



// (until C++11)
std::new_handler set_new_handler( std::new_handler new_p ) throw();
// (since C++11)
std::new_handler set_new_handler( std::new_handler new_p ) noexcept;


The new-handler function is the function called by allocation
functions whenever a memory allocation attempt fails. Its intended
purpose is one of three things:

  1. make more memory available,
  2. terminate the program (e.g. by calling std::terminate)
  3. throw exception of type std::bad_alloc or derived from std::bad_alloc.

The default implementation throws
std::bad_alloc. The user can install their own new-handler, which may
offer behavior different than the default one.

allocation function 重复尝试分配内存,每次失败的时候都会调用new-handler,直到new-handler中调用了std::set_new_handler(nullptr),然后会抛出 std::bad_alloc异常。

If new-handler returns, the allocation function repeats the
previously-failed allocation attempt and calls the new-handler again
if the allocation fails again. To end the loop, new-handler may call
std::set_new_handler(nullptr): if, after a failed allocation attempt,
allocation function finds that std::get_new_handler returns a null
pointer value, it will throw std::bad_alloc.

  • 小例
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
void handler()
    std::cout << "Memory allocation failed, terminating\n";
int main()

    while (true)
        new int[1000'000'000ul]();



  • 记录异常事件:通过std::set_new_handler设置内存不足时的new-handler,当检测到内存异常时,通过日志系统进行记录(PS:此时需要考虑日志系统是否可用)

  • 预先分配一段内存并在异常时释放内存尝试自救:运行初期,事先分配一段内存池。当内存不足new失败时,释放这段内存进行自救(保证系统可最低限度的运行正常)。同时,通知系统异常消息,让用户进行重启、Reset等操作。

  • 设计LowMemory:系统低内存时,进程自救策略。比如Kill掉一些不重要的进程,主动关闭系统某些功能

实际上,Linux、Android等系统,都有其完善的内存策略,如交换分区、LowMemeory Killer、Kenerl Panic等等。并且实际开发时,会有完善的流程(设计、review),很少出现单纯因为某些程序重复new导致内存不足,而触发new-handler。
因为在触发之前,常规系统的lowmemory killer已经把异常进程kill掉了。


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