cpt111 Principles of Programming

Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions
Coursework 3 (CW3) is the final coursework component of the course this semester.
It contributes to 30% of your final marks .
You will apply the object-oriented principles, file processing techniques, data
structures, and graphics concepts you have learned throughout the semester to visualize data from input files. Additionally, you will create a video presentation to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and understanding of object-oriented principles.
You are required to submit the following files: Java code, a Word and PDF report, an ethics quiz, an MP4 video, and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation used in the video.
University Lateness Policy
Report and video files are allowed to have late submission with penalty for max 5 days.
There will be no late code or ethics quiz submissions since feedback is given by the automatic grader or quiz. This is consistent to University lateness policy on not having late submission period for assessment with feedback.
The rest of the task sheet will describe the visualization tools, the detailed
specification of the tasks, and the deliverables you have to submit.
Data visualization involves the use of graphical elements and structures to represent and communicate data patterns, relationships, and insights. Diagrams are visual representations that can simplify complex data, making it easier for viewers to understand and analyze information. Data visualization using diagrams serves several purposes such as Data Exploration, Data Presentation, and Pattern Recognition.
You must choose one type of diagrams in this coursework:
1. Bar Charts , a simple visualization for a standard mark ( max 70 marks ).
2. Sankey Diagrams , a more complicated visualization for a higher mark ( max 100
marks ).
For the remainder of this task sheet, we will explain how the Sankey Diagram will be graded, with a maximum coursework score of 100 marks. The marks for bar graphs will be adjusted proportionally , with a maximum coursework score of 70 marks.
Bar Charts
A bar chart is a graphical representation used in data visualization to display
categorical data with rectangular bars. Each bar's length or height corresponds to the value it represents, making it easy to compare and analyze data across different categories. Bar charts are widely used in various fields to convey information effectively, such as the amount of investment, sales and profit over the years.
To create a bar chart from a data file, you will need to specify the categories, set up  the chart's axes, and customize its appearance with titles or legends.


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