Vim - 文本编辑器 Vi vs Vim

你是否应该在学习 Vim 之前先学习 Vi,这完全取决于您自己、您的要求以及您的具体目标和需求。Vim 是 Vi 的扩展、增强和改进版本,它包括 Vi 的所有功能以及许多附加功能。

简约: Vi 设计简约。先学习 Vi 可以让你对基础知识有扎实的了解,以后过渡到 Vim 时也会更容易。

高效的工作流程: 如果你的主要目标是使用 Vim 强大而先进的文本处理功能,那么最好直接从 Vim 开始学习。

Whether you should learn Vi before Vim depends entirely on you, your requirements, and your specific goals and needs. Vim is an extended, enhanced, and improved version of Vi, and it includes all the functionality of Vi along with many additional features.

Minimalism: Vi has a minimalistic design. Learning Vi first can give you a solid understanding of the basics and may make it easier to transition to Vim later.

Efficient Workflow: If your primary goal is to use the powerful and advanced text-manipulation capabilities of Vim then it would be better to start with Vim directly.


Vi 是 "可视化编辑器 "的简称,是 Unix 类操作系统中广泛使用的文本编辑器。它由 Bill Joy 于 20 世纪 70 年代末开发。它以强大的文本处理能力而广为人知。


* Vi 是一个模式文本编辑器,即它有不同的模式用于不同的任务

* 设计简约。

* 轻便且功能强大。

* Vi 提供强大的键盘快捷键。

* Vi 适用于所有类 Unix 系统。

Vi (Visual Editor)

Vi, short for “Visual Editor,” is a widely used text editor in Unix-like operating systems. It was developed by Bill Joy in the late 1970s. It is widely known for its powerful text manipulation capabilities.


* Vi is a modal text editor, that is it has different modes for different tasks

* It has a minimalistic design.

* Lightweight and powerful.

* Vi provides powerful keyboard shortcuts.

* Vi is available on all Unix-like systems.

Vim(Vi IMproved)

Vim 是 "Vi IMproved "的缩写,是 Vi 文本编辑器的增强、改进和扩展版本。Vim 由 Bram Moolenaar 于 20 世纪 90 年代初开发,在 Vi 的基础上增加了许多功能和改进。它是 Vi 编辑器的一个功能更丰富的升级版本。它包含了 Vi 的所有功能,同时还增加了其他功能。


* Vim 具有 Vi 的所有功能,同时增加了许多增强功能和特性。

* 包括语法高亮

* 允许使用正则表达式进行搜索和替换。

* 支持通过插件和脚本进行广泛的自定义。

* 拥有一个活跃而专注的用户社区。

* 可用于各种平台,包括 Unix-like 系统、Linux、Windows 和 macOS。

Vim (Vi IMproved)

Vim, short for “Vi IMproved,” is an enhanced, improved, and extended version of the Vi text editor. Developed by Bram Moolenaar in the early 1990s, Vim builds upon the foundation of Vi while adding numerous features and improvements. It is a more feature-rich and upgraded version of the Vi editor. It includes all the features of Vi but also adds additional features as well.


* Vim has all the functionality of Vi while adding numerous enhancements and features.

* It includes syntax highlighting.

* Allows search and replace with regular expressions.

* Has support for extensive customization through plugins and scripting.

* Has an active and dedicated user community.

* It is available on various platforms, including Unix-like systems, Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Vi (Visual Editor)

Vim (Vi IMproved)

Original text editor with a minimalistic design

Enhanced version of Vi with additional features

Vi is a modal text editor

Vim is also a modal text editor but with additional modes

Does not support syntax highlighting

Supports syntax highlighting

Limited customization

Extensive customization

Does not have plugins and script support

Supports plugins and scripts

Discontinued and does not provide community support

Has an active and dedicated community support

Does not have search and replace functionality

It has search and replace functionality

总之,Vi 是最初的文本编辑器,设计简约,注重速度和效率,而 Vim 则是 Vi 的增强版,具有更多的功能、更好的用户界面改进和增强。是否应该先学习 Vi 再学习 Vim 完全取决于个人的要求和目标。但强烈建议从 Vim 开始学习,因为它建立在 vi 编辑器的基础上,几乎提供了 vi 所提供的所有特性和功能。

In conclusion, Vi is the original text editor with a minimalistic design with a focus on speed and efficiency, while Vim is an enhanced version of Vi with additional features, better user interface improvements, and enhancements. The choice of whether one should learn Vi before Vim entirely depends upon the individual’s requirements and goals. But it is highly recommended to start with Vim as it is built on top of the vi editor and provides almost all the features and functionalities that vi provides.



Vi vs. Vim: Choosing the First Right Text Editor - GeeksforGeeks


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