

module register8(ena,clk,data,rst,out);
input ena,clk,rst;
input [7:0] data;
output [7:0] out;
wire [7:0] data;
reg[7:0] out;
  always @(posedge clk)
        if (!rst)
          out <= 0;
        else if (ena)
          out <= data;


// Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation
// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic 
// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
// (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
// associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License 
// Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License 
// Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, 
// without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of 
// programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
// Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the 
// applicable agreement for further details.

// *****************************************************************************
// This file contains a Verilog test bench template that is freely editable to  
// suit user's needs .Comments are provided in each section to help the user    
// fill out necessary details.                                                  
// *****************************************************************************
// Generated on "06/08/2024 07:43:11"
// Verilog Test Bench template for design : register8
// Simulation tool : ModelSim (Verilog)

`timescale 1 ns/ 100 ps
module register8_vlg_tst();
// constants                                           
// general purpose registers

// test vector input registers
reg clk;
reg [7:0] data;
reg ena;
reg rst;
// wires                                               
wire [7:0]  out;

// assign statements (if any)                          
register8 i1 (
// port map - connection between master ports and signals/registers   
// code that executes only once                        
// insert code here --> begin                          
   forever  #5 clk=~clk;
// --> end                                             
// optional sensitivity list                           
// @(event1 or event2 or .... eventn)                  
// code executes for every event on sensitivity list   
// insert code here --> begin                          
 #10 rst=0;
#10 rst=1;
#10 ena=1;
#10 data <= 16'h55;
 #10 data<=16'haa;
 #10 data<=16'h46;
  #10 $stop;                                           
// --> end                                             



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