PCG 梯度共轭(加权的DCT相位展开)相位解包裹 matlab 过程解析-加权最小二乘相位展开技术


 % check if the weight has the same size as psi
        if (~all(size(weight) == size(psi)))
            error('Argument error: Size of the weight must be the same as size of the wrapped phase');
        %论文(公式 15)中的矢量 b 为 dx 和 dy
        % vector b in the paper (eq 15) is dx and dy
        dx = [wrapToPi(diff(psi, 1, 2)), zeros([size(psi,1),1])]; % 计算x差分
        dy = [wrapToPi(diff(psi, 1, 1)); zeros([1,size(psi,2)])]; % 计算y差分
        %  将向量 b 乘以权重平方 (W^T * W)

        % multiply the vector b by weight square (W^T * W)   将向量 b 乘以权重平方 (W^T * W)
        WW = weight .* weight;
        WWdx = WW .* dx;
        WWdy = WW .* dy;
        %对 WWdx 和 WWdy 应用 A^T 就像在非加权情况下获得 rho 一样
        % applying A^T to WWdx and WWdy is like obtaining rho in the unweighted case
        WWdx2 = [zeros([size(psi,1),1]), WWdx];
        WWdy2 = [zeros([1,size(psi,2)]); WWdy];
        rk = 


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