


  1. JSX 支持:插件为 React 应用程序中的 JSX 语法提供支持,确保它可以被正确地转换为 JavaScript。
  2. Fast Refresh:提供热更新功能,当应用程序在开发服务器上运行时,可以快速地看到更改的效果,而不需要手动刷新页面。
  3. 装饰器支持:如果项目中使用了 TypeScript 装饰器,插件会正确处理它们。
  4. Source Maps:生成源代码映射,以便于在浏览器中调试源代码。
  5. Virtual DOM 的导入:确保 React 和 ReactDOM 的虚拟 DOM 导入被正确处理。
  6. 开发模式与生产模式的区分:在开发模式下,插件会提供更多的辅助功能,如 React 快速刷新;而在生产模式下,它会专注于代码的最小化和优化。
  7. ESLint 集成:可选地集成 ESLint,以在开发过程中提供代码质量和一致性的检查。
  8. 配置 Rollup:在构建过程中,插件可能会配置 Rollup 以适应 React 应用程序的特定需求。
  9. 兼容性:确保 React 应用程序可以在目标浏览器中运行,即使这些浏览器不支持最新的 JavaScript 特性。
  10. 自定义配置:允许用户通过 Vite 配置文件传递自定义选项给插件,例如指定 JSX 工厂函数或模式等。





  1. 类型导入:代码开始部分导入了 TypeScript 类型,用于确保插件的类型正确性。
  2. 依赖懒加载loadBabel 函数用于按需加载 Babel,因为 Babel 只在开发模式下或当特定的插件被使用时才需要。
  3. 配置选项Options 接口定义了插件的配置选项,允许用户自定义包括 includeexcludejsxImportSourcejsxRuntime 等。
  4. 插件数组导出viteReact 函数返回一个插件数组,这些插件在 Vite 构建过程中执行不同的任务。
  5. 创建 Babel 插件配置viteBabel 插件对象配置了如何使用 Babel 来转换 React 代码,包括 JSX 支持和快速刷新。
  6. React 快速刷新viteReactRefresh 插件对象处理与 React 快速刷新相关的逻辑,包括在 index.html 中注入必要的脚本。
  7. 构建配置:在 config 函数中,插件可以修改 Vite 配置,例如设置 esbuild 选项或 optimizeDeps
  8. 配置解析configResolved 函数在 Vite 配置解析完成后调用,用于确定是否处于生产模式、项目根路径等。
  9. 转换函数transform 函数是 Vite 插件中的核心,用于实际的代码转换工作。它使用 Babel 来转换 JSX 语法,并在开发模式下添加 React 快速刷新的包装器。
  10. 快速刷新逻辑:根据配置和代码内容,插件决定是否需要对代码进行快速刷新包装。
  11. Babel 插件加载loadPlugin 函数用于加载 Babel 插件,确保插件的异步加载。
  12. Babel 选项创建createBabelOptions 函数用于创建 Babel 的选项对象,它可以从用户配置或默认值中初始化。
  13. 编译器检测hasCompilerhasCompilerWithDefaultRuntime 函数用于检测 Babel 插件列表中是否包含特定的编译器插件。
  14. 构建时警告处理silenceUseClientWarning 函数用于抑制 Rollup 的某些警告。
  15. 静态资源服务resolveIdload 函数用于处理静态资源的请求,例如 React 快速刷新运行时脚本。
  16. 转换 HTMLtransformIndexHtml 函数用于修改 index.html,注入快速刷新的脚本。
  17. 插件 APIViteReactPluginApi 类型定义了插件可以提供的 API,允许其他插件通过 reactBabel 钩子来修改 Babel 配置。
  18. 默认导出:最后,viteReact 函数作为默认导出,使其可以在 Vite 配置中使用。

总结来说,@vitejs/plugin-react 插件的主要功能是为 React 应用程序提供 Vite 构建和开发服务器的集成支持。它包括 JSX 语法的转换、React 组件的快速刷新(热更新)、以及对 React 运行时的配置。通过插件的配置选项,用户可以根据项目需求定制化插件的行为。

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-duplicates
import type * as babelCore from '@babel/core'
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-duplicates
import type { ParserOptions, TransformOptions } from '@babel/core'
import { createFilter } from 'vite'
import type {
} from 'vite'
import {
} from './fast-refresh'

// lazy load babel since it's not used during build if plugins are not used
let babel: typeof babelCore | undefined
async function loadBabel() {
  if (!babel) {
    babel = await import('@babel/core')
  return babel

export interface Options {
  include?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>
  exclude?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>
   * Control where the JSX factory is imported from.
   * https://esbuild.github.io/api/#jsx-import-source
   * @default 'react'
  jsxImportSource?: string
   * Note: Skipping React import with classic runtime is not supported from v4
   * @default "automatic"
  jsxRuntime?: 'classic' | 'automatic'
   * Babel configuration applied in both dev and prod.
    | BabelOptions
    | ((id: string, options: { ssr?: boolean }) => BabelOptions)

export type BabelOptions = Omit<
  | 'ast'
  | 'filename'
  | 'root'
  | 'sourceFileName'
  | 'sourceMaps'
  | 'inputSourceMap'

 * The object type used by the `options` passed to plugins with
 * an `api.reactBabel` method.
export interface ReactBabelOptions extends BabelOptions {
  plugins: Extract<BabelOptions['plugins'], any[]>
  presets: Extract<BabelOptions['presets'], any[]>
  overrides: Extract<BabelOptions['overrides'], any[]>
  parserOpts: ParserOptions & {
    plugins: Extract<ParserOptions['plugins'], any[]>

type ReactBabelHook = (
  babelConfig: ReactBabelOptions,
  context: ReactBabelHookContext,
  config: ResolvedConfig,
) => void

type ReactBabelHookContext = { ssr: boolean; id: string }

export type ViteReactPluginApi = {
   * Manipulate the Babel options of `@vitejs/plugin-react`
  reactBabel?: ReactBabelHook

const reactCompRE = /extends\s+(?:React\.)?(?:Pure)?Component/
const refreshContentRE = /\$Refresh(?:Reg|Sig)\$\(/
const defaultIncludeRE = /\.[tj]sx?$/
const tsRE = /\.tsx?$/

export default function viteReact(opts: Options = {}): PluginOption[] {
  // Provide default values for Rollup compat.
  let devBase = '/'
  const filter = createFilter(opts.include ?? defaultIncludeRE, opts.exclude)
  const jsxImportSource = opts.jsxImportSource ?? 'react'
  const jsxImportRuntime = `${jsxImportSource}/jsx-runtime`
  const jsxImportDevRuntime = `${jsxImportSource}/jsx-dev-runtime`
  let isProduction = true
  let projectRoot = process.cwd()
  let skipFastRefresh = false
  let runPluginOverrides:
    | ((options: ReactBabelOptions, context: ReactBabelHookContext) => void)
    | undefined
  let staticBabelOptions: ReactBabelOptions | undefined

  // Support patterns like:
  // - import * as React from 'react';
  // - import React from 'react';
  // - import React, {useEffect} from 'react';
  const importReactRE = /\bimport\s+(?:\*\s+as\s+)?React\b/

  const viteBabel: Plugin = {
    name: 'vite:react-babel',
    enforce: 'pre',
    config() {
      if (opts.jsxRuntime === 'classic') {
        return {
          esbuild: {
            jsx: 'transform',
      } else {
        return {
          esbuild: {
            jsx: 'automatic',
            jsxImportSource: opts.jsxImportSource,
          optimizeDeps: { esbuildOptions: { jsx: 'automatic' } },
    configResolved(config) {
      devBase = config.base
      projectRoot = config.root
      isProduction = config.isProduction
      skipFastRefresh =
        isProduction ||
        config.command === 'build' ||
        config.server.hmr === false

      if ('jsxPure' in opts) {
          '[@vitejs/plugin-react] jsxPure was removed. You can configure esbuild.jsxSideEffects directly.',

      const hooks: ReactBabelHook[] = config.plugins
        .map((plugin) => plugin.api?.reactBabel)

      if (hooks.length > 0) {
        runPluginOverrides = (babelOptions, context) => {
          hooks.forEach((hook) => hook(babelOptions, context, config))
      } else if (typeof opts.babel !== 'function') {
        // Because hooks and the callback option can mutate the Babel options
        // we only create static option in this case and re-create them
        // each time otherwise
        staticBabelOptions = createBabelOptions(opts.babel)
    async transform(code, id, options) {
      if (id.includes('/node_modules/')) return

      const [filepath] = id.split('?')
      if (!filter(filepath)) return

      const ssr = options?.ssr === true
      const babelOptions = (() => {
        if (staticBabelOptions) return staticBabelOptions
        const newBabelOptions = createBabelOptions(
          typeof opts.babel === 'function'
            ? opts.babel(id, { ssr })
            : opts.babel,
        runPluginOverrides?.(newBabelOptions, { id, ssr })
        return newBabelOptions
      const plugins = [...babelOptions.plugins]

      const isJSX = filepath.endsWith('x')
      const useFastRefresh =
        !skipFastRefresh &&
        !ssr &&
        (isJSX ||
          (opts.jsxRuntime === 'classic'
            ? importReactRE.test(code)
            : code.includes(jsxImportDevRuntime) ||
      if (useFastRefresh) {
          await loadPlugin('react-refresh/babel'),
          { skipEnvCheck: true },

      if (opts.jsxRuntime === 'classic' && isJSX) {
        if (!isProduction) {
          // These development plugins are only needed for the classic runtime.
            await loadPlugin('@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self'),
            await loadPlugin('@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source'),

      // Avoid parsing if no special transformation is needed
      if (
        !plugins.length &&
        !babelOptions.presets.length &&
        !babelOptions.configFile &&
      ) {

      const parserPlugins = [...babelOptions.parserOpts.plugins]

      if (!filepath.endsWith('.ts')) {

      if (tsRE.test(filepath)) {

      const babel = await loadBabel()
      const result = await babel.transformAsync(code, {
        root: projectRoot,
        filename: id,
        sourceFileName: filepath,
        // Required for esbuild.jsxDev to provide correct line numbers
        // This crates issues the react compiler because the re-order is too important
        // People should use @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-development to get back good line numbers
        retainLines: hasCompiler(plugins)
          ? false
          : !isProduction && isJSX && opts.jsxRuntime !== 'classic',
        parserOpts: {
          sourceType: 'module',
          allowAwaitOutsideFunction: true,
          plugins: parserPlugins,
        generatorOpts: {
          decoratorsBeforeExport: true,
        sourceMaps: true,

      if (result) {
        let code = result.code!
        if (useFastRefresh) {
          if (refreshContentRE.test(code)) {
            code = addRefreshWrapper(code, id)
          } else if (reactCompRE.test(code)) {
            code = addClassComponentRefreshWrapper(code, id)
        return { code, map: result.map }

  // We can't add `react-dom` because the dependency is `react-dom/client`
  // for React 18 while it's `react-dom` for React 17. We'd need to detect
  // what React version the user has installed.
  const dependencies = ['react', jsxImportDevRuntime, jsxImportRuntime]
  const staticBabelPlugins =
    typeof opts.babel === 'object' ? opts.babel?.plugins ?? [] : []
  if (hasCompilerWithDefaultRuntime(staticBabelPlugins)) {

  const viteReactRefresh: Plugin = {
    name: 'vite:react-refresh',
    enforce: 'pre',
    config: (userConfig) => ({
      build: silenceUseClientWarning(userConfig),
      optimizeDeps: {
        include: dependencies,
      resolve: {
        dedupe: ['react', 'react-dom'],
    resolveId(id) {
      if (id === runtimePublicPath) {
        return id
    load(id) {
      if (id === runtimePublicPath) {
        return runtimeCode
    transformIndexHtml() {
      if (!skipFastRefresh)
        return [
            tag: 'script',
            attrs: { type: 'module' },
            children: preambleCode.replace(`__BASE__`, devBase),

  return [viteBabel, viteReactRefresh]

viteReact.preambleCode = preambleCode

const silenceUseClientWarning = (userConfig: UserConfig): BuildOptions => ({
  rollupOptions: {
    onwarn(warning, defaultHandler) {
      if (
        warning.code === 'MODULE_LEVEL_DIRECTIVE' &&
        warning.message.includes('use client')
      ) {
      if (userConfig.build?.rollupOptions?.onwarn) {
        userConfig.build.rollupOptions.onwarn(warning, defaultHandler)
      } else {

const loadedPlugin = new Map<string, any>()
function loadPlugin(path: string): any {
  const cached = loadedPlugin.get(path)
  if (cached) return cached

  const promise = import(path).then((module) => {
    const value = module.default || module
    loadedPlugin.set(path, value)
    return value
  loadedPlugin.set(path, promise)
  return promise

function createBabelOptions(rawOptions?: BabelOptions) {
  const babelOptions = {
    babelrc: false,
    configFile: false,
  } as ReactBabelOptions

  babelOptions.plugins ||= []
  babelOptions.presets ||= []
  babelOptions.overrides ||= []
  babelOptions.parserOpts ||= {} as any
  babelOptions.parserOpts.plugins ||= []

  return babelOptions

function defined<T>(value: T | undefined): value is T {
  return value !== undefined

function hasCompiler(plugins: ReactBabelOptions['plugins']) {
  return plugins.some(
    (p) =>
      p === 'babel-plugin-react-compiler' ||
      (Array.isArray(p) && p[0] === 'babel-plugin-react-compiler'),

// https://gist.github.com/poteto/37c076bf112a07ba39d0e5f0645fec43
function hasCompilerWithDefaultRuntime(plugins: ReactBabelOptions['plugins']) {
  return plugins.some(
    (p) =>
      p === 'babel-plugin-react-compiler' ||
      (Array.isArray(p) &&
        p[0] === 'babel-plugin-react-compiler' &&
        p[1]?.runtimeModule === undefined),







  1. 导入依赖:代码开始部分导入了 Node.js 的内置模块和第三方库,如 fspathurl 等,以及 @swc/core 和 Vite 的类型定义。
  2. 定义插件选项Options 类型定义了插件的配置选项,包括 jsxImportSourcetsDecoratorspluginsdevTargetparserConfig
  3. react 函数:这是一个工厂函数,用于创建 Vite 插件数组。它接受用户配置并返回配置好的插件对象。
  4. 处理 HMR:代码检查了服务器是否启用了热模块替换(HMR),如果没有启用,则设置 hmrDisabled 标志。
  5. 创建插件对象
    • 对象 vite:react-swc:resolve-runtime 用于解析 React 刷新运行时的路径,并提供相应的代码。
    • 对象 vite:react-swc 包含了多个属性和方法,用于处理开发服务器上的特定行为,如 configconfigResolvedtransformIndexHtmltransform
  6. React 快速刷新:在 transform 方法中,插件会检查代码是否包含 React 组件或刷新相关的代码。如果是,它将修改代码以支持 React 快速刷新。
  7. Source Map 处理:对于支持快速刷新的代码,插件会修改 Source Map,以确保源代码映射正确。
  8. 构建时的配置:当插件应用于构建时,它会配置 SWC 以使用特定的目标和插件选项进行代码转换。
  9. transformWithOptions 函数:这是一个异步函数,用于执行实际的代码转换。它接受文件 ID、代码、目标、选项和 React 配置,然后调用 SWC 的 transform 方法。
  10. silenceUseClientWarning 函数:这个函数用于抑制 Rollup 的警告,特别是与 "use client" 相关的警告。
  11. 导出默认:最后,react 函数作为默认导出,使其可以在 Vite 配置中使用。
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import { dirname, join } from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { SourceMapPayload } from "module";
import {
} from "@swc/core";
import { PluginOption, UserConfig, BuildOptions } from "vite";
import { createRequire } from "module";

const runtimePublicPath = "/@react-refresh";

const preambleCode = `import { injectIntoGlobalHook } from "__PATH__";
window.$RefreshReg$ = () => {};
window.$RefreshSig$ = () => (type) => type;`;

const _dirname =
  typeof __dirname !== "undefined"
    ? __dirname
    : dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
const resolve = createRequire(
  typeof __filename !== "undefined" ? __filename : import.meta.url,
const reactCompRE = /extends\s+(?:React\.)?(?:Pure)?Component/;
const refreshContentRE = /\$Refresh(?:Reg|Sig)\$\(/;

type Options = {
   * Control where the JSX factory is imported from.
   * @default "react"
  jsxImportSource?: string;
   * Enable TypeScript decorators. Requires experimentalDecorators in tsconfig.
   * @default false
  tsDecorators?: boolean;
   * Use SWC plugins. Enable SWC at build time.
   * @default undefined
  plugins?: [string, Record<string, any>][];
   * Set the target for SWC in dev. This can avoid to down-transpile private class method for example.
   * For production target, see https://vitejs.dev/config/build-options.html#build-target
   * @default "es2020"
  devTarget?: JscTarget;
   * Override the default include list (.ts, .tsx, .mts, .jsx, .mdx).
   * This requires to redefine the config for any file you want to be included.
   * If you want to trigger fast refresh on compiled JS, use `jsx: true`.
   * Exclusion of node_modules should be handled by the function if needed.
  parserConfig?: (id: string) => ParserConfig | undefined;

const isWebContainer = globalThis.process?.versions?.webcontainer;

const react = (_options?: Options): PluginOption[] => {
  let hmrDisabled = false;
  const options = {
    jsxImportSource: _options?.jsxImportSource ?? "react",
    tsDecorators: _options?.tsDecorators,
    plugins: _options?.plugins
      ? _options?.plugins.map((el): typeof el => [resolve(el[0]), el[1]])
      : undefined,
    devTarget: _options?.devTarget ?? "es2020",
    parserConfig: _options?.parserConfig,

  return [
      name: "vite:react-swc:resolve-runtime",
      apply: "serve",
      enforce: "pre", // Run before Vite default resolve to avoid syscalls
      resolveId: (id) => (id === runtimePublicPath ? id : undefined),
      load: (id) =>
        id === runtimePublicPath
          ? readFileSync(join(_dirname, "refresh-runtime.js"), "utf-8")
          : undefined,
      name: "vite:react-swc",
      apply: "serve",
      config: () => ({
        esbuild: false,
        optimizeDeps: {
          include: [`${options.jsxImportSource}/jsx-dev-runtime`],
          esbuildOptions: { jsx: "automatic" },
      configResolved(config) {
        if (config.server.hmr === false) hmrDisabled = true;
        const mdxIndex = config.plugins.findIndex(
          (p) => p.name === "@mdx-js/rollup",
        if (
          mdxIndex !== -1 &&
          mdxIndex >
            config.plugins.findIndex((p) => p.name === "vite:react-swc")
        ) {
          throw new Error(
            "[vite:react-swc] The MDX plugin should be placed before this plugin",
        if (isWebContainer) {
            "[vite:react-swc] SWC is currently not supported in WebContainers. You can use the default React plugin instead.",
      transformIndexHtml: (_, config) => [
          tag: "script",
          attrs: { type: "module" },
          children: preambleCode.replace(
            config.server!.config.base + runtimePublicPath.slice(1),
      async transform(code, _id, transformOptions) {
        const id = _id.split("?")[0];
        const refresh = !transformOptions?.ssr && !hmrDisabled;

        const result = await transformWithOptions(
            development: true,
            runtime: "automatic",
            importSource: options.jsxImportSource,
        if (!result) return;
        if (!refresh) return result;

        const hasRefresh = refreshContentRE.test(result.code);
        if (!hasRefresh && !reactCompRE.test(result.code)) return result;

        const sourceMap: SourceMapPayload = JSON.parse(result.map!);
        sourceMap.mappings = ";;" + sourceMap.mappings;

        result.code = `import * as RefreshRuntime from "${runtimePublicPath}";


        if (hasRefresh) {
          sourceMap.mappings = ";;;;;;" + sourceMap.mappings;
          result.code = `if (!window.$RefreshReg$) throw new Error("React refresh preamble was not loaded. Something is wrong.");
const prevRefreshReg = window.$RefreshReg$;
const prevRefreshSig = window.$RefreshSig$;
window.$RefreshReg$ = RefreshRuntime.getRefreshReg("${id}");
window.$RefreshSig$ = RefreshRuntime.createSignatureFunctionForTransform;


window.$RefreshReg$ = prevRefreshReg;
window.$RefreshSig$ = prevRefreshSig;

        result.code += `
RefreshRuntime.__hmr_import(import.meta.url).then((currentExports) => {
  RefreshRuntime.registerExportsForReactRefresh("${id}", currentExports);
  import.meta.hot.accept((nextExports) => {
    if (!nextExports) return;
    const invalidateMessage = RefreshRuntime.validateRefreshBoundaryAndEnqueueUpdate("${id}", currentExports, nextExports);
    if (invalidateMessage) import.meta.hot.invalidate(invalidateMessage);

        return { code: result.code, map: sourceMap };
      ? {
          name: "vite:react-swc",
          apply: "build",
          enforce: "pre", // Run before esbuild
          config: (userConfig) => ({
            build: silenceUseClientWarning(userConfig),
          transform: (code, _id) =>
            transformWithOptions(_id.split("?")[0], code, "esnext", options, {
              runtime: "automatic",
              importSource: options.jsxImportSource,
      : {
          name: "vite:react-swc",
          apply: "build",
          config: (userConfig) => ({
            build: silenceUseClientWarning(userConfig),
            esbuild: {
              jsx: "automatic",
              jsxImportSource: options.jsxImportSource,
              tsconfigRaw: {
                compilerOptions: { useDefineForClassFields: true },

const transformWithOptions = async (
  id: string,
  code: string,
  target: JscTarget,
  options: Options,
  reactConfig: ReactConfig,
) => {
  const decorators = options?.tsDecorators ?? false;
  const parser: ParserConfig | undefined = options.parserConfig
    ? options.parserConfig(id)
    : id.endsWith(".tsx")
    ? { syntax: "typescript", tsx: true, decorators }
    : id.endsWith(".ts") || id.endsWith(".mts")
    ? { syntax: "typescript", tsx: false, decorators }
    : id.endsWith(".jsx")
    ? { syntax: "ecmascript", jsx: true }
    : id.endsWith(".mdx")
    ? // JSX is required to trigger fast refresh transformations, even if MDX already transforms it
      { syntax: "ecmascript", jsx: true }
    : undefined;
  if (!parser) return;

  let result: Output;
  try {
    result = await transform(code, {
      filename: id,
      swcrc: false,
      configFile: false,
      sourceMaps: true,
      jsc: {
        experimental: { plugins: options.plugins },
        transform: {
          useDefineForClassFields: true,
          react: reactConfig,
  } catch (e: any) {
    const message: string = e.message;
    const fileStartIndex = message.indexOf("╭─[");
    if (fileStartIndex !== -1) {
      const match = message.slice(fileStartIndex).match(/:(\d+):(\d+)]/);
      if (match) {
        e.line = match[1];
        e.column = match[2];
    throw e;

  return result;

const silenceUseClientWarning = (userConfig: UserConfig): BuildOptions => ({
  rollupOptions: {
    onwarn(warning, defaultHandler) {
      if (
        warning.code === "MODULE_LEVEL_DIRECTIVE" &&
        warning.message.includes("use client")
      ) {
      if (userConfig.build?.rollupOptions?.onwarn) {
        userConfig.build.rollupOptions.onwarn(warning, defaultHandler);
      } else {

export default react;


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  2. Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_100.dll‘

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  3. 在Django里面运行非项目文件

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  4. Python语言-面向对象

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  1. uniapp如何发送websocket请求

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  2. react


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  3. 光通信领域常见的会议和期刊总结

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  4. uniapp上传文件并获取上传进度

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  5. C++继承


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  6. ArcGIS Pro SDK (八)地理数据库 2 定义

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  7. 面试题 12. 矩阵中的路径

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  8. 算法整理——【贪心算法练习(2)】

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  9. RK3588开发笔记-ES8311音频芯片调试记录

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