaultEnabled */);
        mMetricsLog = metricsLog;
        mNetd = netd;

        // In case the overylaid parameters specify an invalid configuration, set the parameters
        // to the hardcoded defaults first, then set them to the values used in the steady state.
        try {
            int numResolicits = mMulticastResolicitEnabled
                    ? NUD_MCAST_RESOLICIT_NUM
                    : INVALID_NUD_MCAST_RESOLICIT_NUM;
            setNeighborParameters(MIN_NUD_SOLICIT_NUM, MIN_NUD_SOLICIT_INTERVAL_MS, numResolicits);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to adjust neighbor parameters with hardcoded defaults");

        mIpNeighborMonitor = dependencies.makeIpNeighborMonitor(h, mLog,
                (NeighborEvent event) -> {
                    if (mInterfaceParams.index != event.ifindex) return;
                    if (!mNeighborWatchList.containsKey(event.ip)) return;

                    final NeighborEvent prev = mNeighborWatchList.put(event.ip, event);

                    // TODO: Consider what to do with other states that are not within
                    // NeighborEvent#isValid() (i.e. NUD_NONE, NUD_INCOMPLETE).
                    if (event.nudState == StructNdMsg.NUD_FAILED) {
                        // After both unicast probe and multicast probe(if mcast_resolicit is not 0)
                        // attempts fail, trigger the neighbor lost event and disconnect.
                        mLog.w("ALERT neighbor went from: " + prev + " to: " + event);
                        handleNeighborLost(prev, event);
                    } else if (event.nudState == StructNdMsg.NUD_REACHABLE) {
                        handleNeighborReachable(prev, event);
        mIpReachabilityMetrics = dependencies.getIpReachabilityMonitorMetrics();

  mCallback保存了我们传入的Callback对象,它实现了notifyLost()函数;IpNeighborMonitor会接受、解析来自kernel的packet,包含了我们需要monitor哪些IP,以及接收NUD lost的结果,并调用handleNeighborLost()进行接下去通知WiFi framework NUD lost结果的处理。




// frameworks/libs/net/common/device/com/android/net/module/util/ip/
public class IpNeighborMonitor extends NetlinkMonitor {
    private static final String TAG = IpNeighborMonitor.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final boolean DBG = false;
    private static final boolean VDBG = false;

     * Make the kernel perform neighbor reachability detection (IPv4 ARP or IPv6 ND)
     * for the given IP address on the specified interface index.
     * @return 0 if the request was successfully passed to the kernel; otherwise return
     *         a non-zero error code.
    public static int startKernelNeighborProbe(int ifIndex, InetAddress ip) {
        final String msgSnippet = "probing ip=" + ip.getHostAddress() + "%" + ifIndex;
        if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, msgSnippet);

		// 创建一个Netlink消息,用于请求内核执行邻居探测。
        final byte[] msg = RtNetlinkNeighborMessage.newNewNeighborMessage(
                1, ip, StructNdMsg.NUD_PROBE, ifIndex, null);

        try {
        	// 使用NetlinkUtils发送一个单次内核消息。
            NetlinkUtils.sendOneShotKernelMessage(NETLINK_ROUTE, msg);
        } catch (ErrnoException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error " + msgSnippet + ": " + e);
            return -e.errno;

        return 0;

     * An event about a neighbor.
    public static class NeighborEvent {
        public final long elapsedMs;
        public final short msgType;
        public final int ifindex;
        public final InetAddress ip;
        public final short nudState;
        public final MacAddress macAddr;

        public NeighborEvent(long elapsedMs, short msgType, int ifindex, @NonNull InetAddress ip,
                short nudState, @NonNull MacAddress macAddr) {
            this.elapsedMs = elapsedMs;
            this.msgType = msgType;
            this.ifindex = ifindex;
            this.ip = ip;
            this.nudState = nudState;
            this.macAddr = macAddr;

        boolean isConnected() {
            return (msgType != RTM_DELNEIGH) && StructNdMsg.isNudStateConnected(nudState);

        public boolean isValid() {
            return (msgType != RTM_DELNEIGH) && StructNdMsg.isNudStateValid(nudState);

        public String toString() {
            final StringJoiner j = new StringJoiner(",", "NeighborEvent{", "}");
            return j.add("@" + elapsedMs)
                    .add(stringForNlMsgType(msgType, NETLINK_ROUTE))
                    .add("if=" + ifindex)
                    .add("[" + macAddr + "]")

     * A client that consumes NeighborEvent instances.
     * Implement this to listen to neighbor events.
    public interface NeighborEventConsumer {
        // 每个在netlink套接字上接收到的邻居事件都会传递到这里。
        // 子类应过滤感兴趣的事件。
         * Consume a neighbor event
         * @param event the event
        void accept(NeighborEvent event);

    private final NeighborEventConsumer mConsumer;

    public IpNeighborMonitor(Handler h, SharedLog log, NeighborEventConsumer cb) {
        super(h, log, TAG, NETLINK_ROUTE, OsConstants.RTMGRP_NEIGH);
        mConsumer = (cb != null) ? cb : (event) -> { /* discard */ };

    public void processNetlinkMessage(NetlinkMessage nlMsg, final long whenMs) {
        if (!(nlMsg instanceof RtNetlinkNeighborMessage)) {
            mLog.e("non-rtnetlink neighbor msg: " + nlMsg);

        final RtNetlinkNeighborMessage neighMsg = (RtNetlinkNeighborMessage) nlMsg;
        final short msgType = neighMsg.getHeader().nlmsg_type;
        final StructNdMsg ndMsg = neighMsg.getNdHeader();
        if (ndMsg == null) {
            mLog.e("RtNetlinkNeighborMessage without ND message header!");

        final int ifindex = ndMsg.ndm_ifindex;
        final InetAddress destination = neighMsg.getDestination();
        final short nudState =
                (msgType == RTM_DELNEIGH)
                ? StructNdMsg.NUD_NONE
                : ndMsg.ndm_state; // 获取邻居状态。

        final NeighborEvent event = new NeighborEvent(
                whenMs, msgType, ifindex, destination, nudState,

        if (VDBG) {
            Log.d(TAG, neighMsg.toString());
        if (DBG) {
            Log.d(TAG, event.toString());

        mConsumer.accept(event); // 将邻居事件传递给IpReachabilityMonitor进行处理。

    private static MacAddress getMacAddress(byte[] linkLayerAddress) {
        if (linkLayerAddress != null) {
            try {
                return MacAddress.fromBytes(linkLayerAddress);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to parse link-layer address: " + hexify(linkLayerAddress));

        return null;

  IpNeighborMonitor的代码中startKernelNeighborProbe这个方法用于请求内核执行邻居可达性探测(IPv4 ARP或IPv6 ND)对于给定的IP地址和指定的接口索引。processNetlinkMessage方法是NetlinkMonitor类的一个覆盖方法,用于处理Netlink消息。


// frameworks/libs/net/common/device/com/android/net/module/util/ip/
public class NetlinkMonitor extends PacketReader {
    public NetlinkMonitor(@NonNull Handler h, @NonNull SharedLog log, @NonNull String tag,
            int family, int bindGroups, int sockRcvbufSize) {
        super(h, NetlinkUtils.DEFAULT_RECV_BUFSIZE);
        mLog = log.forSubComponent(tag);
        mTag = tag;
        mFamily = family;
        mBindGroups = bindGroups;
        mSockRcvbufSize = sockRcvbufSize;

    public NetlinkMonitor(@NonNull Handler h, @NonNull SharedLog log, @NonNull String tag,
            int family, int bindGroups) {
        this(h, log, tag, family, bindGroups, DEFAULT_SOCKET_RECV_BUFSIZE);

    protected FileDescriptor createFd() {
        FileDescriptor fd = null;

        try {
            fd = Os.socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, mFamily);
            if (mSockRcvbufSize != DEFAULT_SOCKET_RECV_BUFSIZE) {
                try {
                    Os.setsockoptInt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, mSockRcvbufSize);
                } catch (ErrnoException e) {
          , "Failed to set SO_RCVBUF to " + mSockRcvbufSize, e);
            Os.bind(fd, makeNetlinkSocketAddress(0, mBindGroups));

            if (DBG) {
                final SocketAddress nlAddr = Os.getsockname(fd);
                Log.d(mTag, "bound to sockaddr_nl{" + nlAddr.toString() + "}");
        } catch (ErrnoException | SocketException e) {
            logError("Failed to create rtnetlink socket", e);
            return null;

        return fd;

    protected void handlePacket(byte[] recvbuf, int length) {
        final long whenMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(recvbuf, 0, length);

        while (byteBuffer.remaining() > 0) {
            try {
                final int position = byteBuffer.position();
                final NetlinkMessage nlMsg = NetlinkMessage.parse(byteBuffer, mFamily);
                if (nlMsg == null || nlMsg.getHeader() == null) {
                    mLog.e("unparsable netlink msg: " + hexify(byteBuffer));

                if (nlMsg instanceof NetlinkErrorMessage) {
                    mLog.e("netlink error: " + nlMsg);

                processNetlinkMessage(nlMsg, whenMs);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                mLog.e("Error handling netlink message", e);

    protected void processNetlinkMessage(NetlinkMessage nlMsg, long whenMs) { }
// frameworks/libs/net/common/device/com/android/net/module/util/
public abstract class PacketReader extends FdEventsReader<byte[]> {

    public static final int DEFAULT_RECV_BUF_SIZE = 2 * 1024;

    protected PacketReader(Handler h) {
        this(h, DEFAULT_RECV_BUF_SIZE);

    protected PacketReader(Handler h, int recvBufSize) {
        super(h, new byte[max(recvBufSize, DEFAULT_RECV_BUF_SIZE)]);

    protected final int recvBufSize(byte[] buffer) {
        return buffer.length;

     * Subclasses MAY override this to change the default read() implementation
     * in favour of, say, recvfrom().
     * Implementations MUST return the bytes read or throw an Exception.
    protected int readPacket(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] packetBuffer) throws Exception {
        return, packetBuffer, 0, packetBuffer.length);
public abstract class FdEventsReader<BufferType> {
    private static final String TAG = FdEventsReader.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final int FD_EVENTS = EVENT_INPUT | EVENT_ERROR;
    private static final int UNREGISTER_THIS_FD = 0;

    private final Handler mHandler;
    private final MessageQueue mQueue;
    private final BufferType mBuffer;
    private FileDescriptor mFd;
    private long mPacketsReceived;

    protected static void closeFd(FileDescriptor fd) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ignored) {

    protected FdEventsReader(@NonNull Handler h, @NonNull BufferType buffer) {
        mHandler = h;
        mQueue = mHandler.getLooper().getQueue();
        mBuffer = buffer;

    protected MessageQueue getMessageQueue() {
        return mQueue;

    /** Start this FdEventsReader. */
    public boolean start() {
        if (!onCorrectThread()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("start() called from off-thread");

        return createAndRegisterFd();

    /** Stop this FdEventsReader and destroy the file descriptor. */
    public void stop() {
        if (!onCorrectThread()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("stop() called from off-thread");


    public Handler getHandler() {
        return mHandler;

    protected abstract int recvBufSize(@NonNull BufferType buffer);

    /** Returns the size of the receive buffer. */
    public int recvBufSize() {
        return recvBufSize(mBuffer);

    public final long numPacketsReceived() {
        return mPacketsReceived;

    protected abstract FileDescriptor createFd();
    protected abstract int readPacket(@NonNull FileDescriptor fd, @NonNull BufferType buffer)
            throws Exception;

    protected void handlePacket(@NonNull BufferType recvbuf, int length) {}

    protected boolean handleReadError(@NonNull ErrnoException e) {
        logError("readPacket error: ", e);
        return true; // by default, stop reading on any error.

    protected void logError(@NonNull String msg, @Nullable Exception e) {}

    protected void onStart() {}

    protected void onStop() {}

    private boolean createAndRegisterFd() {
        if (mFd != null) return true;

        try {
            mFd = createFd();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logError("Failed to create socket: ", e);
            mFd = null;

        if (mFd == null) return false;

                (fd, events) -> {
                    if (!isRunning() || !handleInput()) {
                        return UNREGISTER_THIS_FD;
                    return FD_EVENTS;
        return true;

    protected boolean isRunning() {
        return (mFd != null) && mFd.valid();

    // Keep trying to read until we get EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK or some fatal error.
    private boolean handleInput() {
        while (isRunning()) {
            final int bytesRead;

            try {
                bytesRead = readPacket(mFd, mBuffer);
                if (bytesRead < 1) {
                    if (isRunning()) logError("Socket closed, exiting", null);
            } catch (ErrnoException e) {
                if (e.errno == OsConstants.EAGAIN) {
                    // We've read everything there is to read this time around.
                    return true;
                } else if (e.errno == OsConstants.EINTR) {
                } else {
                    if (!isRunning()) break;
                    final boolean shouldStop = handleReadError(e);
                    if (shouldStop) break;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (isRunning()) logError("readPacket error: ", e);

            try {
                handlePacket(mBuffer, bytesRead);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logError("handlePacket error: ", e);
      , "Error handling packet", e);

        return false;

    private void unregisterAndDestroyFd() {
        if (mFd == null) return;

        mFd = null;

    private boolean onCorrectThread() {
        return (mHandler.getLooper() == Looper.myLooper());

  从关系上来看IpNeighborMonitor.()start会创建出一个获取kernel netlink消息的socket,并持续获取kernel的消息。

  总的来说,FdEventsReader 提供了一个基础的事件读取框架,PacketReader 扩展了这个框架以读取数据包,NetlinkMonitor 进一步扩展了这个框架以处理 Netlink 消息,而 IpNeighborMonitor 专门处理 IP 邻居消息。每个类都在前一个类的基础上添加了更具体的逻辑和功能。

  这时候基本框架流程已经梳理清楚了,但本着将流程跟完的原则,再看下前面还未分析的IpReachabilityMonitor::probeAll()调用,以及wifi framework的处理

// packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/ip/
    public void probeAll(boolean dueToRoam) {

        final List<InetAddress> ipProbeList = new ArrayList<>(mNeighborWatchList.keySet());
        if (!ipProbeList.isEmpty()) {

        for (InetAddress ip : ipProbeList) {
            final int rval = IpNeighborMonitor.startKernelNeighborProbe(mInterfaceParams.index, ip);
            mLog.log(String.format("put neighbor %s into NUD_PROBE state (rval=%d)",
                     ip.getHostAddress(), rval));
            logEvent(IpReachabilityEvent.PROBE, rval);
        mLastProbeTimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        if (dueToRoam) {
            mLastProbeDueToRoamMs = mLastProbeTimeMs;
        } else {
            mLastProbeDueToConfirmMs = mLastProbeTimeMs;


  通过Netlink机制请求kernel进行probe后,Framework能做的就是等待结果了;如果kernel检测遇到了NUD失败,这个信息经过packet解析、封装成event之后,会由IpNeighborMonitor::NeighborEventConsumer mConsumer处理,mConsumer也就是IpReachabilityMonitor创建IpNeighborMonitor时,用lambda表达式创建的对象

        mIpNeighborMonitor = dependencies.makeIpNeighborMonitor(h, mLog,
                (NeighborEvent event) -> {
                    if (mInterfaceParams.index != event.ifindex) return;
                    if (!mNeighborWatchList.containsKey(event.ip)) return;

                    final NeighborEvent prev = mNeighborWatchList.put(event.ip, event);

                    // TODO: Consider what to do with other states that are not within
                    // NeighborEvent#isValid() (i.e. NUD_NONE, NUD_INCOMPLETE).
                    if (event.nudState == StructNdMsg.NUD_FAILED) {
                        // After both unicast probe and multicast probe(if mcast_resolicit is not 0)
                        // attempts fail, trigger the neighbor lost event and disconnect.
                        mLog.w("ALERT neighbor went from: " + prev + " to: " + event);
                        handleNeighborLost(prev, event);
                    } else if (event.nudState == StructNdMsg.NUD_REACHABLE) {
                        handleNeighborReachable(prev, event);


    private void handleNeighborLost(@Nullable final NeighborEvent prev,
            @NonNull final NeighborEvent event) {
        final LinkProperties whatIfLp = new LinkProperties(mLinkProperties);

        final boolean lostProvisioning =
                (mLinkProperties.isIpv4Provisioned() && !whatIfLp.isIpv4Provisioned())
                        || (mLinkProperties.isIpv6Provisioned() && !whatIfLp.isIpv6Provisioned()
                                && !ignoreIncompleteIpv6Neighbor);
        final NudEventType type = getNudFailureEventType(isFromProbe(),
                isNudFailureDueToRoam(), lostProvisioning);

        if (lostProvisioning) {
            final String logMsg = "FAILURE: LOST_PROVISIONING, " + event;
            Log.w(TAG, logMsg);
            // TODO: remove |ip| when the callback signature no longer has
            // an InetAddress argument.
            mCallback.notifyLost(ip, logMsg, type);
        logNudFailed(event, type);


    class IpClientCallbacksImpl extends IpClientCallbacks {

        public void onReachabilityLost(String logMsg) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            mWifiMetrics.logStaEvent(mInterfaceName, StaEvent.TYPE_CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST);
            sendMessage(CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST, logMsg);

        public void onReachabilityFailure(ReachabilityLossInfoParcelable lossInfo) {
            if (mIpClientCallbacks != this) return;
            sendMessage(CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_FAILURE, lossInfo);

  IpClientCallbacksImpl::onReachabilityLost()会被调用,并发送CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST msg,看该msg的处理过程

    class L2ConnectedState extends RunnerState {

        public boolean processMessageImpl(Message message) {
                case CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST: {
                    if (mVerboseLoggingEnabled && message.obj != null) log((String) message.obj);
                            WifiUsabilityStats.TYPE_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST, -1);
                    if (mWifiGlobals.getIpReachabilityDisconnectEnabled()) {
                    } else {
                        logd("CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST but disconnect disabled -- ignore");

    private void handleIpReachabilityLost() {
                WifiBlocklistMonitor.REASON_ABNORMAL_DISCONNECT, mWifiInfo.getRssi());

        // Disconnect via supplicant, and let autojoin retry connecting to the network.

L2ConnectedState会处理CMD_IP_REACHABILITY_LOST msg,如果mIpReachabilityDisconnectEnabled配置为true,就会去主动disconnect WiFi,如果不想断连wifi 就将其配置为false即可


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