


loss_dict = model(images,targets)

  • 入参
    • images: List(Tensor(3,1920,1080))[8]
    • targets: List(dict()[3])[8] dict详情见下表:
key type dtype size remark
boxes Tensor float32 (n,4)1 the ground-truth boxes in [x1, y1, x2, y2] format, with 0 <= x1 < x2 <= W and 0 <= y1 < y2 <= H.
labels Tenosr int64 (n,) the class label for each ground-truth box
maskes Tensor uint8 (n,1920,1080)[N,H,W] the segmentation binary masks for each instance,实际就是0和1,有对象的区域就是1,否则就是0,这个照片有多少个对象就有多少个mask
area* Tensor float32 (n,) 对象面积
iscrowd* Tensor int64 (n,) 是否为一群对象(coco数据集会标注)
image_id* int 图像编号


  • 返回 loss_dict dict()[5] dict详情见下表:
key type dtype size 损失函数 remark
loss_classifer Tensor float32 () CrossEntropyLoss 对象分类损失(Classification Loss):
loss_box_reg Tensor float32 () Smooth L1 Loss/MSE 边界框回归损失(Bounding Box Regression Loss):
loss_mask Tensor float32 () Binary Cross-Entropy Loss 掩膜损失(Mask Loss):
loss_objectness Tensor float32 () CrossEntropyLoss RPN分类损失(RPN Classification Loss):前景/背景二分类损失
loss_rpn_box_reg Tensor float32 () Smooth L1/MSE RPN边界框回归损失(RPN Bounding Box Regression Loss)


predict = model(images)

  • 入参 images: List(Tensor(3,1920,1080))[8] 不变
  • 返回 predict:List(dict()[4])[8] dict详情见下表:
key type dtype size remark
boxes Tensor float32 (m,4)2 the predicted boxes in [x1, y1, x2, y2] format,预测的所有的边界框
labels Tensor int64 (m,) the predicted labels for each instance
boxes Tensor float32 (m,) the scores or each instance
boxes Tensor float32 (m,1,1920,1080)[M, 1, H, W] the predicted masks for each instance, in 0-1 range. In order to obtain the final segmentation masks, the soft masks can be thresholded, generally with a value of 0.5 (mask >= 0.5).实际存储的是一个软掩膜,0.5以下的也有,存在比较平滑的过度


  1. n为此图像上的实例个数 ↩︎

  2. m为此图像 ↩︎


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