opensips ACC模块扩展字段

        opensips 的ACC模块提供了类似CDR的功能,可以记录通话详单。但是,模块缺省记录的内容有限。我们可以看一下缺省建立的acc表结构:

name type size default null key extra attributes description
id unsigned int 10 default no primary autoincrement
method string 16 '' no
from_tag string 64 '' no
to_tag string 64 '' no
callid string 64 '' no
sip_code string 3 '' no
sip_reason string 32 '' no
time datetime not specified default no
duration unsigned int 11 0 no
ms_duration unsigned int 11 0 no
setuptime unsigned int 11 0 no
created datetime not specified NULL yes




        指定扩展信息的实现是通过extra_field 实现的,它通过指定标签名进行赋值。这些信息的标签名,通过acc_extra伪变量定义。没有没有指定tag名,那么其值就会被视为log_value。


  • backend : tag -> log_name (';'tag -> log_name)*

  • backend : tag (';' tag)*

其中backend指定扩展内容输出到何处,可选值有log, db, aaa, evi,其后跟着一个冒号,后面是tag列表。如果有个箭头,箭头前表示脚本中伪变量名,箭头后表示输出终端的字段名。


modparam("acc", "extra_fields", "log: a -> test_a")
modparam("acc", "extra_fields", "db: a -> test_a")

# for syslog-based accounting, use any text you want to be printed
# if setting $acc_extra(a) you will see "My_a_Field=<value> in logs
# if setting $acc_extra(b) you will see "b=<value> in logs
modparam("acc", "extra_fields", "log: a->My_a_Field; b")

# for mysql-based accounting, use the names of the columns
# $acc_extra(a) = <value>  results in setting col_a with <value> in db
modparam("acc", "extra_fields", "db: a->col_a; col_b")

# for AAA-based accounting, use the names of the AAA AVPs
modparam("acc", "extra_fields","aaa:a->AAA_SRC;b->AAA_DST")

# evi definition example
modparam("acc", "extra_fields","a->2345;b->2346")



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