Oracle Linux上安装ORDS

ORDS就是Oracle REST Data Services。


  • Oracle Linux 8
  • Oracle Database 19c
  • IP地址为A.B.C.D


全程参考文档:Installing and Configuring Oracle REST Data Services



## 如果是Linux 7
sudo  yum-config-manager --add-repo=

## 如果是Linux 8
sudo  yum-config-manager --add-repo=


$ yum info ords
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:21 ago on Wed 29 May 2024 07:45:32 AM GMT.
Available Packages
Name         : ords
Version      : 24.1.1
Release      : 4.el8
Architecture : noarch
Size         : 115 M
Source       : ords-24.1.1-4.el8.src.rpm
Repository   : ol8_oci_included
Summary      : Oracle REST Data Services
URL          :
License      : Oracle Free Use Terms and Conditions.
Description  : Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) makes it easy to develop modern REST
             : interfaces for relational data in the Oracle Database

Name         : ords
Version      : 24.1.1
Release      : 4.el8
Architecture : noarch
Size         : 115 M
Source       : ords-24.1.1-4.el8.src.rpm
Repository   :
Summary      : Oracle REST Data Services
URL          :
License      : Oracle Free Use Terms and Conditions.
Description  : Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) makes it easy to develop modern REST
             : interfaces for relational data in the Oracle Database

$ sudo yum install ords
created by dnf config-manager from 3.2 MB/s | 119 kB     00:00
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                   Architecture                Version                             Repository                             Size
 ords                      noarch                      24.1.1-4.el8                        ol8_oci_included                      115 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 115 M
Installed size: 119 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
ords-24.1.1-4.el8.noarch.rpm                                                                            59 MB/s | 115 MB     00:01
Total                                                                                                   58 MB/s | 115 MB     00:01
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                               1/1
  Running scriptlet: ords-24.1.1-4.el8.noarch                                                                                      1/1
  Installing       : ords-24.1.1-4.el8.noarch                                                                                      1/1
  Running scriptlet: ords-24.1.1-4.el8.noarch                                                                                      1/1
WARN: ORDS requires Java 11 or 17.
         You can install Oracle Java at
INFO: Before starting ORDS service, run the below command as user oracle:
         ords --config /etc/ords/config install
INFO: To enable the ORDS service during startup, run the below command:
         sudo  systemctl enable ords

  Verifying        : ords-24.1.1-4.el8.noarch                                                                                      1/1




INFO: Before starting ORDS service, run the below command as user oracle:
         ords --config /etc/ords/config install
INFO: To enable the ORDS service during startup, run the below command:
         sudo  systemctl enable ords


虽然我已经有Java 8,ORDS需要Java 11或以上才能运行。

$ ords --config /etc/ords/config install

Error: ORDS requires Java 11 and above to run.
       Found Java version 1.8.0_341.
       Please set JAVA_HOME to appropriate version and update PATH if necessary.


$ sudo rpm -ivh jdk-11.0.23_linux-x64_bin.rpm



ords --config /etc/ords/config install


2024-05-29T07:59:25.535Z INFO        Oracle REST Data Services initialized
Oracle REST Data Services version : 24.1.1.r1201228
Oracle REST Data Services server info: jetty/10.0.20
Oracle REST Data Services java info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.23+7-LTS-222


$ ords --config /etc/ords/config install

ORDS: Release 24.1 Production on Wed May 29 07:56:06 2024

Copyright (c) 2010, 2024, Oracle.


The configuration folder /etc/ords/config does not contain any configuration files.

Oracle REST Data Services - Interactive Install

  Enter a number to select the TNS net service name to use from /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora or specify the database connection
    [1] ORCL         SERVICE_NAME=orcl
    [2] ORCLPDB1     SERVICE_NAME=orclpdb1
    [3] VAGRANT      SERVICE_NAME=orclpdb1
    [S] Specify the database connection
  Choose [1]: 1
  Provide database user name with administrator privileges.
    Enter the administrator username: sys
  Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:
Error cannot install/upgrade ORDS into the CDB because the container requires to be in READ WRITE mode.


$ ords --config /etc/ords/config install

ORDS: Release 24.1 Production on Wed May 29 07:58:02 2024

Copyright (c) 2010, 2024, Oracle.


The configuration folder /etc/ords/config does not contain any configuration files.

Oracle REST Data Services - Interactive Install

  Enter a number to select the TNS net service name to use from /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora or specify the database connection
    [1] ORCL         SERVICE_NAME=orcl
    [2] ORCLPDB1     SERVICE_NAME=orclpdb1
    [3] VAGRANT      SERVICE_NAME=orclpdb1
    [S] Specify the database connection
  Choose [1]: 1
  Provide database user name with administrator privileges.
    Enter the administrator username: sys
  Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:

Retrieving information...
Your database connection is to a CDB.  ORDS common user ORDS_PUBLIC_USER will be created in the CDB.  ORDS schema will be installed in the PDBs.
Root CDB$ROOT - create ORDS common user
PDB PDB$SEED - install ORDS 24.1.1.r1201228 (mode is READ ONLY, open for READ/WRITE)
PDB ORCLPDB1 - install ORDS 24.1.1.r1201228

  Install ORDS in the database
    [1] Yes
    [2] No
  Choose [1]: 1
ORDS is not installed in the database. ORDS installation is required.

  Enter a number to update the value or select option A to Accept and Continue
    [1] Connection Type: TNS
    [2] TNS Connection: TNS_NAME=ORCL TNS_FOLDER=/u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/network/admin
           Administrator User: SYS AS SYSDBA
    [3] Database password for ORDS runtime user (ORDS_PUBLIC_USER): <generate>
    [4] ORDS runtime user and schema tablespaces:  Default: SYSAUX Temporary TEMP
    [5] Additional Feature: Database Actions
    [6] Configure and start ORDS in Standalone Mode: Yes
    [7]    Protocol: HTTP
    [8]       HTTP Port: 8080
    [A] Accept and Continue - Create configuration and Install ORDS in the database
    [Q] Quit - Do not proceed. No changes
  Choose [A]: A
The setting named: db.connectionType was set to: tns in configuration: default
The setting named: db.tnsAliasName was set to: ORCL in configuration: default
The setting named: db.tnsDirectory was set to: /u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/network/admin in configuration: default
The setting named: db.serviceNameSuffix was set to:  in configuration: default
The setting named: db.username was set to: ORDS_PUBLIC_USER in configuration: default
The setting named: db.password was set to: ****** in configuration: default
The setting named: feature.sdw was set to: true in configuration: default
The global setting named: database.api.enabled was set to: true
The setting named: was set to: true in configuration: default
The global setting named: standalone.http.port was set to: 8080
The global setting named: standalone.static.context.path was set to: /ords
The global setting named: standalone.doc.root was set to: /etc/ords/config/global/doc_root
The setting named: security.requestValidationFunction was set to: ords_util.authorize_plsql_gateway in configuration: default
2024-05-29T07:58:37.755Z INFO        Created folder /home/oracle/logs
2024-05-29T07:58:37.756Z INFO        The log file is defaulted to the current working directory located at /home/oracle/logs
2024-05-29T07:58:37.834Z INFO        Installing Oracle REST Data Services version 24.1.1.r1201228 in CDB$ROOT
2024-05-29T07:58:39.837Z INFO        ... Verified database prerequisites
2024-05-29T07:58:40.387Z INFO        ... Created Oracle REST Data Services proxy user
2024-05-29T07:58:40.508Z INFO        Completed installation for Oracle REST Data Services version 24.1.1.r1201228. Elapsed time: 00:00:02.642

2024-05-29T07:58:40.831Z INFO        Installing Oracle REST Data Services version 24.1.1.r1201228 in PDB$SEED
2024-05-29T07:58:41.093Z INFO        ... Verified database prerequisites
2024-05-29T07:58:41.864Z INFO        ... Created Oracle REST Data Services proxy user
2024-05-29T07:58:42.713Z INFO        ... Created Oracle REST Data Services schema
2024-05-29T07:58:43.691Z INFO        ... Granted privileges to Oracle REST Data Services
2024-05-29T07:58:46.575Z INFO        ... Created Oracle REST Data Services database objects
2024-05-29T07:58:58.928Z INFO        Completed installation for Oracle REST Data Services version 24.1.1.r1201228. Elapsed time: 00:00:18.94

2024-05-29T07:58:59.322Z INFO        Installing Oracle REST Data Services version 24.1.1.r1201228 in ORCLPDB1
2024-05-29T07:58:59.452Z INFO        ... Verified database prerequisites
2024-05-29T07:58:59.894Z INFO        ... Created Oracle REST Data Services proxy user
2024-05-29T07:59:00.306Z INFO        ... Created Oracle REST Data Services schema
2024-05-29T07:59:01.064Z INFO        ... Granted privileges to Oracle REST Data Services
2024-05-29T07:59:03.723Z INFO        ... Created Oracle REST Data Services database objects
2024-05-29T07:59:13.574Z INFO        Completed installation for Oracle REST Data Services version 24.1.1.r1201228. Elapsed time: 00:00:14.250

2024-05-29T07:59:13.575Z INFO        Completed CDB installation for Oracle REST Data Services version 24.1.1.r1201228. Total elapsed time: 00:00:35.748

2024-05-29T07:59:13.577Z INFO        Log file written to /home/oracle/logs/ords_cdb_install_2024-05-29_075837_75683.log
2024-05-29T07:59:13.716Z INFO        HTTP and HTTP/2 cleartext listening on host: port: 8080
2024-05-29T07:59:13.739Z INFO        Disabling document root because the specified folder does not exist: /etc/ords/config/global/doc_root
2024-05-29T07:59:13.740Z INFO        Default forwarding from / to contextRoot configured.
2024-05-29T07:59:17.828Z INFO        Configuration properties for: |default|lo|

2024-05-29T07:59:17.831Z WARNING     *** jdbc.MaxLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 10, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***
2024-05-29T07:59:17.831Z WARNING     *** jdbc.InitialLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 10, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***
2024-05-29T07:59:25.437Z INFO

Mapped local pools from /etc/ords/config/databases:
  /ords/                              => default                        => VALID

2024-05-29T07:59:25.535Z INFO        Oracle REST Data Services initialized
Oracle REST Data Services version : 24.1.1.r1201228
Oracle REST Data Services server info: jetty/10.0.20
Oracle REST Data Services java info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.23+7-LTS-222



$ netstat -an|grep 8080
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN

$ systemctl status ords
● ords.service - Oracle REST Data Services
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ords.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-05-30 00:47:59 GMT; 49min ago
  Process: 53329 ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c /etc/init.d/ords start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 53458 (java)
    Tasks: 0 (limit: 202282)
   Memory: 452.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/ords.service
           ‣ 53458 java -Doracle.dbtools.cmdline.home=/opt/oracle/ords -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djav>




Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 是用于 Oracle 数据库的 HTTPS Web 网关。功能包括 SQL Developer Web、Oracle APEX 访问、用于数据和数据库的 REST API 以及 Oracle Database API for MongoDB 等。

SQL Developer Web就是SQL Developer的网页版。其实他最新的名称是Oracle Database Actions。后续我们再探索。


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