Android T多屏多显——应用双屏间拖拽移动功能(更新中)








     * Move root task with all its existing content to specified display.
     * @param rootTaskId Id of root task to move.
     * @param displayId  Id of display to move root task to.
     * @param onTop      Indicates whether container should be place on top or on bottom.
    void moveRootTaskToDisplay(int rootTaskId, int displayId, boolean onTop) {
        final DisplayContent displayContent = getDisplayContentOrCreate(displayId);
        if (displayContent == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("moveRootTaskToDisplay: Unknown displayId="
                    + displayId);

        moveRootTaskToTaskDisplayArea(rootTaskId, displayContent.getDefaultTaskDisplayArea(),
     * Move root task with all its existing content to specified task display area.
     * @param rootTaskId      Id of root task to move.
     * @param taskDisplayArea The task display area to move root task to.
     * @param onTop           Indicates whether container should be place on top or on bottom.
    void moveRootTaskToTaskDisplayArea(int rootTaskId, TaskDisplayArea taskDisplayArea,
            boolean onTop) {
        final Task rootTask = getRootTask(rootTaskId);
        if (rootTask == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("moveRootTaskToTaskDisplayArea: Unknown rootTaskId="
                    + rootTaskId);

        final TaskDisplayArea currentTaskDisplayArea = rootTask.getDisplayArea();
        if (currentTaskDisplayArea == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("moveRootTaskToTaskDisplayArea: rootTask=" + rootTask
                    + " is not attached to any task display area.");

        if (taskDisplayArea == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "moveRootTaskToTaskDisplayArea: Unknown taskDisplayArea=" + taskDisplayArea);

        if (currentTaskDisplayArea == taskDisplayArea) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to move rootTask=" + rootTask
                    + " to its current taskDisplayArea=" + taskDisplayArea);
        rootTask.reparent(taskDisplayArea, onTop);

        // Resume focusable root task after reparenting to another display area.

        // TODO(multi-display): resize rootTasks properly if moved from split-screen.


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