kotlin 语法糖

  1. Use of “when” Expression Instead of “switch”

    fun getDayOfWeek(day: Int): String {
        return when (day) {
            1 -> "Monday"
            2 -> "Tuesday"
            3 -> "Wednesday"
            4 -> "Thursday"
            5 -> "Friday"
            6 -> "Saturday"
            7 -> "Sunday"
            else -> "Invalid day"
  2. Lambda Expressions and Higher-Order Functions

    val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    val doubled = numbers.map { it * 2 }  // Lambda expression
  3. Destructuring Declarations

    data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
    val person = Person("Alice", 30)
    val (name, age) = person  // Destructuring declaration
  4. Elvis Operator

    val nullableString: String? = null
    val nonNullableString: String = nullableString ?: "Default Value"  // Elvis operator
  5. String Templates

    val greeting = "Hello, $name!"
  6. Smart Casts

    fun getStringLength(obj: Any): Int? {
        if (obj is String) {
            return obj.length  // Smart cast
        return null
  7. Single-Expression Functions

    fun square(x: Int) = x * x
  8. Default Parameter Values

    fun greet(name: String = "Guest") {
        println("Hello, $name!")
  9. Extension Functions

    fun String.isPalindrome(): Boolean {
        return this == this.reversed()
    val word = "madam"
    val isPalindrome = word.isPalindrome()
  10. Operator Overloading

    data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
        operator fun plus(other: Point) = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)
    val point1 = Point(2, 3)
    val point2 = Point(4, 5)
    val point3 = point1 + point2
  11. Printing All Results

    fun main() {
        println(getDayOfWeek(3))  // Output: Wednesday
        println(doubled)  // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
        println("Name: $name, Age: $age")  // Output: Name: Alice, Age: 30
        println(nonNullableString)  // Output: Default Value
        println(greeting)  // Output: Hello, Alice!
        println(getStringLength("Kotlin"))  // Output: 6
        println(square(4))  // Output: 16
        greet()  // Output: Hello, Guest!
        println(isPalindrome)  // Output: true
        println(point3)  // Output: Point(x=6, y=8)


The let function is used to invoke a lambda function on the object it is called on. It returns the result of the lambda expression.

val result = "Hello".let {
println(result) // Output: 5


The also function is similar to let, but it returns the original object instead of the result of the lambda expression. It’s often used for side effects, such as logging or validation.

val result = "Hello".also {
println(result) // Output: HELLO


The run function is used to execute a block of code and return its result. It can be called on an object and within a scope.

val result = "Hello".run {
println(result) // Output: 5


The with function is a non-extension function that can be used to call multiple methods on the same object without repeating the object’s name.

val result = with("Hello") {
println(result) // Output: 5


The apply function is used for configuring an object. It runs a block of code on the object and returns the object itself.

val result = StringBuilder().apply {
    append(" World")
println(result.toString()) // Output: Hello World


The takeIf function returns the object if it satisfies the given predicate; otherwise, it returns null.

val result = "Hello".takeIf {
    it.length > 3
println(result) // Output: Hello


The takeUnless function returns the object if it does not satisfy the given predicate; otherwise, it returns null.

val result = "Hello".takeUnless {
    it.length > 5
println(result) // Output: Hello


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