
查看git版本git --version


PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git --version
git version

查看命令说明git help -a


使用 git help <command>,查看指定命令的使用,会打开本地html页面

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git help -a
See 'git help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand

Main Porcelain Commands
   add                  Add file contents to the index
   am                   Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
   archive              Create an archive of files from a named tree
   bisect               Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
   branch               List, create, or delete branches
git help checkout

克隆仓库git clone https://xxxx/xx/


git clone https://xxxx/xx/

拉取更新git pull

拉取远程仓库的更新到本地,默认拉取的分支是绑定的远端分支(使用命令git branch -vv 查看关联情况)
可以使用 git pull origin master 指定远程仓库的分支

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git pull
Already up to date.

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git pull origin master

推送更新git push

推送本地的更新到远程仓库,默认拉取的分支是绑定的远端分支(使用命令git branch -vv 查看关联情况)
可以使用 git push origin master 指定远程仓库的分支

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git push
Everything up-to-date
PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git push origin master
Everything up-to-date

查看本地分支与远程分支关联git branch -vv


PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git branch -vv
* master 80126bc [origin/master]

设置推送关联分支git push --set-upstream origin master


PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git push --set-upstream origin master
Everything up-to-date
branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'.

设置拉取关联分支git pull --set-upstream origin dev


PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git pull --set-upstream origin master
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.

查看当前分支状态git status


PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)

切换分支git checkout 分支名(提交点等)


 git checkout master
  git checkout 提交点

添加改动的文件到暂存区git add 文件名

git add .

git add 文件名

git add file1 file2 file3

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git add .
PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git add filename                                                                
fatal: pathspec 'filename' did not match any files

提交代码git commit -m “注释”

git commit提交代码,git commit -m “注释”,加注释提交代码
说明:提交代码只是提交到本地仓库,要更新到远程仓库需要用git push。

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git commit -m "修改"
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean

取消暂存文件git restore --staged 文件名

可以使用git restore --staged 文件名;
多个文件 git restore --staged 文件名1 文件名2
所有文件git restore --staged .

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git restore --staged filename

撤销未暂存文件的修改git restore 文件名


// 撤销所有未进入暂存区的修改
PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git restore .
// 撤销指定文件未进入暂存区的修改
PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git restore filename
error: pathspec 'filename' did not match any file(s) known to git // filename就是指定的文件名,报错是因为没有文件

移除未跟踪的新文件git clean -f 文件名

未跟踪的新文件:Untracked files
git clean -f . 是移除全部
git clean -f 文件名是移除单个文件
-i 显示要做什么,并以交互方式清理文件
可以使用git help clean查看命令的使用说明

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git clean -f .                                                                          
Removing xxx/test/
PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git clean -f xxx/test/        
Removing xxx/test/

查看本地仓库关联的远程仓库地址git remote -v


PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git remote -v
origin  https://xxx/java/practiceServer.git (fetch)
origin  https://xxx/java/practiceServer.git (push)

删除本地仓库关联的远程仓库地址git remote rm origin


PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git remote rm origin

重新关联本地仓库到远程仓库地址git remote add origin 仓库地址

由于ip改变什么的需要重新关联本地仓库到远程仓库地址,使用git remote add origin

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git remote add origin https://xxx/java/practiceServer.git

存放当前工作区的改动切换到另外的分支或提交点git stash

当我们想要切换到别的分支或者历史提交点,但又不想破坏当前工作区的改动,可以使用git stash命令将当前的改动存放起来,stash是隐藏、存放。类似于存放在栈中。
git stash list查看存放的工作区;git stash pop弹出存放的工作区。

Use git stash when you want to record the current state of the working directory and the index, but want to go back to a clean working directory. The command saves your local modifications away and reverts the working directory to match the HEAD commit.

PS D:\SourceTree\repository\practiceServer> git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 871e604 修改


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