

1.if 标签

  <select id="xx" resultType="xxx">
        select * from user where 1=1
        <if test="name != null and name !=''">
            and name = #{name}
        <if test="age != null and age != ''">
            and age = #{age}


2. where标签

 <select id="xxx">
        select * from user
        <if test="name != null and name !=''">
            and name = #{name}
        <if test="age != null and age != ''">
            and age = #{age}

where会把 多余的 and,or,自动去掉。当where标签内没有内容时,就不会显示where


  • prefix/suffix 将trim标签内的内容,前面/后面添加指定内容

  • prefixOverrides/suffixOverrides 将trim标签中内容前面或后面 去掉指定内容

  • 若标签中没有内容时,trim标签也没有任何效果

 <select id="xxxx">

      prefix/suffix 将trim标签内的内容,前面/后面添加指定内容
      prefixOverrides/suffixOverrides 将trim标签中内容前面或后面 去掉指定内容
        <trim prefix="where"   suffixOverrides="and | or">
            <if test="name != null and name !=''">
                and name = #{name}
            <if test="age != null and age != ''">
                and age = #{age}


4.choose when otherwise 标签

choose when otherwise 相当于 if…else…if…else

所以 when 和 otherwise 只有一个条件执行

    <select id="xxxx">
        select * from user 
                <when test="name != null and name != ''">
                    name = #{name}
                <when test="age != null and age != null">
                    age = #{age}

                    eid =1

5.foreach 标签


  <delete id="xxxx">
        delete from user where id in(
            <foreach collection="ids" item="id" separator=",">


 <delete id="xxxx">
        delete from user where id in
            <foreach collection="ids" item="id" separator="," open="(" close=")">


 <delete id="xxxx">
        delete from user where 
            <foreach collection="ids" item="id" separator="or" >
               id= #{id}



<insert id="">
        insert into user values
        <foreach collection="emps" item="emp" separator=",">


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