Python - 读取 mobi 电子书内容


使用 mobi-reader 库


pip install mobi-reader


from mobi import Mobi

file_path = "/Users/user/Downloads/萬曆十五年.mobi"
reader = Mobi(file_path)
output =  # bytearray containing the decoded mobi file


type(output) # -> <class 'bytearray'>
content = output.decode('utf-8')  

content 内容很长,可以保存到文件夹,不要轻易在终端打印

使用 mobi 库


pip install mobi 


from mobi import Mobi
tempdir, filepath = mobi.extract("/Users/user/Downloads/萬曆十五年.mobi") 
# tempdir, filepath --> ('/var/folders/3n/j60lmmv93kngjr3cv_00zmvr0000gn/T/mobiexejtyu2zc',  '/var/folders/3n/j60lmmv93kngjr3cv_00zmvr0000gn/T/mobiexejtyu2zc/mobi7/book.html')



$ cd '/var/folders/3n/j60lmmv93kngjr3cv_00zmvr0000gn/T/mobiexejtyu2zc' 
$ tree
├── HDImages
└── mobi7
    ├── Images
    │   ├── cover00137.jpeg
    │   └── image00138.jpeg
    ├── book.html
    ├── content.opf
    └── toc.ncx

3 directories, 5 files

mobiunpack 命令行工具

$ mobiunpack --help
KindleUnpack v0.82
   Based on initial mobipocket version Copyright © 2009 Charles M. Hannum <>
   Extensive Extensions and Improvements Copyright © 2009-2014 
       by:  P. Durrant, K. Hendricks, S. Siebert, fandrieu, DiapDealer, nickredding, tkeo.
   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
option --help not recognized

  Unpacks an unencrypted Kindle/MobiPocket ebook to html and images
  or an unencrypted Kindle/Print Replica ebook to PDF and images
  into the specified output folder.
  mobiunpack -r -s -p apnxfile -d -h --epub_version= infile [outdir]
    -h                 print this help message
    -i                 use HD Images, if present, to overwrite reduced resolution images
    -s                 split combination mobis into mobi7 and mobi8 ebooks
    -p APNXFILE        path to an .apnx file associated with the azw3 input (optional)
    --epub_version=    specify epub version to unpack to: 2, 3, A (for automatic) or  F (force to fit to epub2 definitions), default is 2
    -d                 dump headers and other info to output and extra files
    -r                 write raw data to the output folder



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