NameError: name ‘_mysql‘ is not defined 安装mysqlclient报错


The error message you’re seeing indicates that the pkg-config utility is not installed on your system, or it is not able to find the necessary configuration for mysqlclient. pkg-config is used to determine the compilation options for libraries that are required by mysqlclient.
Here’s how you can resolve this issue:

  1. Install pkg-config: If you’re on a macOS system, you can install pkg-config using Homebrew:
    brew install pkg-config
    On Ubuntu or Debian, you can install it using:
    sudo apt-get install pkg-config
    For other Linux distributions, use the appropriate package manager to install pkg-config.
  2. Install MySQL development headers: As mentioned before, you need the MySQL client development libraries and headers. If you haven’t already installed them, do so now:


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