LT7911UX 国产原装 一拖三 edp 转LVDS 可旋转 可缩放

该LT7911UX是一种高性能Type-C/DP1.4a到MIPI或LVDS芯片的VR/显示应用。HDCP RX作为HDCP转发器的上游,可以与其他芯片的HDCP TX配合实现转发器功能。
对于DP1.4a输入,LT7911UX可配置为1/2/4通道。自适应均衡使其适用于长电缆应用,最大带宽可达32.4 Gbps。

对于MIPI输出,LT 7911 UX具有可配置的单端口或双端口或四端口MIPIBDSICSI,具有1条高速时钟通道和1~4条高速数据通道,工作速度最高为2.5Gbps/通道,采用D-phy,可支持四个端口最高40 Gbps的总带宽。LT7911UX还支持5.7Gbps/通道,tell 18171547226,具有C-phy,可支持四个端口高达68.4Gbps的总带宽



2. General DescriptionThe LT7911UX is a high performance Type-C/DP1.4a toMIPI or LVDS chip for VR/Display application.HDCP RX as the upstream of HDCP repeater, cancooperate with HDCP TX of other chips to realize therepeater function.For DP1.4a input, LT7911UX can be configured as 1/2/4lanes. Adaptive equalization makes it suitable for longcable application and the maximum bandwidth up to32.4Gbps. 

For MIPI output, LT7911UX features configurablesingle-port or dual-port or quad-port MIPI®DSI/CSI with1 high-speed clock lane and 1~4 high-speed data lanesoperating at maximum 2.5Gbps/lane with D-PHY, whichcan support a total bandwidth of up to 40Gbps for fourport. LT7911UX also support 5.7Gbps/lane with C-PHY,which can support a total bandwidth of up to 68.4Gbpsfor four port.For LVDS output, LT7911UX can be configured assingle, dual or quad-port LVDS with 1 high-speed clocklane, and 3~5 high-speed data lanes, operating atmaximum 1.2Gbps per lane, which can support a totalbandwidth of up to 24Gbps. LT7911UX supports flexiblevideo data mapping path for 2D and 3D applications.Two digital audio output interfaces are available I2S andSPDIF. The I2S interface supports 8-ch LPCM and theSPDIF interface supports 2-ch LPCM or compressedaudio, both at maximum 192 KHz sample rate.The device is capable of automatic operation which isenabled by an integrated microprocessor that uses anembedded SPI flash for firmware storage. Systemcontrol is also available through the configuration I2Cslave interface. 

3. Applications

Mobile system



Video conferencing


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