一个简单好用的 C# Animation Easing 缓动动画类库


App.Animations 类库是一个很精炼、好用的 csharp easing 动画库

  • 基于 net-standard 2.0
  • 提供 Fluent API,写代码非常舒服。
  • 支持多个参数同时参与动画。
  • 自带了十几种动画效果。
  • 代码非常精炼,是学习线程控制的好示例项目。


2.1 创建一个Windows Form 项目

App.Animations 类库是基于 net-standard 2.0开发的,不依赖于其它任何类库,是可以跨平台使用的。这里以windows form项目为例,演示ui动画。窗口创建好后,在界面上拖入控件,效果如下:

2.2 安装类库

nuget-install App.Animations

2.3 编码

using App.Animations;
using App.Utils;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AnimationForm
public partial class Form1 : Form
Animator _ani;

    // Init
    public Form1()
        BindEnum(this.cmbType1, typeof(AnimationType));
        BindEnum(this.cmbType2, typeof(AnimationType));

    // Combobox <-> Enum
    void BindEnum(ComboBox cmb, Type enumType)
        var infos = enumType.GetEnumInfos();
        foreach (var info in infos)
        cmb.SelectedIndex = 0;

    T GetEnum<T>(ComboBox cmb) where T : Enum
        return (T)(cmb.SelectedItem as EnumInfo).Value;

    // Run
    private void btnStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (_ani != null)

    // Animation on x
    private void btnAnimX_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var start = 100;  // x
        var end   = 300;
        var type1 = GetEnum<AnimationType>(cmbType1);
        var type2 = GetEnum<AnimationType>(cmbType2);
        var dur1 = (long)numDur1.Value;
        var dur2 = (long)numDur2.Value;
        _ani = new Animator()
            .AddPath(type1, start, end, dur1)
            .AddPath(type2, end, start, dur2)
            .SetFrameEvent((values) =>
                Action action = () => {
                    label1.Left = (int)values[0];
                    label1.Text = string.Format("{0:000}", values[0]);
            .SetEndEvent((_) => Trace.WriteLine("Animation end."))

    // Animation on y
    private void btnAnimXY_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var start = new List<double> { 100, 10 };  // x, y
        var end   = new List<double> { 300, 100 };
        var type1 = GetEnum<AnimationType>(cmbType1);
        var type2 = GetEnum<AnimationType>(cmbType2);
        var dur1 = (long)numDur1.Value;
        var dur2 = (long)numDur2.Value;
        _ani = new Animator()
            .AddPath(type1, start, end, dur1)
            .AddPath(type2, end, start, dur2)
            .SetFrameEvent((values) =>
                Action action = () => {
                    label1.Left = (int)values[0];
                    label1.Top = (int)values[1];
                    label1.Text = string.Format("({0:000},{1:000})", values[0], values[1]);
            .SetEndEvent((values) => Trace.WriteLine("Animaion end."))

    // Animation on color
    private void btnAnimColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var start = new List<double> { 255, 0, 0 };        // r, g, b
        var end   = new List<double> { 0, 255, 255 };
        var type1 = GetEnum<AnimationType>(cmbType1);
        var type2 = GetEnum<AnimationType>(cmbType2);
        var dur1 = (long)numDur1.Value;
        var dur2 = (long)numDur2.Value;
        _ani = new Animator()
            .AddPath(type1, start, end, dur1)
            .AddPath(type2, end, start, dur2)
            .SetFrameEvent((values) =>
                Action action = () => {
                    label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb((int)values[0], (int)values[1], (int)values[2]);
                    label1.Text = string.Format("({0:0},{1:0},{2:0})", values[0], values[1], values[2]);
                Action action = () => {
                    label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb((int)values[0], (int)values[1], (int)values[2]);
                    label1.Text = string.Format("({0:0},{1:0},{2:0})", values[0], values[1], values[2]);



2.4 效果



名称 说明
Linear 线性
BackEaseIn 拉后 ease in
BackEaseOut 拉后 ease out
BackEaseInOut 拉后 ease in and ease out
BounceEaseIn 弹性 ease in
BounceEaseOut 弹性 ease out
BounceEaseInOut 弹性 ease in and ease out
ElasticEaseIn 橡皮筋 ease in
ElasticEaseOut 橡皮筋 ease out
ElasticEaseInOut 橡皮筋 ease in and ease out
QuadraticEaseIn 平方 ease in
QuadraticEaseOut 平方 ease out
QuadraticEaseInOut 平方 ease in and ease out
CubicEaseIn 立方 ease in
CubicEaseInOut 立方 ease in and cubic ease out
CubicEaseOut 立方 ease out
QuarticEaseIn 四次方 ease in
QuarticEaseOut 四次方 ease out
QuarticEaseInOut 四次方 ease in and ease outut
QuinticEaseIn 五次方 ease in
QuinticEaseOut 五次方 ease out
QuinticEaseInOut 五次方 ease in and ease out
ExponentialEaseIn 指数 ease in
ExponentialEaseOut 指数 ease out
ExponentialEaseInOut 指数 ease in and ease out
SinusoidalEaseIn 正弦曲线 ease in
SinusoidalEaseOut 正弦曲线 ease out
SinusoidalEaseInOut 正弦曲线 ease in and ease out
CircularEaseIn 圆形 ease in
CircularEaseOut 圆形 ease out
CircularEaseInOut 圆形 ease in and ease out




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