
// Link to where most of code  and ideas stolen from http://au.autodesk.com/?nd=class&session_id=7451 
// The link above was a class taught by Stephen Preston at AutoDesk University  http://au.autodesk.com/
// Class ID: CP316-5
// Class Title: Creating Parametric and Geometric Constraints Using the AutoCAD® .NET API

// This is code is rearranged and modified from original Author Stephen Preston
// Link to Stephen Preston Profile http://au.autodesk.com/?nd=my_profile&account_id=116657
 Quote from link above
 Stephen has been a member of the Autodesk Developer Technical Services (DevTech) team since 2000, 
 supporting the AutoCAD® ObjectARX®, .NET and ActiveX APIs, and also AutoCAD OEM, and RealDWG™.    
 Currently, he manages the DevTech Americas team and serves as Workgroup Lead, working closely     
 with the AutoCAD engineering team on future improvements in the AutoCAD APIs. Stephen started his 
 career as a scientist, and has a Ph.D. in Atomic and Laser Physics from the University of Oxford. 

using System;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;

// This line is not mandatory, but improves loading performances
[assembly: CommandClass(typeof(AssociativeFrameWorkCS.MyCommands))]

namespace AssociativeFrameWorkCS

    public class MyCommands
        Random rdn;
        private Document doc;
        private Database db;

        private Editor ed;
        public MyCommands()
            ActiveDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            rdn = new Random();
        ///''Little Trick picked up from Kerry Brown  http://www.theswamp.org/index.php
        private Document ActiveDoc
            get { return doc; }

                doc = value;

                if (doc == null)
                    db = null;
                    ed = null;
                    db = doc.Database;
                    ed = doc.Editor;

        #region "Code from Au University"
        //See link at top for full  source code
        //horizontal constraint
        //<CommandMethod("TESTHORIZONTAL")> _
        //Public Sub testHorizontalCommand()
        //    Dim db As Database = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
        //    Dim tm As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager = db.TransactionManager
        //    Using myT As Transaction = tm.StartTransaction()
        //        'Add line to database
        //        Dim bt As BlockTable = DirectCast(myT.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead, False), BlockTable)
        //        Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(myT.GetObject(bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace), OpenMode.ForWrite, False), BlockTableRecord)
        //        Dim line As New Line(New Point3d(5, 5, 0), New Point3d(15, 15, 0))
        //        btr.AppendEntity(line)
        //        myT.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(line, True)

        //        'Our constrained geometry will be the edge of the line
        //        Dim subentPath As FullSubentityPath = GetFullSubentityPath(line, SubentityType.Edge)
        //        Dim consGrpId As ObjectId = GetConstraintGroup(True)
        //        Dim consGeom As ConstrainedGeometry = Nothing
        //        Using constGrp As Assoc2dConstraintGroup = DirectCast(myT.GetObject(consGrpId, OpenMode.ForWrite, False), Assoc2dConstraintGroup)
        //            'Add the constrained geometry to which the geometrical constraint will be applied
        //            consGeom = constGrp.AddConstrainedGeometry(subentPath)
        //            Dim paths As FullSubentityPath() = New FullSubentityPath(0) {subentPath}
        //            'Now add the geometrical constraint
        //            Dim newConstraint As GeometricalConstraint = constGrp.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Horizontal, paths)
        //            Dim constraintArray As New List(Of GeometricalConstraint)()
        //            constraintArray.Add(newConstraint)
        //        End Using

        //        myT.Commit()
        //    End Using
        //End Sub
        // If you look at the code above and source code many of the methods for example member methods
        // of the Assoc2dConstraintGroup have a return type, but I ommitted them since
        // the return value is not used for any of the following code. My intentions were to thin out the code
        // to help me learn the API. Might need to be added for more useful and examples

        // Basiclly noticed 2 branches or forms of code depending on if the entity was being constrained or a subentity of the
        // entity. For example using a line's edge or a point on the line.

        // The next two examples show the two types that produce the same result.
        // HorizontalConstraintByEntity() uses the line's edge for a horizontal constraint and
        // HorizontalConstraintByStartandEndPoint() uses the start and end point of a line to apply a horizontal constraint

        // Will add most comments in first 2 methods and helper functions since they do not vary much

        // Please remember you will only need to enter the first 2 to 3 letters of methods then press tab 1 to 2 times
        // instead of typing the whole name


        public void HorizontalConstraintByEntity()
            using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())

                //'Helper Function that creates entity and adds it to the database
                Entity line = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);

                //Our constrained geometry will be the edge of the line
                FullSubentityPath lineFSP = GetFullSubentityPath(line, SubentityType.Edge);
                //'Helper Function

                FullSubentityPath[] paths = { lineFSP };

                Assoc2dConstraintGroup constraintGroup = GetConstraintGroup(OpenMode.ForWrite);
                //'Heler Function

                //Add the constrained geometry to which the geometrical constraint will be applied
                //Now add the geometrical constraint
                constraintGroup.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Horizontal, paths);




        public void HorizontalConstraintByStartandEndPoint()
            using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                Entity line = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);
                //'Helper Function

                //To query the subentities of the line, we create and use a protocol extension (PE) provided by the associativity API
                AssocPersSubentityIdPE subentityIdPE = GetSubEntIdProtocolExt(line);
                //Now we have the PE, we query the subentities

                //First we retrieve a list of all edges (a line has one edge)
                SubentityId[] subentityIds = subentityIdPE.GetAllSubentities(line, SubentityType.Edge);

                // The next three variables are passed By Reference to GetEdgeVertexSubentities() method
                SubentityId startPntSubEntId = SubentityId.Null;
                SubentityId endPntSubEntId = SubentityId.Null;
                SubentityId[] otherPntsSubEntId = null;
                //' First element would be a lines mid-point

                //Now we retrieve the vertices associated with that edge.
                subentityIdPE.GetEdgeVertexSubentities(line, subentityIds[0], ref startPntSubEntId, ref endPntSubEntId, ref otherPntsSubEntId);

                //The PE returns a SubEntId. We want a Full SubentityPath
                ObjectId[] ids = { line.ObjectId };

                FullSubentityPath lineFullSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, subentityIds[0]);
                FullSubentityPath startFullSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, startPntSubEntId);
                FullSubentityPath endFullSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, endPntSubEntId);

                Assoc2dConstraintGroup constraintGroup = GetConstraintGroup(OpenMode.ForWrite);
                //Pass in geometry to constrain (the line edge)

                FullSubentityPath[] paths = {startFullSubEntPath, endFullSubEntPath};

                constraintGroup.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Horizontal, paths);

        public void VerticalConstraintByEntity()
            using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())

                Entity line = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);
                FullSubentityPath lineFSP = GetFullSubentityPath(line, SubentityType.Edge);
                FullSubentityPath[] paths = { lineFSP };
                Assoc2dConstraintGroup constraintGroup = GetConstraintGroup(OpenMode.ForWrite);
                //'Heler Function

                constraintGroup.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Vertical, paths);




        public void VerticalConstraintByStartandEndPoint()

            using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())

                Entity line = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);
                //'Helper Function
                AssocPersSubentityIdPE subentityIdPE = GetSubEntIdProtocolExt(line);
                SubentityId[] subentityIds = subentityIdPE.GetAllSubentities(line, SubentityType.Edge);

                SubentityId startPntSubEntId = SubentityId.Null;
                SubentityId endPntSubEntId = SubentityId.Null;
                SubentityId[] otherPntsSubEntId = null;

                subentityIdPE.GetEdgeVertexSubentities(line, subentityIds[0], ref startPntSubEntId, ref endPntSubEntId, ref otherPntsSubEntId);

                ObjectId[] ids = { line.ObjectId };

                FullSubentityPath lineFullSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, subentityIds[0]);
                FullSubentityPath startFullSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, startPntSubEntId);
                FullSubentityPath endFullSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, endPntSubEntId);

                Assoc2dConstraintGroup constraintGroup = GetConstraintGroup(OpenMode.ForWrite);
                FullSubentityPath[] paths = {startFullSubEntPath, endFullSubEntPath};

                constraintGroup.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Vertical, paths);



        public void FixedConstraintByEntity()
            using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())

                Entity entity = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);
                //'Helper Function to create Line or Circle with Random Points

                AssocPersSubentityIdPE assocsubentityIdPE = GetSubEntIdProtocolExt(entity);

                SubentityId[] subentityIds = assocsubentityIdPE.GetAllSubentities(entity, SubentityType.Edge);

                SubentityId startSubEntId = SubentityId.Null;
                SubentityId endSubEntId = SubentityId.Null;
                SubentityId[] otherSubEntId = null;

                assocsubentityIdPE.GetEdgeVertexSubentities(entity, subentityIds[0], ref startSubEntId, ref endSubEntId, ref otherSubEntId);

                ObjectId[] ids = { entity.ObjectId };

                FullSubentityPath lineSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, subentityIds[0]);
                //The line edge

                FullSubentityPath otherFullSubEntPath = new FullSubentityPath(ids, otherSubEntId[0]);
                //The edge's midPoint.

                Assoc2dConstraintGroup constraintGroup = GetConstraintGroup(OpenMode.ForWrite);
                //Pass in geometry to constrain (the line edge)

                FullSubentityPath[] paths = { otherFullSubEntPath };
                //Now create the constraint, a Fixed constraint applied to the line's mid-point.
                constraintGroup.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Fix, paths);



        public void ColinearConstraintByEntity()

            using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                Entity line1 = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);
                Entity line2 = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);

                FullSubentityPath line1FSPath = GetFullSubentityPath(line1, SubentityType.Edge);
                FullSubentityPath line2FSPath = GetFullSubentityPath(line2, SubentityType.Edge);

                Assoc2dConstraintGroup constraintGroup = GetConstraintGroup(OpenMode.ForWrite);

                FullSubentityPath[] paths = {line1FSPath, line2FSPath};
                constraintGroup.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Collinear, paths);



        public void SymmetryConstraintByEntity()
            using (Transaction trx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                Entity circle1 = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Circle);
                Entity circle2 = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Circle);
                Entity line = CreateRandomEntity(CreateEntityType.Line);

                FullSubentityPath circle1FSPath = GetFullSubentityPath(circle1, SubentityType.Edge);
                FullSubentityPath circle2FSPath = GetFullSubentityPath(circle2, SubentityType.Edge);
                FullSubentityPath lineFSPath = GetFullSubentityPath(line, SubentityType.Edge);

                Assoc2dConstraintGroup constraintGroup = GetConstraintGroup(OpenMode.ForWrite);


                FullSubentityPath[] paths = {circle1FSPath, circle2FSPath, lineFSPath};
                constraintGroup.AddGeometricalConstraint(GeometricalConstraint.ConstraintType.Symmetric, paths);




    public enum CreateEntityType



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