Econometrics Assignment 3 Stata

Econometrics, Assignment Three

Due on May 10 in class

You are required to code a Stata dofile to replicate some of the results in the paper ‘Esti-
mating the Effect of the One-Child Policy on the Sex Ratio Imbalance in China: Identification
Based on the Difference-in-Differences’. See the original paper inOriginalPaper.pdf.

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  • Replicate ‘Fig.1 Sex ratios by birth cohort’ from the datafigure12.dta. See an example
    of replication infigure1.pdf.
  • Replicate ‘Fig.2 Sex ratios for the Han and minorities’ from the datafigure12.dta. See
    an example of replication infigure2.pdf.
  • Replicate ‘Variables’, ‘Definitions’, ‘Sample 1: Mean’ and ‘Sample 1: SD’ in ‘Table 1
    Variable definition and summary statistics’ from datasample1.dta. See an example of
    replication inTable1.docx.
  • Replicate ‘Table 2 Difference-in-differences (DD) estimates of the effect of the one-child
    policy on the probability of being a boy’ from datasample1.dta. See an example of
    replication inTable2.docx.
  • Replicate ‘Table 5 Difference-in-differences (DD) estimates of the effect of the one-child
    policy on the probability of being a boy: Provinces versus autonomous regions’ from data
    sample1.dta. See an example of replication inTable5.docx.
    You are required to submit:
  • Replicated Fig.1 and Fig.2, named as respectivelyfigure1.pdf,figure2.pdf.
  • Replicated Table 1,2,5, named as respectivelyTable1.docx,Table2.docx,Table5.docx.
  • The dofile you code, named
  • The log of your code, named asLogfile.log.
  • A compressed folder including all the files above named as ‘Student Number+Name+Replication’.
    Submit your results
  • The definition of variables can be found inProvinceCode.txtandcensus90codebook.pdf.
  • Replication examplesTable1.docx,Table2.docx,Table5.docxare not completely consistent
    with the original paper. The black font indicates that the result is consistent with the
    original paper, and the red font indicates that the result is inconsistent with the original
    paper. Replication example is different from the original paper because clustered standard
    error is used in the original paper. Since clustered standard error is not required by this
    course, your results can either be consistent with the original paper or the replication
  • You may use the following codes to print you results in Stata: outreg2,asdoc,estout,
    esttab. However, you are not required to do so for this assignment. That is to say, you
    can also directly copy your results in Stata and paste them into a word file.


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