
1. 源由



  1. 研发人员或者人事的同事,都觉得英文不太能够理解
  2. 国内虽然普及了英文的学习,总体上感觉CET4就是个入门
  3. 实际工作中,很多资料有中文翻译,加上年龄较大的研发人员不习惯英文,整体大陆中文的环境
  4. 也有一小部分研发人员利用英文这个坎,来推脱说事


2. 级别定义


  • 助理工程师:1级
  • 初级工程师:2级
  • 高级工程师:3级
  • 资深工程师:4级
  • 主任工程师:5级
- Level 1 or Entry level or Graduate level
- Level 2 or Engineer
- Level 3 or Senior Engineer / Becoming a Chartered
- Level 4 or Lead Engineer / Chartered Status + postgrad
- Level 5 or Chief Engineer / Chartered Status + Masters Eng or Business or PHD

3. 级别能力

3.1 助理工程师

3.1.1 工作内容

  • 执行初始的专业工程任务,范围和复杂度有限,如修复错误或添加功能。
  • 开展需要准确性和遵循工程分析、设计或计算规定方法的任务。
  • 使用各种标准的工程技术和方法。
Scope Of Work

* undertake initial professional engineering tasks of limited scope and complexity, such as a bug or feature/function.
* carry out tasks requiring accuracy and adherence to prescribed methods of engineering analysis, design or computation.
* use a variety of standard engineering methods and procedures.

3.1.2 级别晋升

  • 任务完成的有效性、充分性、技术方法正确性越来越少需要审核。
  • 掌握各种标准的工程方法和程序。
  • 形成专业的个人判断。
Level Upgrade: With professional development and experience

* work is less reviewed for validity, adequacy, methods and procedures.
* grasp a variety of standard engineering methods and procedures.
* professional individual judgement is formed.

3.1.3 详细描述

  • 初级工程师的入职水平。
  • 承担初级专业工程任务范围和复杂度有限。
  • 在高阶工程师指导/监督下,应用工程原理、技术和方法,发挥个人判断力和主动性。
  • 协助高阶工程师执行需要准确性和遵循工程分析、设计或计算规定方法的任务时,借鉴了本科课程期间及之后学到的先进技术和方法。
  • 通过使用各种标准工程方法和程序进行在岗培训、发展和经验积累,能够发挥出越来越强的专业判断力。
  • 逐步将专业判断力应用于Level 2更加困难任务的执行与决策。
  • 随着技能提高和经验的积累,工作接受的审查越来越少,逐渐发挥更多的个人判断力,直到达到Level 2的胜任水平。
Detailed Description

The graduate engineer commencement level. The engineer undertakes initial professional engineering tasks of limited scope and complexity, such as minor phases of broader assignments, in office, plant, field or laboratory work.

Under supervision from higher-level professional engineers as to method of approach and requirements, the professional engineer performs normal professional engineering work and exercises individual judgment and initiative in the application of engineering principles, techniques and methods.

In assisting more senior professional engineers by carrying out tasks requiring accuracy and adherence to prescribed methods of engineering analysis, design or computation, the engineer draws upon advanced techniques and methods learned during and after the undergraduate course.

Training, development and experience using a variety of standard engineering methods and procedures enable the professional engineer to develop increasing professional judgment and apply it progressively to more difficult tasks at Level 2.

Decisions are related to tasks performed, relying upon precedent or defined procedures for guidance. Recommendations are related to solution of problems in connection to the tasks performed.

Work is reviewed by higher-level professional engineers for validity, adequacy, methods and procedures. With professional development and experience, work receives less review, and the professional engineer progressively exercises more individual judgement until the level of competence at Level 2 is achieved.

The professional engineer may assign and check work of technical staff assigned to work on a common project.

3.2 初级工程师

3.2.1 工作内容

  • 承担范围和复杂度有限的专业工程任务,例如一个模块。
  • 完成需要准确性和遵循工程分析、设计或计算规定方法的任务。
  • 使用各种标准的工程技术和方法。
Scope Of Work

* undertake professional engineering tasks of limited scope and complexity, such as a module.
* carry out tasks requiring accuracy and adherence to prescribed methods of engineering analysis, design or computation.
* use a variety of standard engineering methods and procedures.

3.2.2 级别晋升

  • 任务完成的有效性、充分性、技术方法正确性越来越少需要审核。
  • 在各种标准的工程方法和程序上不断完善自己。
  • 个人专业判断力得到成熟。
Level Upgrade: With professional development and experience

* work is less reviewed for validity, adequacy, methods and procedures.
* perfect oneself in a variety of standard engineering methods and procedures.
* professional individual judgement is matured.

3.2.3 详细描述

  • 在通过Level 1的发展后,作为一名有经验的工程师(依定义),能够在没有详细监督的情况下计划和执行专业工程工作。
  • 在得到高阶工程师指导的情况下,能处理不寻常任务。
Detailed Description

Following development through Level 1 he/she is an experienced engineer (as defined) who plans and conducts professional engineering work without detailed supervision, but with guidance on unusual features and who is usually engaged on more responsible engineering assignments requiring substantial professional experience.

3.3 高级工程师

3.3.1 工作内容

  • 履行需要运用成熟的专业工程知识的职责。
  • 对分配的事项做出负责任的决策,包括制定专业工程标准和程序,在专业领域提供建议和咨询。
  • 概述、指派和审查工作,确保技术准确性和充分性。
  • 计划、指导、协调和监督其他专业和技术人员的工作。
Scope Of Work

* perform duties requiring the application of mature professional engineering knowledge.
* make responsible decisions on matters assigned, including the establishment of professional engineering standards and procedures, consults, recommends and advises in speciality engineering areas.
* outline, assign and review work for technical accuracy and adequacy
* plan, direct, coordinate and supervise the work of other professional and technical staff.

3.3.2 级别晋升

  • 执行专业工程工作,涉及相当程度的独立工作方法。
  • 需要相当程度的独创性、机智和判断力。
  • 具备不止一个领域的知识,或者在某一专业工程领域具有专门知识。
Level Upgrade: With professional development and experience:

* perform professional engineering work involving considerable independence in approach.
* demanding a considerable degree of originality, ingenuity and judgement.
* knowledge of more than one field of, or expertise in a particular field of professional engineering.

3.3.3 详细描述

  • 具备运用成熟专业工程知识完成任务的能力。
  • 在协调更困难的任务的范围内,能处理需要修改现有指南并设计新方法的问题。
  • 会做出一些原创性贡献,或者将新的专业工程方法和技术应用于设备的设计或开发,或产品的特殊方面。
  • 就分配的事项做出负责任的决定,包括制定专业工程标准和程序,在专业工程领域提供建议和咨询。
  • 在指导方针下进行,要求符合整体目标、相对优先级和与其他单位/部门的必要合作。
  • 概述并分配工作,审查其技术准确性和充分性,并可能规划、指导、协调和监督其他专业和技术人员的工作。
Detailed Description

A professional engineer performing duties requiring the application of mature professional engineering knowledge. With scope for individual accomplishment and coordination of more difficult assignments, the professional deals with problems for which it is necessary to modify established guides and devise new approaches.

The professional engineer may make some original contribution or apply new professional engineering approaches and techniques to the design or development of equipment or special aspects of products, facilities and buildings.

Recommendations may be reviewed for soundness of judgement but are usually regarded as technically accurate and feasible. The professional engineer makes responsible decisions on matters assigned, including the establishment of professional engineering standards and procedures, consults, recommends and advises in speciality engineering areas.

Work is carried out within broad guidelines requiring conformity with overall objectives, relative priorities and necessary cooperation with other units. Informed professional engineering guidance may be available.

The professional engineer outlines and assigns work, reviews it for technical accuracy and adequacy, and may plan, direct, coordinate and supervise the work of other professional and technical staff.

3.4 资深工程师

3.4.1 工作内容

  • 制定或参与短期或长期规划,并在整体计划内就工程政策和程序做出独立决策。
  • 向管理和运营部门提供技术建议。
  • 可能承担产品开发和专业工程系统、设施和功能提供的详细技术责任。
  • 协调工作计划。
  • 指导或就设备和材料的使用提供建议。
Scope Of Work

* initiates or participates in short-range or long-range planning and makes independent decisions on engineering policies and procedures within an overall program
* gives technical advice to management and operating departments
* may take detailed technical responsibility for product development and provision of specialised engineering systems, facilities and functions
* coordinates work programs
* directs or advises on use of equipment and material.

3.4.2 级别晋升

  • 在对组织至关重要的工程领域中获得权威认可。
  • 根据组织的政策和目标接受行政指导。
Level Upgrade:With professional development and experience:

* achieving recognition as an authority in an engineering field of major importance to the organisation.
* receives administrative direction based on organisation policies and objectives.

3.4.3 详细描述



  • 制定或参与短期或长期规划,并在整体计划内独立决策工程政策和程序。
  • 向管理和运营部门提供技术建议。
  • 可能承担产品开发和提供专业工程系统、设施和功能的详细技术责任。
  • 协调工作计划。
  • 指导或就设备和材料的使用提供建议。




Detailed Description

A professional engineer required to perform professional engineering work involving considerable independence in approach, demanding a considerable degree of originality, ingenuity and judgement, and knowledge of more than one field of, or expertise (for example, acts as his/her organisation's technical reference authority) in a particular field of professional engineering.

The professional engineer:

* initiates or participates in short-range or long-range planning and makes independent decisions on engineering policies and procedures within an overall program
* gives technical advice to management and operating departments
* may take detailed technical responsibility for product development and provision of specialised engineering systems, facilities and functions
* coordinates work programs
* directs or advises on use of equipment and material.

The professional engineer makes responsible decisions not usually subject to technical review, decides courses of action necessary to expedite the successful accomplishment of assigned projects, and may make recommendations involving large sums or long-range objectives.

Duties are assigned only in terms of broad objectives and are reviewed for policy, soundness of approach, accomplishment and general effectiveness.

The professional engineer supervises a group or groups including professional engineers and other staff, or exercises authority and technical control over a group of professional staff, in both instances engaged in complex engineering applications.

3.5 主任工程师

3.5.1 工作内容

  • 构思需要调查的程序和问题,并参与讨论确定基本运营政策,设计以最经济的方式达到程序目标,并解决影响工作进展的任何不寻常条件。
  • 审查和评估技术工作。
  • 选择、安排和协调以实现程序目标。
  • 对员工的选择、培训、评级、纪律和薪酬做出决策。
Scope Of Work

* conceives programs and problems to be investigated and participates in discussions determining basic operating policies, devising ways of reaching program objectives in the most economical manner and of meeting any unusual conditions affecting work progress.
* reviews and evaluates technical work.
* selects, schedules, and co-ordinates to attain program objectives.
* makes decisions concerning selection, training, rating, discipline and remuneration of staff.

3.5.2 级别晋升


Level Upgrade

Top Grade, Currently.

3.5.3 详细描述

  • 负责工程管理职能,指导几个从事相互关联的工程职责的专业和其他团队,或者作为工程顾问。在组织中的一个重要工程领域取得权威认可。
  • 独立构思需要调查的程序和问题,并参与讨论确定基本运营政策,设计以最经济的方式达到程序目标,并解决任何影响工作进展的不寻常条件。
  • 在所有事务上做出负责任的决定,包括制定政策、支出大笔资金和/或实施重大计划,仅受整体政策和财务控制的约束。
  • 根据组织的政策和目标接受行政指导。工作接受审查以确保符合政策并与其他职能协调一致。
  • 审查和评估技术工作;选择、安排和协调以实现程序目标,并且作为管理员,对员工的选择、培训、评级、纪律和薪酬做出决策。
Detailed Description

A professional engineer usually responsible for an engineering administrative function, directing several professional and other groups engaged in interrelated engineering responsibilities, or as an engineering consultant. Achieving recognition as an authority in an engineering field of major importance to the organisation.

The professional engineer independently conceives programs and problems to be investigated and participates in discussions determining basic operating policies, devising ways of reaching program objectives in the most economical manner and of meeting any unusual conditions affecting work progress.

The professional engineer makes responsible decisions on all matters, including the establishment of policies and expenditures of large sums of money and/or implementation of major programs, subject only to overall policy and financial controls.

The professional engineer receives administrative direction based on organisation policies and objectives. Work is reviewed to ensure conformity with policy and co-ordination with other functions.

The professional engineer reviews and evaluates technical work; selects, schedules, and co-ordinates to attain program objectives, and/or as administrator, makes decisions concerning selection, training, rating, discipline and remuneration of staff.

4. 能力量化









5. 参考资料



  1. 大语言模型的参数级别能力之间的关系

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  1. docker php8.1+nginx base 镜像 dockerfile 配置

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  2. Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_100.dll‘

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  3. 在Django里面运行非项目文件

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  4. Python语言-面向对象

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  1. 总结单片机的基本概念

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  2. linux安装kafka(单体)

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  3. mysql数据库的故障排查与优化

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  4. Zookeeper中的脑裂

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  5. ApiFox 使用教程

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  6. 程序员养生指南

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  7. 一个基于大数据的派单管理系统

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  8. gpt的构造和原理

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  9. zookeeper 监控 与 JVM 设置

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