






元字符 描述
. 匹配任意单个字符除了\n\r
^ 匹配字符串的开始
$ 匹配字符串的结束
* 匹配前面的字符零次或多次
+ 匹配前面的字符至少一次或多次
? 匹配前面的字符零次或一次
` `
[] 匹配括号内的所有字符,可在内部字符串首写^表示不匹配给定字符(例如[^ABC]
[-] 匹配在连续范围内的字符
[^] 匹配不在该组内的字符
() 表示一个子表达式
{n} 匹配时指定前面字符出现的重复次数必须为n
{n,} 匹配时指定前面字符出现的重复次数至少为n,也可以指定至多出现次数{n,m}
\ 转义字符,用于匹配特殊字符
\< 匹配一个词组开头的字串


  • 贪婪:正则表达式默认是贪婪的,即会尽可能匹配更多的字符。例如,对于正则表达式a.*b,如果用来匹配字符串aabb,它会匹配整个字符串,而不是只匹配到第一个b为止。
  • 非贪婪:通过在量词后面加上?可以实现非贪婪匹配,这样正则表达式会尽可能少的匹配字符。例如,对于正则表达式a.*?b,如果用来匹配字符串aabb,它会匹配到第一个ab为止,而不是匹配整个字符串。



元字符 描述
\s 用来匹配所有空白字符,包括换行符
\S 用来匹配非空白符,不包括换行符
\w 匹配字母,数字,下划线
\d 用来匹配数字



  • 分组:使用圆括号()来创建一个分组,可以对其中的子表达式进行分组,并对整个分组应用量词。例如,(?:...)是一个非捕获分组,不会捕获匹配的内容,而(abc)是一个捕获分组,会捕获匹配的内容以便后续使用。

  • 非捕获元:用于对子表达式进行分组但不捕获匹配的内容。它可以避免将匹配的内容存储在匹配结果中,仅用于分组或者应用量词。

非捕获元 捕获元描述
(?:exp1) 捕获 exp1,但不记住匹配项。这在需要分组,但不需要捕获匹配内容时很有用。
(?=exp1) 匹配 exp1 前面的位置,但不消费任何字符。这称为正向先行断言。例如,(?=\d) 匹配一个数字前面的位置,但不匹配数字本身。
(?!exp1) 匹配后面跟的不是 exp1 的位置。这称为负向先行断言。例如,(?!\d) 匹配后面不是数字的位置。
(?<=exp1) 匹配 exp1 后面的位置,但不消费任何字符。这称为正向后行断言。例如,(?<=\d) 匹配一个数字后面的位置,但不匹配数字本身。
(?<!exp1) 匹配前面不是 exp1 的位置。这称为负向后行断言。例如,(?<!\d) 匹配前面不是数字的位置。



修饰符 描述
i 执行对大小写不敏感的匹配。
m 多行模式。改变 ^$ 的行为,使它们分别在行的起始和结束处匹配,而不是在整个输入字符串的起始和结束处匹配。
s 单行模式。改变 . 的行为,使其匹配所有字符,包括换行符 \n
g 全局模式。查找所有匹配项,而不是在找到第一个匹配项后停止。


  • 匹配一个有效的IPv4地址,匹配形如192.168.1.1的IPv4地址:
  • 匹配一个日期(YYYY-MM-DD),匹配形如2024-04-01的日期:
  • 匹配一个有效的邮箱地址,匹配形如example@example.com的邮箱地址:
  • 匹配一个简单的HTML标签(不考虑属性),匹配形如<div>content</div>的简单HTML标签:
  • 匹配一个简单的URL(不考虑协议、端口和查询参数),匹配形如http://example.com的简单URL:


if [[ "$string" =~ pattern ]]; then
 echo "Matched"



grep 是一个强大的文本搜索工具,常用于在文件中查找特定模式的文本行。以下是 grep 命令的一些常见用法:

  1. 基本用法:在文件中搜索指定模式的文本行。

    grep 'pattern' file.txt
  2. 递归搜索:在指定目录及其子目录中递归搜索匹配的文本行。

    grep -r 'pattern' directory/
  3. 忽略大小写:在搜索时忽略模式的大小写。

    grep -i 'pattern' file.txt
  4. 显示匹配行数:显示匹配到的文本行的行数。

    grep -c 'pattern' file.txt
  5. 显示不匹配行:显示不包含匹配模式的文本行。

    grep -v 'pattern' file.txt
  6. 显示匹配文本:仅显示匹配到的文本,而不显示整行。

    grep -o 'pattern' file.txt
  7. 显示匹配行及上下文:显示匹配到的文本行及其上下文行。

    grep -C 2 'pattern' file.txt  # 显示匹配行及其上下各两行
  8. 显示匹配行号:显示匹配到的文本行的行号。

    grep -n 'pattern' file.txt
  9. 限制搜索深度:在递归搜索时,限制搜索的深度。

    grep --max-depth=1 'pattern' directory/
  10. 扩展正则:当使用 -E 选项时,grep 将以扩展的正则表达式语法进行匹配

    grep -E 'pattern' file.txt





sed 选项 命令 文件
选项 描述
-e <script> 将指定的 script 用作 sed 命令。
-f <file> 从指定文件中读取 sed 脚本。
-i <suffix> 直接在文件中进行编辑,并可选地备份原始文件,备份文件的后缀名由 suffix 指定。
-n 不输出模式空间的内容,只有通过命令显式指定打印内容时才会输出。
-r--regexp-extended 使用扩展的正则表达式语法。
-s--separate 将输入视为多个独立的文件。
-u--unbuffered 使用无缓冲的输出。
-V--version 显示 sed 的版本信息。

-e-f 是用于指定 sed 脚本的选项,但有一些区别:

  1. -e <script>: -e 选项允许在命令行上直接指定 sed 脚本可以多次使用 -e 选项,每次指定一个脚本,这些脚本将按照指定的顺序依次执行。例如:

    sed -e 's/abc/def/' -e 's/123/456/' input.txt

    这将依次执行两个替换操作,第一个将 abc 替换为 def,第二个将 123 替换为 456

  2. -f <file>: -f 选项允许从指定的文件中读取 sed 脚本。文件中的每一行都被视为一个 sed 命令。例如,如果有一个名为 script.sed 的文件包含以下内容:


    可以像如下使用 -f 选项,这将会按照文件中的顺序依次执行两个替换操作:

    sed -f script.sed input.txt


Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!


  • 删除指令的基本格式如下,d表示执行删除操作
sed 选项 '/匹配条件/d' 文件名


  • 删除符合正则匹配条件的行
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '/commands/d' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
  • 删除指定行号的内容
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '7d' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
  • 删除指定行号范围内的行
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '3,4d' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!


r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '$d' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '3, $d' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.


  • 替换命令的格式如下,正则修饰符是可选的
sed 选项 's/匹配条件/用于替换的字符串/[正则修饰符]' 文件名


r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e 's/sed/SED/g' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for SED.
It contains some sample text that can be uSED to test various SED commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different SED commands.
SED is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing SED!


r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e 's/sed/SED/' content.txt 
It contains some sample text that can be uSED to test various sed commands.
  • 对匹配到的部分进行增加内容,即使用&表示匹配到的表达式
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e 's/sed/&SED/g' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sedSED.
It contains some sample text that can be usedSED to test various sedSED commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sedSED commands.
sedSED is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sedSED!


r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -r 's/(sed)/\1SED/g' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sedSED.
It contains some sample text that can be usedSED to test various sedSED commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sedSED commands.
sedSED is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sedSED!
  • 特殊情况下的匹配替换:存在/在字符串中时,我们必须将/替换为#
r123@localhost:~$ echo '/abc/344555/abc' | sed -e 's#abc#&ABC#g'
r123@localhost:~$ echo '/abc/344555/abc' | sed -e 's#abc#&ABC/g'
sed: -e expression #1, char 12: unterminated `s' command
r123@localhost:~$ echo '/abc/344555/abc' | sed -e 's/abc/&ABC/g'


  • 基本命令格式如下,不添加匹配条件时,默认添加到每一行后
sed -e '[/匹配条件/]r 其他文件名' 当前文件名
  • 在每一个符合匹配条件的行后增加文件内容
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ echo 12345678 > 1.txt
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '/sed/r 1.txt' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
  • 在当前文件后追加新文件内容
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -r '$r 1.txt' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!


  • 基本命令格式如下,不添加匹配条件时,默认另存整个文件
sed -e '[/匹配条件/]w 其他文件名' 当前文件名
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '/commands/w tmp.txt' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ cat tmp.txt 
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
  • 另存指定行的内容
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '1,3w tmp.txt' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ cat tmp.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.


  • 基本命令格式如下,不添加匹配条件时,默认追加到每行之后
sed -e '[/匹配条件/]a追加内容' 文件名
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '/commands/a123456' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
  • 追加内容到指定范围的行后
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '3,5a123456' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
  • 在一行后面追加多行内容
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '1a 233\
                            233333 ' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.


r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '3i123456' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!


  • 基本命令格式如下,不添加匹配条件时,默认替换每一行
sed -e '[/匹配条件/]c追加内容' 文件名
  • 替换指定行号的内容
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '2c 233333333' content.txt 
Hello, World!
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
  • 替换指定范围行号的内容为一行
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '1,2c233333333' content.txt 
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!



sed 选项 '/匹配条件/{n;其他命令}' 文件名
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -r '/commands/{n; d}' content.txt
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!



r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '/commands/!d' content.txt 
It contains some sample text that can be used to test various sed commands.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.

r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '/commands/d' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sed.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!


  • 使用多个e选项执行
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '1d' -e '3d' content.txt 
This is a test file for sed.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
  • 使用分号分割命令
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '2d;3d' content.txt 
Hello, World!
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sed commands.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!
  • 使用{}执行多个命令
r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sed -e '2,4{s/sed/&SED/g; s/commands/COMMANDS/g}' content.txt 
Hello, World!
This is a test file for sedSED.
It contains some sample text that can be usedSED to test various sedSED COMMANDS.
Feel free to modify this file and experiment with different sedSED COMMANDS.
sed is a powerful stream editor.
It can perform a wide range of text processing functions.
Enjoy testing sed!




awk 'pattern { action }' filename



awk '{ print $1 }' filename





  1. 读取文件awk从指定的文件或标准输入中逐行读取数据。
  2. 分割行:每行数据根据指定的分隔符(默认为空格)被拆分成多个字段。
  3. 匹配模式:对每一行数据,awk根据用户提供的模式进行匹配。模式可以是简单的条件,也可以是正则表达式。
  4. 执行动作:如果模式匹配成功,awk执行与模式关联的动作。动作可以是打印、计算、赋值等操作。
  5. 重复处理awk重复以上步骤,直到处理完所有输入数据。
  6. 输出结果:根据执行的动作,awk将生成的结果输出到标准输出或指定的文件中。



awk 选项 '命令' 文件名
选项 功能
-F 指定字段分隔符
-f 指定awk脚本文件
-v 定义awk变量
-i 修改awk的工作模式
-W 控制awk的警告消息
-o 控制awk的输出格式
-O 控制awk的输出字段
-F 控制awk的输入字段



  1. 使用BEGIN在处理之前打印标题:
awk 'BEGIN { print "Name\tAge\tGender" } { print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 }' data.txt


  1. 使用END在处理之后打印汇总信息:
awk '{ total += $1 } END { print "Total: " total }' data.txt



r123@localhost:~/shell_code$ sudo awk -F : 'BEGIN{ print "start"}{print $1" => "$2}END{print "end"}' /etc/passwd

root => x
daemon => x
bin => x



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