hive metatool 使用说明

metatool 使用说明

usage: metatool
 -dryRun                                  Perform a dry run of
                                          updateLocation changes.When run
                                          with the dryRun option
                                          updateLocation changes are
                                          displayed but not persisted.
                                          dryRun is valid only with the
                                          updateLocation option.
 -executeJDOQL <query-string>             execute the given JDOQL query
 -help                                    print this message
 -listFSRoot                              print the current FS root
 -prepareAcidUpgrade <find-compactions>   Generates a set Compaction
                                          commands to run to prepare for
                                          Hive 2.x to 3.0 upgrade
 -serdePropKey <serde-prop-key>           Specify the key for serde
                                          property to be updated.
                                          serdePropKey option is valid
                                          only with updateLocation option.
 -tablePropKey <table-prop-key>           Specify the key for table
                                          property to be updated.
                                          tablePropKey option is valid
                                          only with updateLocation option.
 -updateLocation <new-loc> <old-loc>      Update FS root location in the
                                          metastore to new location.Both
                                          new-loc and old-loc should be
                                          valid URIs with valid host names
                                          and schemes.When run with the
                                          dryRun option changes are
                                          displayed but are not persisted.
                                          When run with the
                                          serdepropKey/tablePropKey option
                                          updateLocation looks for the
                                          that is specified and updates
                                          its value if found.



metatool -listFSRoot





metatool -updateLocation hdfs://master-e812d44:8020 hdfs://master-e812d44:8020/hive/new-location

更新 DBS 和 SDS 数据表中关于位置的字段。

Looking for LOCATION_URI field in DBS table to update..
Successfully updated the following locations..
old location: hdfs://master-e812d44:8020/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/test.db new location: hdfs://master-e812d44:8020/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/test.db
-- 省略详细信息
Updated 4 records in DBS table
Looking for LOCATION field in SDS table to update..
Successfully updated the following locations..

-- 省略详细信息
Updated 43 records in SDS table


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