

适当的缩进让您的代码可读。一致使用制表符或者空格(最好使用制表符),按照 Go 的标准约定进行缩进。

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

运行 gofmt 以根据 Go 规范自动格式化(缩进)代码。

$ gofmt -w your_file.go



package main
import (



package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Declare variables with meaningful names
    userName := "John Doe"   // CamelCase: Start with lowercase and capitalize subsequent words.
    itemCount := 10         // Short Names: Short and concise for small-scoped variables.
    isReady := true         // No Abbreviations: Avoid cryptic abbreviations or acronyms.

    // Display variable values
    fmt.Println("User Name:", userName)
    fmt.Println("Item Count:", itemCount)
    fmt.Println("Is Ready:", isReady)

// Use mixedCase for package-level variables
var exportedVariable int = 42

// Function names should be descriptive
func calculateSumOfNumbers(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

// Consistency: Maintain naming consistency throughout your codebase.


当可能时,将代码行保持在 80 个字符以内,以提高可读性。

package main
import (

func main() {
    result := calculateHypotenuse(3, 4)
    fmt.Println("Hypotenuse:", result)

func calculateHypotenuse(a, b float64) float64 {
    return math.Sqrt(a*a + b*b)


在代码中避免使用魔术值。魔术值是散布在代码中各处的硬编码的数字或字符串,缺乏上下文,让人难以理解其目的。 为其定义常量,以提高代码的可维护性。

package main
import "fmt"

const (
    // Define a constant for a maximum number of retries
    MaxRetries = 3

    // Define a constant for a default timeout in seconds
    DefaultTimeout = 30

func main() {
    retries := 0
    timeout := DefaultTimeout

    for retries < MaxRetries {
        fmt.Printf("Attempting operation (Retry %d) with timeout: %d seconds\n", retries+1, timeout)
        // ... Your code logic here ...



Go 鼓励开发者明确处理错误,原因如下:


package main
import (

func main() {
 // Open a file
 file, err := os.Open("example.txt")
 if err != nil {
  // Handle the error
  fmt.Println("Error opening the file:", err)
 defer file.Close() // Close the file when done

 // Read from the file
 buffer := make([]byte, 1024)
 _, err = file.Read(buffer)
 if err != nil {
  // Handle the error
  fmt.Println("Error reading the file:", err)

 // Print the file content
 fmt.Println("File content:", string(buffer))



package main
import (

func main() {
 // Declare and initialize a variable within the main function
 message := "Hello, Go!"

 // Call a function that uses the local variable

// printMessage is a function that takes a parameter
func printMessage(msg string) {



package main
import (

// Define a struct named Person to represent a person's information.
type Person struct {
    FirstName string // First name of the person
    LastName  string // Last name of the person
    Age       int    // Age of the person

func main() {
    // Create an instance of the Person struct and initialize its fields.
    person := Person{
        FirstName: "John",
        LastName:  "Doe",
        Age:       30,

    // Access and print the values of the struct's fields.
    fmt.Println("First Name:", person.FirstName) // Print first name
    fmt.Println("Last Name:", person.LastName)   // Print last name
    fmt.Println("Age:", person.Age)             // Print age



  • 单行注释
    单行注释以 // 开始。使用它们来解释特定的代码行。
package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    // This is a single-line comment
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!") // Print a greeting
  • 多行注释
    多行注释被包裹在 /* */ 中。使用多行注释可以在多行上提供更长的解释或注释。
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
        This is a multi-line comment.
        It can span several lines.
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!") // Print a greeting
  • 函数说明
    添加说明函数的功能、参数和返回值的注释。 使用 godoc 样式为函数注释。
package main

import "fmt"

// greetUser greets a user by name.
// Parameters:
//   name (string): The name of the user to greet.
// Returns:
//   string: The greeting message.
func greetUser(name string) string {
    return "Hello, " + name + "!"

func main() {
    userName := "Alice"
    greeting := greetUser(userName)
  • 程序包注释
    在 Go 文件的顶部添加注释,以描述程序包的用途。使用相同 的 godoc 样式。
package main
import "fmt"

// greetUser greets a user by name.
// Parameters:
//   name (string): The name of the user to greet.
// Returns:
//   string: The greeting message.
func greetUser(name string) string {
    return "Hello, " + name + "!"

func main() {
    userName := "Alice"
    greeting := greetUser(userName)

10:使用 goroutine 实现并发

利用 goroutine 高效执行并发操作。goroutine 是 Go 中的轻量级、并发的执行线程。它们使你能够无需传统线程的开销而并发运行函数。这允许你编写高度并发且高效的程序。

package main
import (

// Function that runs concurrently
func printNumbers() {
 for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
  fmt.Printf("%d ", i)
  time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

// Function that runs in the main goroutine
func main() {
 // Start the goroutine
 go printNumbers()

 // Continue executing main
 for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
 // Ensure the goroutine completes 

11: 使用 Recover 处理 panic

使用 recover 函数优雅地处理恐慌并防止程序崩溃。在 Go 中,恐慌是意外的运行时错误,这些错误可能会导致程序崩溃。然而,Go 提供了一种称为 recover 的机制来优雅地处理panic。

package main

import "fmt"

// Function that might panic
func riskyOperation() {
 defer func() {
  if r := recover(); r != nil {
   // Recover from the panic and handle it gracefully
   fmt.Println("Recovered from panic:", r)

 // Simulate a panic condition
 panic("Oops! Something went wrong.")

func main() {
 fmt.Println("Start of the program.")

 // Call the risky operation within a function that recovers from panics

 fmt.Println("End of the program.")

12:避免使用 init 函数

除非必要,否则避免使用 init 函数,因为它们会让代码更难理解和维护。

package main

import (

// InitializeConfig initializes configuration.
func InitializeConfig() {
 // Initialize configuration parameters here.
 fmt.Println("Initializing configuration...")

// InitializeDatabase initializes the database connection.
func InitializeDatabase() {
 // Initialize database connection here.
 fmt.Println("Initializing database...")

func main() {
 // Call initialization functions explicitly.

 // Your main program logic goes here.
 fmt.Println("Main program logic...")



package main

import (

func main() {
 // Open the file (Replace "example.txt" with your file's name)
 file, err := os.Open("example.txt")
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error opening the file:", err)
  return // Exit the program on error
 defer file.Close() // Ensure the file is closed when the function exits

 // Read and print the contents of the file
 data := make([]byte, 100)
 n, err := file.Read(data)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error reading the file:", err)
  return // Exit the program on error

 fmt.Printf("Read %d bytes: %s\n", n, data[:n])

14: 复合文本比构造器函数更好


  • 简明
  • 可读性
  • 灵活性
package main

import (

// Define a struct type representing a person
type Person struct {
 FirstName string // First name of the person
 LastName  string // Last name of the person
 Age       int    // Age of the person

func main() {
 // Using a composite literal to create a Person instance
 person := Person{
  FirstName: "John",   // Initialize the FirstName field
  LastName:  "Doe",    // Initialize the LastName field
  Age:       30,       // Initialize the Age field

 // Printing the person's information
 fmt.Println("Person Details:")
 fmt.Println("First Name:", person.FirstName) // Access and print the First Name field
 fmt.Println("Last Name:", person.LastName)   // Access and print the Last Name field
 fmt.Println("Age:", person.Age)             // Access and print the Age field

15: 最小化函数参数

在 Go 中,编写简洁高效的代码很重要。实现此目标的一种方法是尽量减少函数参数的数量,这样代码的可维护性和可读性会更高。

package main

import "fmt"

// Option struct to hold configuration options
type Option struct {
    Port    int
    Timeout int

// ServerConfig is a function that accepts an Option struct
func ServerConfig(opt Option) {
    fmt.Printf("Server configuration - Port: %d, Timeout: %d seconds\n", opt.Port, opt.Timeout)

func main() {
    // Creating an Option struct with default values
    defaultConfig := Option{
        Port:    8080,
        Timeout: 30,

    // Configuring the server with default options

    // Modifying the Port using a new Option struct
    customConfig := Option{
        Port: 9090,

    // Configuring the server with custom Port value and default Timeout

在本示例中,我们定义了 Option struct 来保存服务器的配置参数。与向 ServerConfig 函数传递多个参数不同,我们使用一个 Option struct,这使得代码更易于维护和扩展。此方法在使用具有多个配置参数的函数时特别有用。


命名返回值在 Go 中很常见,但有时它们会使代码(尤其是在较大的代码库中)不够清晰。

package main

import "fmt"

// namedReturn demonstrates named return values.
func namedReturn(x, y int) (result int) {
    result = x + y

// explicitReturn demonstrates explicit return values.
func explicitReturn(x, y int) int {
    return x + y

func main() {
    // Named return values
    sum1 := namedReturn(3, 5)
    fmt.Println("Named Return:", sum1)

    // Explicit return values
    sum2 := explicitReturn(3, 5)
    fmt.Println("Explicit Return:", sum2)

在上面的示例程序中,我们有两个函数,分别是 namedReturn 和 explicitReturn。以下是它们的不同之处:

  • namedReturn 使用了名为 result 的命名返回值。虽然很清楚该函数返回了什么,但它在更复杂的函数中可能并不十分明显。
  • explicitReturn 直接返回结果。这样做更简单、更明确。

17: 尽可能将函数的复杂度降到最低


package main

import (

// CalculateSum returns the sum of two numbers.
func CalculateSum(a, b int) int {
 return a + b

// PrintSum prints the sum of two numbers.
func PrintSum() {
 x := 5
 y := 3
 sum := CalculateSum(x, y)
 fmt.Printf("Sum of %d and %d is %d\n", x, y, sum)

func main() {
 // Call the PrintSum function to demonstrate minimal function complexity.

我们定义了两个函数 CalculateSum 和 PrintSum,它们具有特定的职责。

  • CalculateSum 是一个简单的函数,它计算两个数字的和。
  • PrintSum 使用 CalculateSum 计算并打印 5 和 3 的和。、




package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Declare and initialize an outer variable 'x' with the value 10.
    x := 10
    fmt.Println("Outer x:", x)

    // Enter an inner scope with a new variable 'x' shadowing the outer 'x'.
    if true {
        x := 5 // Shadowing occurs here
        fmt.Println("Inner x:", x) // Print the inner 'x', which is 5.

    // The outer 'x' remains unchanged and is still accessible.
    fmt.Println("Outer x after inner scope:", x) // Print the outer 'x', which is 10.

19: 使用接口进行抽象

  • 抽象
    抽象是 Go 中一个基本概念,它允许我们定义行为,而无需指定实现细节。
  • 接口
    在 Go 中,接口是方法签名的集合。
package main

import (

// Define the Shape interface
type Shape interface {
    Area() float64

// Rectangle struct
type Rectangle struct {
    Width  float64
    Height float64

// Circle struct
type Circle struct {
    Radius float64

// Implement the Area method for Rectangle
func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
    return r.Width * r.Height

// Implement the Area method for Circle
func (c Circle) Area() float64 {
    return math.Pi * c.Radius * c.Radius

// Function to print the area of any Shape
func PrintArea(s Shape) {
    fmt.Printf("Area: %.2f\n", s.Area())

func main() {
    rectangle := Rectangle{Width: 5, Height: 3}
    circle := Circle{Radius: 2.5}

    // Call PrintArea on rectangle and circle, both of which implement the Shape interface
    PrintArea(rectangle) // Prints the area of the rectangle
    PrintArea(circle)    // Prints the area of the circle


在 Go 中,关键是要在包和可执行文件之间保持明确的分离,以确保代码的简洁性和可维护性。

    ├── main.go
    ├── myutils/
       └── myutils.go

  • myutils/myutils.go:
package myutils

import "fmt"

// Exported function to print a message
func PrintMessage(message string) {
 fmt.Println("Message from myutils:", message)
  • main.go:
// Main program
package main

import (
 "myproject/myutils" // Import the custom package

func main() {
 message := "Hello, Golang!"

 // Call the exported function from the custom package

 // Demonstrate the main program logic
 fmt.Println("Message from main:", message)

在上述示例中,我们有两个单独的文件:myutils.go 和 main.go。
myutils.go 定义了一个名为 myutils 的自定义包。它包含一个导出的函数 PrintMessage,用于打印一条消息。
main.go 是使用其相对路径(“myproject/myutils”)导入自定义包 myutils 的可执行文件。
main.go 中的 main 函数从 myutils 包中调用 PrintMessage 函数并打印一条消息。这种职责分离使代码保持井然有序且易于维护。


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  4. Golang面向对象编程

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