HElib 使用样例


  1. HElib:编译安装


BGV 方案的 SIMD 技术,

  • 模数 p ≥ 2 p\ge 2 p2,Hensel Lifting 指数 r ≥ 1 r \ge 1 r1,分圆环的次数 m ∈ Z m \in \mathbb Z mZ
  • 明文空间:多项式环 A p r = Z p r [ X ] / ( Φ m ( X ) ) \mathbb A_{p^r} = \mathbb Z_{p^r}[X]/(\Phi_m(X)) Apr=Zpr[X]/(Φm(X))
  • 明文槽:多项式环 Z p r [ X ] / ( F i ( X ) ) \mathbb Z_{p^r}[X]/(F_i(X)) Zpr[X]/(Fi(X)),其中 Φ m = ∏ i F i ( m o d p r ) \Phi_m = \prod_i F_i \pmod{p^r} Φm=iFi(modpr) 是环 Z p r \mathbb Z_{p^r} Zpr 上的不可约分解



#ifndef CPUTIMER_H
#define CPUTIMER_H

#include <stdio.h>

#if defined(__linux__)
// Linux系统
#include <unistd.h>
#elif defined(_WIN32)
// Windows系统
#include <intrin.h>
#include <windows.h>

void sleepms(int time)
#if defined(__linux__)
    // Linux系统
    usleep(time * 1000);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
    // Windows系统

/* Needs echo 2 > /sys/devices/cpu/rdpmc */
unsigned long long cputimer()
    // 以下三种方法,是等价的(只在 x86 上运行,而 x64 不支持内联汇编)

    // 1.
    /*__asm {
        shl edx, 32;
        or eax, edx;

    // 2.
    //__asm RDTSC;

    // 3.
    /*__asm _emit 0x0F
    __asm _emit 0x31*/

#if _WIN32
    return __rdtsc();
    unsigned int lo, hi;
    __asm__ volatile("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
    return ((unsigned long long)hi << 32) | lo;
// unsigned long long cputimer();   // 独立汇编代码
    align 16

    shl rdx, 32
    or rax, rdx

unsigned long long CPUFrequency;

// 测量 CPU 主频
unsigned long long GetFrequency()
    unsigned long long t1 = cputimer();
    unsigned long long t2 = cputimer();
    CPUFrequency = t2 - t1;
    printf("CPU Frequency = %lld\n", CPUFrequency);
    return CPUFrequency;

unsigned long long TM_start, TM_end;
#define Timer(code)        \
    TM_start = cputimer(); \
    code;                  \
    TM_end = cputimer();   \
    printf("time = %lld cycles (%f s)\n", TM_end - TM_start, (double)(TM_end - TM_start) / CPUFrequency); // 对code部分计时

unsigned long long TM_mem[10000];
#define Loop(loop, str, code)          \
    for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++)     \
    {                                  \
        TM_start = cputimer();         \
        code;                          \
        TM_end = cputimer();           \
        TM_mem[i] = TM_end - TM_start; \
    }                                  \
    Analyis_TM(loop, str);

void __quick_sort(unsigned long long *arr, int begin, int end) // 快速排序,简化版
    if (begin >= end)

    unsigned long long temp1 = arr[begin], temp2;
    int k = begin;
    for (int i = begin + 1; i <= end; i++)
        if (temp1 > arr[i])
            temp2 = arr[i];
            int j;
            for (j = i - 1; j >= k; j--)
                arr[j + 1] = arr[j];
            arr[j + 1] = temp2;
    __quick_sort(arr, begin, k - 1);
    __quick_sort(arr, k + 1, end);

void quick_sort(unsigned long long *arr, int size)
    __quick_sort(arr, 0, size - 1);

void Analyis_TM(int loop, const char *str) // 分析代码性能
    unsigned long long min, max, med, aver = 0;
    quick_sort(TM_mem, loop);
    min = TM_mem[0];
    max = TM_mem[loop - 1];
    med = TM_mem[loop >> 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++)
        aver += TM_mem[i];
    aver /= loop;
    printf("Running Time of <%s>:\n\tLoop\t%10ld times\n\tMinimum\t%10ld cycles (%10.6f ms)\n\tMaximum\t%10ld cycles (%10.6f ms)\n\tMedian\t%10ld cycles (%10.6f ms)\n\tAverage\t%10ld cycles (%10.6f ms)\n",
           str, loop, min, (double)min / CPUFrequency * 1000, max, (double)max / CPUFrequency * 1000, med, (double)med / CPUFrequency * 1000, aver, (double)aver / CPUFrequency * 1000);

#endif // CPUTIMER_H


#include <iostream>
#include <helib/helib.h>
#include "cputimer.h"

#define pn puts("")
#define where printf("%s(%d)-<%s>.\n\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)

using namespace std;
using namespace helib;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    long k = 80;      // 安全参数
    long nbits = 300; // 密文模数
    long c = 2;       // KS分解列数
    long p = 2;       // 域特征
    long r = 1;       // Hensel Lifting
    long d = 60;      // 槽嵌入度数
    long s = 30;      // 明文槽个数

    long m = helib::FindM(k, nbits, c, p, d, s, 0, 0); // 分圆多项式次数
    printf("m = %ld\n\n", m);

    long skHwt = 128;   // 三元私钥的密度
    long scale = 30;    // 编码因子(BGV 需要么)
    double stdev = 3.2; // 噪声标准差

    helib::Context context = helib::ContextBuilder<helib::BGV>()


    long nslots = context.getNSlots();

    helib::SecKey secret_key(context);
    cout << "Generate the secret key..." << endl;
    long pr = 2;
    long maxDegKswitch = 10;
    secret_key.GenSecKey(pr, maxDegKswitch); // 生成 sk 以及 maxDegKswitch 对应的 relin-key,利用 GenKeySWmatrix() 生成 s^e(X) -> s(X)
    // secret_key.GenKeySWmatrix(Spow, Xpow, fromKey, toKey)

    cout << "Generating key-switching matrices..." << endl;
    helib::addSome1DMatrices(secret_key); // 生成一部分 KSK,利用 GenKeySWmatrix() 生成形如 s(X^e) -> s(X)

    cout << "Generating the public key..." << endl;
    const helib::PubKey &public_key = secret_key;

    cout << "Get the EncryptedArray of the context..." << endl;
    const helib::EncryptedArray &ea = context.getEA();

    helib::Ptxt<helib::BGV> ptxt(context);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        vector<long> v(d, 0);
        v[i % d] = 1; // 明文槽 = X^i
        ptxt[i] = v;
    cout << "Initial Plaintext: " << ptxt << endl;

    helib::Ctxt ctxt(public_key), tmp(public_key);
    int loop = 3;
    cout << "Loop = " << loop << endl;

    Loop(loop, "Enc",
         public_key.Encrypt(ctxt, ptxt););
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", ctxt.bitCapacity());

    Loop(loop, "Dec",
         secret_key.Decrypt(ptxt, ctxt););
    cout << "Decrypted Result: " << ptxt << endl;

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "addConstant #1",
         tmp.addConstant(ptxt)); // 未编码的明文向量,较慢
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    helib::EncodedPtxt eptxt;
    ptxt.encode(eptxt); // 编码的明文多项式,NTL::ZZX
    helib::FatEncodedPtxt feptxt;
    feptxt.expand(eptxt, context.getCtxtPrimes()); // 编码的明文多项式,helib::DoubleCRT

    Loop(loop, "addConstant #2",
         tmp.addConstant(eptxt)); // 较慢
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    Loop(loop, "addConstant #3",
         tmp.addConstant(feptxt)); // 很快
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "addCtxt",
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "multByConstant #1",
         tmp.multByConstant(ptxt)); // 较慢
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    Loop(loop, "multByConstant #2",
         tmp.multByConstant(eptxt)); // 很快
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    Loop(loop, "multByConstant #3",
         tmp.multByConstant(feptxt)); // 很快
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "multiplyBy",
         tmp.multiplyBy(ctxt)); // 张量积之前自动模切换,张量积之后自动重线性化
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "multiplyBy2",
         tmp.multiplyBy2(ctxt, ctxt)); // 高级乘法,依次做 multLowLvl,然后统一 reLinearize
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "multLowLvl",
         tmp.multLowLvl(ctxt)); // 张量积之前自动模切换,做 INTT 获得 NTL:ZZX delta,然后做 NTT 接着 -= 和 /=
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    // void Ctxt::tensorProduct(const Ctxt& c1, const Ctxt& c2); //密文向量的张量积,Ctxt 的 private 成员,无法访问(烦人)

    Loop(loop, "reLinearize",
         tmp.reLinearize()); // 执行 s^e(X) -> s(X) 内积运算
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "rotate",
         ea.rotate(tmp, -1)); // 循环旋转,正数是右移,负数是左移
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());
    secret_key.Decrypt(ptxt, tmp);
    cout << "Decrypted Result: " << ptxt << endl;

    tmp = ctxt;
    Loop(loop, "shift",
         ea.shift(tmp, 1)); // 零填充移位,正数是右移,负数是左移
    printf("bit Capacity = %ld\n", tmp.bitCapacity());
    secret_key.Decrypt(ptxt, tmp);
    cout << "Decrypted Result: " << ptxt << endl;

    return 0;

配置 & 编译

下载 VScode 插件 WSL,在工作目录下启动子系统 WSL,执行指令 code .,使得 VScode 远程连接 WSL,从而可以使用 WSL 上的文件夹 \usr\local\include\usr\local\lib

编写 CMakeLists.txt


    -march=native -O3 -fopenmp -fPIC -pthread
    -lhelib -lntl -lgmp -lgf2x -lssl -lstdc++ -lm 
    -mavx2 -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-load -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-store
    -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wwrite-strings -v


add_executable(BGV_packed_arithmetic BGV_packed_arithmetic.cpp)
target_link_libraries(BGV_packed_arithmetic helib)


第一种方法:命令行执行 mkdir buildcd buildcmake ..make

第二种方法,在 VScode 中执行:

  • 文件 ./.cscode/c_cpp_properties.json(只用于编辑器),在 "includePath" 中配置头文件目录,这在写代码查看函数定义的时候很有用
   "configurations": [
           "name": "Linux",
           "includePath": [
           "defines": [],
           "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
           "cStandard": "c17",
           "cppStandard": "c++17",
           "intelliSenseMode": "linux-gcc-x64"
   "version": 4
  • 文件 ./.cscode/tasks.json(用于代码编译),在 "args" 中配置:头文件目录 -I、库文件目录 -L、链接的库 -lhelib -lntl -lgmp -lgf2x -lssl -lstdc++ -lm(注意 gcc 遵循 “从左到右” 编译顺序,依赖其他库的库应当放在前面,被依赖的库必须放在后面,否则依旧会出现 undefined reference to 报错,不过 cmake 似乎会自动重排)
    "tasks": [
            "type": "cppbuild",
            "label": "C/C++: gcc 生成活动文件",
            "command": "/usr/bin/gcc",
            "args": [
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${fileDirname}"
            "problemMatcher": [
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true
            "detail": "调试器生成的任务。"
    "version": "2.0.0"


  • 执行 Ctrl + F5(不调试执行),目标 ./build,不产生 gmon.out
  • 执行 F5(调试执行),目标 ./,产生 gmon.out,可生成分析文件 gprof main gmon.out > report.txt


CPU Frequency = 2919221615
m = 13571

m = 13571, p = 2, phi(m) = 13200
  ord(p) = 60
  normBnd = 1.62033
  polyNormBnd = 4.36982
  factors = [41 331]
  generator 3 has order (!= Z_m^*) of 220
r = 1
nslots = 220
hwt = 128
ctxtPrimes = [6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
specialPrimes = [13,14,15,16]
number of bits = 498

security level = 84.1162

Generate the secret key...
Generating key-switching matrices...
Generating the public key...
Get the EncryptedArray of the context...
Initial Plaintext: {"HElibVersion":"2.2.0","content":{"scheme":"BGV","slots":[[1],[0,1],[0,0,1],[0,0,0,1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]]},"serializationVersion":"0.0.1","type":"Ptxt"}

Loop = 3

Running Time of <Enc>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum   54216236 cycles ( 18.572155 ms)
        Maximum   60112622 cycles ( 20.592004 ms)
        Median    58604374 cycles ( 20.075343 ms)
        Average   57644410 cycles ( 19.746500 ms)
bit Capacity = 296

Running Time of <Dec>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum   64732097 cycles ( 22.174437 ms)
        Maximum  130025611 cycles ( 44.541192 ms)
        Median    68997595 cycles ( 23.635614 ms)
        Average   87918434 cycles ( 30.117081 ms)
Decrypted Result: {"HElibVersion":"2.2.0","content":{"scheme":"BGV","slots":[[1],[0,1],[0,0,1],[0,0,0,1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]]},"serializationVersion":"0.0.1","type":"Ptxt"}

Running Time of <addConstant #1>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum   23644220 cycles (  8.099495 ms)
        Maximum   25715956 cycles (  8.809183 ms)
        Median    24451296 cycles (  8.375964 ms)
        Average   24603824 cycles (  8.428214 ms)
bit Capacity = 296

Running Time of <addConstant #2>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum   19239144 cycles (  6.590505 ms)
        Maximum   22151209 cycles (  7.588053 ms)
        Median    19842843 cycles (  6.797306 ms)
        Average   20411065 cycles (  6.991955 ms)
bit Capacity = 296

Running Time of <addConstant #3>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum     108438 cycles (  0.037146 ms)
        Maximum     216896 cycles (  0.074299 ms)
        Median      125570 cycles (  0.043015 ms)
        Average     150301 cycles (  0.051487 ms)
bit Capacity = 296

Running Time of <addCtxt>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum     255610 cycles (  0.087561 ms)
        Maximum     385168 cycles (  0.131942 ms)
        Median      269512 cycles (  0.092323 ms)
        Average     303430 cycles (  0.103942 ms)
bit Capacity = 294

Running Time of <multByConstant #1>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum   17839970 cycles (  6.111208 ms)
        Maximum   19142682 cycles (  6.557461 ms)
        Median    18257308 cycles (  6.254170 ms)
        Average   18413320 cycles (  6.307613 ms)
bit Capacity = 271

Running Time of <multByConstant #2>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum   15434170 cycles (  5.287084 ms)
        Maximum   18974816 cycles (  6.499957 ms)
        Median    15442322 cycles (  5.289877 ms)
        Average   16617102 cycles (  5.692306 ms)
bit Capacity = 247

Running Time of <multByConstant #3>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum     784630 cycles (  0.268781 ms)
        Maximum    1021762 cycles (  0.350012 ms)
        Median      795104 cycles (  0.272368 ms)
        Average     867165 cycles (  0.297054 ms)
bit Capacity = 222

Running Time of <multiplyBy>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum  301254500 cycles (103.196859 ms)
        Maximum  432288148 cycles (148.083361 ms)
        Median   370922128 cycles (127.061997 ms)
        Average  368154925 cycles (126.114072 ms)
bit Capacity = 254

Running Time of <multiplyBy2>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum  586851584 cycles (201.030159 ms)
        Maximum  837038438 cycles (286.733434 ms)
        Median   714548504 cycles (244.773641 ms)
        Average  712812842 cycles (244.179078 ms)
bit Capacity = 230

Running Time of <multLowLvl>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum  159771298 cycles ( 54.730788 ms)
        Maximum  270929658 cycles ( 92.808870 ms)
        Median   222590257 cycles ( 76.249866 ms)
        Average  217763737 cycles ( 74.596507 ms)
bit Capacity = 252

Running Time of <reLinearize>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum        228 cycles (  0.000078 ms)
        Maximum  509903313 cycles (174.670984 ms)
        Median         674 cycles (  0.000231 ms)
        Average  169968071 cycles ( 58.223764 ms)
bit Capacity = 252

Running Time of <rotate>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum  513130675 cycles (175.776540 ms)
        Maximum  553318857 cycles (189.543286 ms)
        Median   541143294 cycles (185.372461 ms)
        Average  535864275 cycles (183.564095 ms)
bit Capacity = 265
Decrypted Result: {"HElibVersion":"2.2.0","content":{"scheme":"BGV","slots":[[0,0,0,1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[1],[0,1],[0,0,1]]},"serializationVersion":"0.0.1","type":"Ptxt"}

Running Time of <shift>:
        Loop             3 times
        Minimum  119398553 cycles ( 40.900818 ms)
        Maximum  229372568 cycles ( 78.573195 ms)
        Median   216684818 cycles ( 74.226916 ms)
        Average  188485313 cycles ( 64.566976 ms)
bit Capacity = 272
Decrypted Result: {"HElibVersion":"2.2.0","content":{"scheme":"BGV","slots":[[0],[0],[0],[1],[0,1],[0,0,1],[0,0,0,1],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]]},"serializationVersion":"0.0.1","type":"Ptxt"}


不幸的是 helib 本身没有实现用户友好的参数选择程序。查看 [HS15],我自己写了一个:

#include "GenParams.h"
#include <helib/helib.h>

long CRT_base(vector<long> &base, const vector<long> &m)
    int t = m.size();
    long M = helib::computeProd(m);

    for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
        long Mi = M / m[i];
        long Mi_inv = NTL::InvMod(Mi, m[i]);
        base[i] = Mi * Mi_inv % M;

    return M;

long CRT_comb(vector<long> &a, const vector<long> &base, const long M)
    int t = base.size();

    long A = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
        A += base[i] * a[i];
        A %= M;

    return A;

long GenParams(vector<long> &mvec, vector<long> &gens, vector<long> &ords, long kappa, long nbits, long ndigits, long p, long degree, long nslots, long lowerbound)
    if (lowerbound <= 0)
        lowerbound = helib::FindM(kappa, nbits, ndigits, p, degree, nslots, 0, 0); // 安全强度下界

    long m; // 分圆环次数
    for (m = lowerbound; m < 65535; m++)
        if (gcd(m, p) != 1) // 互素

        long d = helib::multOrd(p, m);
        if ((d % degree) != 0 || helib::phi_N(m) < d * nslots) // 明文槽是否包含长度degree的子环,并且要求明文槽个数足够多

        vector<long> factors;
        helib::pp_factorize(factors, m); // 素数幂分解

        int tag = -1;
        int t = factors.size();

        for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
            if (helib::multOrd(p, factors[i]) == d) // 是否存在 mi 满足 ord(p mod m) == ord(p mod mi)
                tag = i;

        if (tag != -1)

            mvec.push_back(factors[tag]); // d1 = d, d2 = ... = dt = 1
            for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
                if (i != tag)

            vector<long> base(t, 0);
            CRT_base(base, mvec); // CRT-Coeff

            bool err = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
                vector<long> gi_hat;
                vector<long> ki;

                if (i == 0)
                    helib::findGenerators(gi_hat, ki, mvec[0], p); // 循环群 Z_{m1}^*/(p) 的生成元
                    helib::findGenerators(gi_hat, ki, mvec[i], 1); // 循环群 Z_{mi}^*/(p^{d1...d_{i-1}}) 的生成元,i>1 时 p^d1 = 1 mod m

                if (i == 0 && gi_hat.size() == 0) // p 已经是 Z_{m1}^* 的生成元

                if (gi_hat.size() > 1) // 不是循环群
                    err = 1;

                vector<long> v(t, 1);
                v[i] = gi_hat[0];
                gens[i] = CRT_comb(v, base, m); // gi = CRT([...,1,gi_hat,1,...])
                ords[i] = ki[0];
            if (err == 1)

            reverse(gens.begin(), gens.end()); // 将生成元 ord(gi mod mi) = ord(gi mod m) 放在前端
            reverse(ords.begin(), ords.end());
            reverse(mvec.begin(), mvec.end());

            while (ords.back() == 1) // 移除无用数据

            return m;

    return -1;


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