

No. 文章
1 AI大模型探索之路-实战篇:智能化IT领域搜索引擎的构建与初步实践
2 AI大模型探索之路-实战篇:智能化IT领域搜索引擎之GLM-4大模型技术的实践探索
3 AI大模型探索之路-实战篇:智能化IT领域搜索引擎之知乎网站数据获取(初步实践)
4 AI大模型探索之路-实战篇:智能化IT领域搜索引擎之知乎网站数据获取(函数封装)
5 AI大模型探索之路-实战篇:智能化IT领域搜索引擎之知乎网站数据获取(流程优化)
6 AI大模型探索之路-实战篇:智能化IT领域搜索引擎之github网站在线搜索
7 AI大模型探索之路-实战篇:智能化IT领域搜索引擎之HuggingFace网站在线搜索









1)利用GLM4大模型的函数调用(Funcation Calling)能力,实现智能调度和规划;



二、创建Google Cloud Search API(准备工作)

1、Google Cloud 简介

Google Cloud,全称Google Cloud Platform(GCP),是Google提供的一系列云计算服务和API。它允许个人、企业和政府机构在Google的数据中心上运行其应用程序和存储数据。

2、Custom Search API概述

Google Cloud上的Custom Search API是Google提供的一项服务,允许开发者将Google的搜索功能集成到自己的应用程序中。这项服务特别适用于需要在特定数据集或网站上提供搜索功能的情况。以下是Custom Search API的一些关键特性:

  • 自定义搜索引擎:用户可以创建一个搜索引擎,只搜索他们选择的网站或网页。
  • 编程访问:通过API,开发者可以以编程方式访问搜索结果,并将它们集成到自己的应用程序中。
  • 搜索结果定制:可以定制搜索结果的显示方式,包括排序、过滤和样式。
  • 搜索范围控制:可以指定搜索的范围,例如只搜索特定的网站或排除某些网站。
  • 安全性选项:包括成人内容过滤等安全搜索选项。
  • 使用限制和计费:Custom Search API可能有使用限制和计费要求,具体取决于使用量和功能。






创建完项目后,启用API和服务(必须启用Custom Search API才能取得凭证)

输入“google search”搜索,找到自定义搜索的API服务







三、创建Google Custom Search Engine(准备工作)


Google可编程的搜索引擎通常指的是Google Custom Search Engine(CSE),这是Google提供的一项服务,允许用户创建定制化的搜索引擎。用户可以利用CSE来搜索指定的网站、网页或整个网络。以下是一些关于Google CSE的主要特点:

  1. 定制化搜索:用户可以自定义搜索结果的显示方式,包括搜索框的样式、搜索结果的布局和排序方式。
  2. 控制搜索范围:用户可以指定搜索引擎搜索的特定网站或网页,或者排除某些网站。
  3. 编程接口:Google CSE提供了编程接口(API),允许开发者通过编程方式集成和控制搜索引擎的行为。
  4. 搜索结果过滤:用户可以设置过滤条件,比如只显示某个时间段内的内容,或者排除某些关键词。
  5. 广告选项:Google CSE允许用户在搜索结果中显示广告,并可能从中获得收入。
  6. 易于集成:用户可以将CSE集成到自己的网站或应用程序中,提供无缝的搜索体验。
  7. 搜索结果优化:用户可以对搜索结果进行优化,以提高搜索的相关性和准确性。
  8. 安全搜索:CSE提供了安全搜索选项,可以过滤掉成人内容或其他不适宜的内容。
  9. 使用限制:Google CSE的使用可能受到一定的限制,比如搜索次数限制或特定的使用条款。
  10. 易于管理:用户可以通过Google的控制面板轻松管理自己的CSE。
    Google Custom Search Engine是一个很好的工具,适用于需要在特定内容上提供搜索功能的网站管理员或开发者。通过定制化的搜索引擎,可以提高用户体验并满足特定的搜索需求。












import os
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# 加载环境变量

# 获取API密钥

# 获取搜索引擎ID
CSE_ID = os.getenv("CSE_ID")

# 定义搜索API的URL
url = ""

# 设置查询参数
query = "AIGC"  # 替换为你的查询词
params = {
    "key": API_KEY,
    "cx": CSE_ID,  # 替换为你的搜索引擎ID
    "q": query,
    # 添加其他需要的参数

# 发送HTTP请求
response = requests.get(url, params=params)

# 检查请求是否成功
if response.status_code == 200:


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AIGC uses artificial\xa0...', 'htmlSnippet': 'To address the challenges of digital intelligence in the digital economy, artificial intelligence-generated content (<b>AIGC</b>) has emerged. <b>AIGC</b> uses artificial&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '240', 'height': '210'}], 'metatags': [{'citation_keywords': 'Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence', 'og:image': '', 'citation_publication_date': '03/2023', 'prism.startingpage': 'arXiv:2304.06632', 'theme-color': '#ffffff', 'article:published_time': '03/2023', 'citation_title': 'AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A Survey', 'twitter:card': 'summary_large_image', 'og:site_name': 'NASA/ADS', 'apple-mobile-web-app-title': 'NASA ADS', 'citation_journal_title': 'arXiv e-prints', 'citation_date': '03/2023', 'prism.publicationdate': '03/2023', 'og:description': "To address the challenges of digital intelligence in the digital economy, artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) has emerged. AIGC uses artificial intelligence to assist or replace manual content generation by generating content based on user-inputted keywords or requirements. The development of large model algorithms has significantly strengthened the capabilities of AIGC, which makes AIGC products a promising generative tool and adds convenience to our lives. As an upstream technology, AIGC has unlimited potential to support different downstream applications. It is important to analyze AIGC's current capabilities and shortcomings to understand how it can be best utilized in future applications. Therefore, this paper provides an extensive overview of AIGC, covering its definition, essential conditions, cutting-edge capabilities, and advanced features. Moreover, it discusses the benefits of large-scale pre-trained models and the industrial chain of AIGC. Furthermore, the article explores the distinc", 'twitter:creator': '@adsabs', 'citation_arxiv_id': 'arXiv:2304.06632', 'twitter:site': '@adsabs', 'dc.source': 'arXiv', 'citation_language': 'en', 'dc.creator': 'Wu, Jiayang', 'application-name': 'NASA ADS', 'msapplication-tilecolor': '#ffc40d', 'prism.publicationname': 'arXiv', 'og:type': 'eprint', 'twitter:title': 'AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A Survey', 'twitter:domain': 'NASA/ADS', 'og:title': 'AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A Survey', 'citation_abstract_html_url': '', '': '03/2023', 'article:author': 'Wu, Jiayang', 'citation_authors': 'Wu, Jiayang;Gan, Wensheng;Chen, Zefeng;Wan, Shicheng;Lin, Hong', 'twitter:image:src': '', 'citation_firstpage': 'arXiv:2304.06632', 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no', 'citation_doi': '10.48550/arXiv.2304.06632', 'twitter:description': "To address the challenges of digital intelligence in the digital economy, artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) has emerged. AIGC uses artificial intelligence to assist or replace manual content generation by generating content based on user-inputted keywords or requirements. The development of large model algorithms has significantly strengthened the capabilities of AIGC, which makes AIGC products a promising generative tool and adds convenience to our lives. As an upstream technology, AIGC has unlimited potential to support different downstream applications. It is important to analyze AIGC's current capabilities and shortcomings to understand how it can be best utilized in future applications. Therefore, this paper provides an extensive overview of AIGC, covering its definition, essential conditions, cutting-edge capabilities, and advanced features. Moreover, it discusses the benefits of large-scale pre-trained models and the industrial chain of AIGC. Furthermore, the article explores the distinc", 'dc.title': 'AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A Survey', 'dc.identifier': 'doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.06632', 'og:url': ''}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A Survey', 'htmlTitle': 'AI-Generated Content (<b>AIGC</b>): A Survey', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': 'Relevant technologies of. AIGC will boost the development of artificial intelligence, better serve human society, and achieve sustainable development. Index\xa0...', 'htmlSnippet': 'Relevant technologies of. <b>AIGC</b> will boost the development of artificial intelligence, better serve human society, and achieve sustainable development. Index&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '282', 'height': '178'}], 'metatags': [{'moddate': 'D:20230414003603Z', 'creationdate': 'D:20230414003603Z', 'creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref', 'fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) kpathsea version 6.3.2', 'producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.21'}], 'cse_image': [{'src': 'x-raw-image:///452d4486d6714c8a17e2815bbdee652289264ec2b4e26ca167124c0dafbbf471'}]}, 'mime': 'application/pdf', 'fileFormat': 'PDF/Adobe Acrobat'}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'Partnering with our industry to advance AI transparency and literacy ...', 'htmlTitle': 'Partnering with our industry to advance AI transparency and literacy ...', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': "May 9, 2024 ... TikTok is starting to automatically label AI-generated content (AIGC) when it's uploaded from certain other platforms. To do this, we're\xa0...", 'htmlSnippet': 'May 9, 2024 <b>...</b> TikTok is starting to automatically label AI-generated content (<b>AIGC</b>) when it&#39;s uploaded from certain other platforms. To do this, we&#39;re&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '224', 'height': '225'}], 'metatags': [{'og:image': '', 'renderer': 'webkit', 'article:published_time': '2019-08-16T14:00:00.000Z', 'twitter:card': 'summary_large_image', 'og:image:width': '250', 'og:site_name': 'Newsroom | TikTok', 'apple-mobile-web-app-title': 'TikTok', 'applicable-device': 'pc,mobile', 'pumbaa-ctx': 'cb_enabled=0', 'og:description': "Today, we're sharing updates on our continued efforts to help creators safely and responsibly express their creativity with AI-generated content (AIGC). TikTok is starting to automatically label AI-ge", 'article:publisher': '', 'twitter:image': '', 'next-head-count': '28', 'twitter:site': '@tiktok', 'article:modified_time': '2019-08-16T14:23:59.000Z', 'og:type': 'article', 'twitter:title': 'Partnering with our industry to advance AI transparency and literacy', 'handheldfriendly': 'true', 'og:title': 'Partnering with our industry to advance AI transparency and literacy', 'og:image:height': '250', 'google': 'notranslate', 'article:tag': 'News', 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style': 'black', 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover', 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable': 'yes', 'twitter:description': "Today, we're sharing updates on our continued efforts to help creators safely and responsibly express their creativity with AI-generated content (AIGC). TikTok is starting to automatically label AI-ge", 'mobile-web-app-capable': 'yes', 'format-detection': 'telephone=no'}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'AIGC | Wolters Kluwer', 'htmlTitle': '<b>AIGC</b> | Wolters Kluwer', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': "Artificial Intelligence Global Company (AIGC) is a leader in the Middle East's digital transformation, engineering, technology, and consulting space.", 'htmlSnippet': 'Artificial Intelligence Global Company (<b>AIGC</b>) is a leader in the Middle East&#39;s digital transformation, engineering, technology, and consulting space.', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '<b>aigc</b>', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '311', 'height': '162'}], 'metatags': [{'og:image': '', 'twitter:title': 'AIGC', 'twitter:card': 'summary_large_image', 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5', 'twitter:description': "Artificial Intelligence Global Company (AIGC) is a leader in the Middle East's digital transformation, engineering, technology, and consulting space.", 'og:title': 'AIGC', 'og:url': '', 'og:description': "Artificial Intelligence Global Company (AIGC) is a leader in the Middle East's digital transformation, engineering, technology, and consulting space.", 'twitter:image': ''}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': "AIGC Remover in OnePlus 12's latest update : r/oneplus", 'htmlTitle': '<b>AIGC</b> Remover in OnePlus 12&#39;s latest update : r/oneplus', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': 'Apr 3, 2024 ... 48 votes, 37 comments. 1st picture: Original shot before edit 2nd picture: After using AIGC Remover tool.', 'htmlSnippet': 'Apr 3, 2024 <b>...</b> 48 votes, 37 comments. 1st picture: Original shot before edit 2nd picture: After using <b>AIGC</b> Remover tool.', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '<b>aigc</b>_remover_in_oneplus_12s_latest_update/', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '194', 'height': '259'}], 'metatags': [{'og:image': '', 'theme-color': '#000000', 'og:image:width': '1080', 'og:type': 'website', 'twitter:card': 'summary_large_image', 'twitter:title': "r/oneplus on Reddit: AIGC Remover in OnePlus 12's latest update", 'og:site_name': 'Reddit', 'og:title': "r/oneplus on Reddit: AIGC Remover in OnePlus 12's latest update", 'og:image:height': '1440', 'msapplication-navbutton-color': '#000000', 'og:description': 'Posted by u/jayv3333 - 48 votes and 37 comments', 'twitter:image': '', 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style': 'black', 'twitter:site': '@reddit', 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover', 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable': 'yes', 'og:ttl': '600', 'og:url': ''}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'Artificial Intelligence Global Company', 'htmlTitle': '<b>Artificial Intelligence Global Company</b>', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': "Artificial Intelligence Global Company are a leading technology and IT services player in the Middle East with top companies' client base across all sectors\xa0...", 'htmlSnippet': '<b>Artificial Intelligence Global Company</b> are a leading technology and IT services player in the Middle East with top companies&#39; client base across all sectors&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': 'https://www.<b>aigc</b>', 'pagemap': {'metatags': [{'og:type': 'website', 'twitter:card': 'summary_large_image', 'og:site_name': 'Artificial Intelligence Global Company', 'article:modified_time': '2021-05-11T12:54:49+00:00', 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0', 'og:title': 'Home - Artificial Intelligence Global Company', 'og:locale': 'en_US', 'language': 'English', 'og:url': '', 'og:description': "Artificial Intelligence Global Company are a leading technology and IT services player in the Middle East with top companies' client base across all sectors. – RPA – IIoT – Smart City – IR 4.0 Transformation – Robotic & Drones"}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'No Aigc in OnePlus 12 : r/oneplus', 'htmlTitle': 'No <b>Aigc</b> in OnePlus 12 : r/oneplus', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': "Apr 5, 2024 ... What's the use of sending an update which promises aigc support but when you try to edit from the photos app there is no option of an ai\xa0...", 'htmlSnippet': 'Apr 5, 2024 <b>...</b> What&#39;s the use of sending an update which promises <b>aigc</b> support but when you try to edit from the photos app there is no option of an ai&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '<b>aigc</b>_in_oneplus_12/', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '151', 'height': '333'}], 'metatags': [{'og:image': '', 'theme-color': '#000000', 'og:image:width': '1003', 'og:type': 'website', 'twitter:card': 'summary_large_image', 'twitter:title': 'r/oneplus on Reddit: No Aigc in OnePlus 12', 'og:site_name': 'Reddit', 'og:title': 'r/oneplus on Reddit: No Aigc in OnePlus 12', 'og:image:height': '2208', 'msapplication-navbutton-color': '#000000', 'og:description': 'Posted by u/Ares_osiris - 3 votes and 25 comments', 'twitter:image': '', 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style': 'black', 'twitter:site': '@reddit', 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover', 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable': 'yes', 'og:ttl': '600', 'og:url': ''}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'AIGC 2024', 'htmlTitle': '<b>AIGC</b> 2024', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': 'AIGC 2024 will be a focal point for the latest advancements in AI-generated content. We believe this conference will provide a platform for participants to\xa0...', 'htmlSnippet': '<b>AIGC</b> 2024 will be a focal point for the latest advancements in AI-generated content. We believe this conference will provide a platform for participants to&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': 'https://ic<b>aigc</b>.org/', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '358', 'height': '141'}], 'metatags': [{'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no', 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable': 'yes', 'mobile-web-app-capable': 'yes'}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'A Comprehensive Survey of AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A History ...', 'htmlTitle': 'A Comprehensive Survey of AI-Generated Content (<b>AIGC</b>): A History ...', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': 'Mar 7, 2023 ... This survey provides a comprehensive review on the history of generative models, and basic components, recent advances in AIGC from unimodal\xa0...', 'htmlSnippet': 'Mar 7, 2023 <b>...</b> This survey provides a comprehensive review on the history of generative models, and basic components, recent advances in <b>AIGC</b> from unimodal&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '294', 'height': '171'}], 'metatags': [{'og:image': '', 'theme-color': '#ffffff', 'og:image:width': '1200', 'twitter:card': 'summary', 'citation_title': 'A Comprehensive Survey of AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A History of Generative AI from GAN to ChatGPT', 'og:site_name': '', 'citation_date': '2023/03/07', 'og:description': 'Recently, ChatGPT, along with DALL-E-2 and Codex,has been gaining significant\nattention from society. As a result, many individuals have become interested in\nrelated resources and are seeking to uncover the background and secrets behind\nits impressive performance. In fact, ChatGPT and other Generative AI (GAI)\ntechniques belong to the category of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content\n(AIGC), which involves the creation of digital content, such as images, music,\nand natural language, through AI models. The goal of AIGC is to make the\ncontent creation process more efficient and accessible, allowing for the\nproduction of high-quality content at a faster pace. AIGC is achieved by\nextracting and understanding intent information from instructions provided by\nhuman, and generating the content according to its knowledge and the intent\ninformation. In recent years, large-scale models have become increasingly\nimportant in AIGC as they provide better intent extraction and thus, improved\ngeneration results. With the ', 'og:image:secure_url': '', 'twitter:image': '', 'citation_arxiv_id': '2303.04226', 'citation_online_date': '2023/03/07', 'twitter:image:alt': 'arXiv logo', 'twitter:site': '@arxiv', 'citation_pdf_url': '', 'msapplication-tilecolor': '#da532c', 'og:type': 'website', 'og:image:alt': 'arXiv logo', 'twitter:title': 'A Comprehensive Survey of AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A History...', 'og:title': 'A Comprehensive Survey of AI-Generated Content (AIGC): A History of Generative AI from GAN to ChatGPT', 'citation_abstract': 'Recently, ChatGPT, along with DALL-E-2 and Codex,has been gaining significant\nattention from society. As a result, many individuals have become interested in\nrelated resources and are seeking to uncover the background and secrets behind\nits impressive performance. In fact, ChatGPT and other Generative AI (GAI)\ntechniques belong to the category of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content\n(AIGC), which involves the creation of digital content, such as images, music,\nand natural language, through AI models. The goal of AIGC is to make the\ncontent creation process more efficient and accessible, allowing for the\nproduction of high-quality content at a faster pace. AIGC is achieved by\nextracting and understanding intent information from instructions provided by\nhuman, and generating the content according to its knowledge and the intent\ninformation. In recent years, large-scale models have become increasingly\nimportant in AIGC as they provide better intent extraction and thus, improved\ngeneration results. With the ', 'og:image:height': '700', 'citation_author': 'Cao, Yihan', 'viewport': 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1', 'twitter:description': 'Recently, ChatGPT, along with DALL-E-2 and Codex,has been gaining significant\nattention from society. As a result, many individuals have become interested in\nrelated resources and are seeking to...', 'og:url': ''}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}]}}, {'kind': 'customsearch#result', 'title': 'Robin Guo on X: "The AIGC market map \u200d♂️ Imagine you were ...', 'htmlTitle': 'Robin Guo on X: &quot;The <b>AIGC</b> market map \u200d♂️ Imagine you were ...', 'link': '', 'displayLink': '', 'snippet': 'Mar 17, 2023 ... The AIGC market map \u200d♂️ Imagine you were playing DnD. You speak. And the world, monsters, and adventure all get generated in front of you,\xa0...', 'htmlSnippet': 'Mar 17, 2023 <b>...</b> The <b>AIGC</b> market map \u200d♂️ Imagine you were playing DnD. You speak. And the world, monsters, and adventure all get generated in front of you,&nbsp;...', 'formattedUrl': '', 'htmlFormattedUrl': '', 'pagemap': {'cse_thumbnail': [{'src': '', 'width': '225', 'height': '225'}], 'imageobject': [{'contenturl': '', 'width': '1024', 'caption': 'Image', 'thumbnailurl': ''}], 'person': [{'identifier': '1205328920670855169', 'givenname': 'Robin Guo', 'disambiguatingdescription': 'A16Z GAMES', 'additionalname': 'zebird0'}], 'interactioncounter': [{'userinteractioncount': '8736', 'interactiontype': '', 'name': 'Likes'}, {'userinteractioncount': '1318', 'interactiontype': '', 'name': 'Retweets'}, {'userinteractioncount': '2018', 'interactiontype': '', 'name': 'Quotes'}, {'userinteractioncount': '124', 'interactiontype': '', 'name': 'Likes', 'url': ''}, {'userinteractioncount': '21', 'interactiontype': '', 'name': 'Retweets', 'url': ''}, {'userinteractioncount': '8', 'interactiontype': '', 'name': 'Quotes', 'url': ''}, {'userinteractioncount': '6', 'interactiontype': '', 'name': 'Replies', 'url': ''}], 'metatags': [{'og:image': '', 'theme-color': '#FFFFFF', 'og:type': 'article', 'og:site_name': 'X (formerly Twitter)', 'al:ios:app_name': 'X', 'apple-mobile-web-app-title': 'Twitter', 'og:title': 'Robin Guo (@zebird0) on X', 'al:android:package': '', 'al:ios:url': 'twitter://status?id=1636747294979813379', 'title': 'Robin Guo (@zebird0) on X', 'og:description': 'The AIGC market map 🧙\u200d♂️\n\nImagine you were playing DnD. You speak. And the world, monsters, and adventure all get generated in front of you, fully rendered, at real time.\n\nAI-powered UGC (AIGC) might make this a reality sooner than we think. @joshlu and I ponder this future below🧵', 'al:ios:app_store_id': '333903271', 'facebook-domain-verification': 'x6sdcc8b5ju3bh8nbm59eswogvg6t1', 'al:android:url': 'twitter://status?id=1636747294979813379', 'fb:app_id': '2231777543', 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style': 'white', 'viewport': 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=0,viewport-fit=cover', 'mobile-web-app-capable': 'yes', 'og:url': '', 'al:android:app_name': 'X'}], 'collection': [{'name': 'Post with replies'}], 'creativework': [{'name': 'Expanded Tweet URLs', 'url': ''}], 'cse_image': [{'src': ''}], 'socialmediaposting': [{'identifier': '1636747294979813379', 'commentcount': '6', 'articlebody': 'The AIGC market map 🧙\u200d♂️ Imagine you were playing DnD. You speak. And the world, monsters, and adventure all get generated in front of you, fully rendered, at real time. AI-powered...', 'position': '1', 'datecreated': '2023-03-17T15:12:19.000Z', 'datepublished': '2023-03-17T15:12:19.000Z', 'url': '', 'mainentityofpage': ''}]}}]}





😎 作者介绍:我是寻道AI小兵,资深程序老猿,从业10年+、互联网系统架构师,目前专注于AIGC的探索。
📖 技术交流:建立有技术交流群,可以扫码👇 加入社群,500本各类编程书籍、AI教程、AI工具等你领取!


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