【大语言模型LLM】-Ollama+Llama3 部署你自己的大语言模型




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【大语言模型LLM】- AI工具收录集合,一篇就够了!



  • 推荐16GB内存以上,最低8GB。
  • 最近几年的CPU均可。
  • 有英伟达显卡性能表现会更好,但不是必须。

二、Ollama 介绍



Ollama的功能还包括启动并运行大型语言模型,如Llama 2、Code Llama和其他模型,以及自定义并创建用户自己的模型。它支持GPU/CPU混合模式,允许用户根据自己笔记本电脑的GPU和GPU显存来选择运行模式。




  • 下载安装 Ollama
  • 下载 Llama3 大模型
ollama run llama3



  • 使用 Python ,API调用
import requests

def get_lamma_response(prompt):
    # 定义请求的 URL
    url = 'http://localhost:11434/api/chat'
    # 定义请求的数据
    data = {
        "model": "llama3",
        "messages": [
                "role": 'user',
                "content": prompt
        "stream": False
    # 发送 POST 请求
    response = requests.post(url, json=data)
    # 获取响应内容
    response_data = response.json()

    return response_data['message']['content']

why is the sky blue?
response = ollama_model(prompt)

The sky appears blue to us because of a combination of factors involving light, atmosphere, and our own perception. Here's a breakdown:

1. **Sunlight**: When sunlight enters Earth's atmosphere, it contains all the colors of the visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). The shorter wavelengths of light, like blue and violet, are more easily scattered by the tiny molecules of gases like nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2).
2. **Atmospheric scattering**: As sunlight interacts with these gas molecules, it scatters in all directions. This scattering effect is more pronounced for shorter wavelengths (like blue and violet) than longer wavelengths (like red and orange). Think of it like a game of pool: the smaller balls (shorter wavelengths) are more likely to bounce around and change direction than the larger balls (longer wavelengths).
3. **Rayleigh scattering**: In 1871, Lord Rayleigh discovered that the amount of scattering depends on the wavelength of light and the size of the particles involved. This phenomenon is now known as Rayleigh scattering. It's responsible for the blue color we see in the sky during the daytime.
4. **Perception**: Our brains are wired to perceive the blue light that reaches our eyes as a dominant feature of the sky. The scattered blue light from all directions appears to come from above, creating the illusion of a blue sky.
5. **Earth's atmosphere**: The color of the sky can also be influenced by various atmospheric conditions, such as:
	* Dust and pollutants: These particles can scatter light in different ways, making the sky appear more hazy or gray.
	* Water vapor: High levels of water vapor can make the sky appear more white or cloudy.
	* Aerosols: Tiny particles in the air, like those from volcanic eruptions or human activities, can scatter light and change the apparent color of the sky.

In summary, the combination of sunlight, atmospheric scattering (especially Rayleigh scattering), and our perception of the scattered blue light creates the blue color we see in the sky. The Earth's atmosphere can also influence this appearance through various factors.



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