久菜盒子|留学生辅导|课程作业|Assessed Coursework Brief


The module will introduce students to a range of approaches used in analysing business data. This will include predictive analytics, regression analysis, time-series analysis, big data, and machine learning. Within this there will be a strong focus on the application of techniques and the use of industry standard software such as Microsoft office and Power BI. Such understanding of data analytics will be framed within the context of business decision making and the use of data to enhance the quality of decision making. Students will consequently be introduced to a range of approaches to decision making, which will provide the skills required in managing complex business challenges.

Successful completion of this module will be assessed through the following learning outcomes:  

  1. Identify and analyse information and arguments relevant to the contemporary business.
  2. Apply quantitative analysis to understand and present complex data to support evidenced-based decision-making.
  3. Explain what Big Data is and how it is utilised in business environments to improve organisational performance.
  4. Use appropriate approaches, such as a verbal, written and non-verbal communication, to receive and pass information.
  5. Utilise appropriate resources to support an argument, develop a plan and reflect on learning and experiences.



Type of Assessment

Learning Outcomes Assessed



Format of




Feedback Deadline


Pre-recorded video

1, 2,3,4,5

15 minutes

Microsoft Teams

12 April 2024



Individual pre-recorded video developing a data dashboard using Microsoft Power BI (or equivalent) relating to a business problem and providing basic analysis as commentary. 


Week Number

Activities essential to the assessment:

Week One

Understand significance of business analytics analysis process:

Data collection, analysis, interpretation, decision making.

Introduction to power BI

Creating dashboard

Overview of Power BI features and capabilities, demonstrate basic functionalities.

Practical exercises on data transformation and basic visualisation

UA92 Programe

Week Two

Quantitative data analysis techniques 

Introduction to regression analysis.

Qualitative data analysis method 

Content Analysis, Thematic analysis

Integrating quantitative and qualitative data analysis

Understanding how quantitative and qualitative data complement each other in decision making.

Case studies and practical example 

How to analyse data on Power BI (Analyse real world examples showcasing the roles and uses of data)

The 92 Programme

Week Three

Correlation analysis with advanced data. Visualise data using Power BI and create ppt file to present them.

Introduction to Big data: characteristics,, volume, velocity, variety  

Big data analytic techniques: data mining, machine learning, predictive analysis

Week Four

The 92 Programme

Human decision Vs Machine decision : Advantages, limitations, ethical considerations

Future trends of business analytics : Emerging technologies and their implication on decision making

Week Five

Assessment Workshop

Evaluating reliability, validity and integrity of data and their sources.

Group discussion on case study.

The 92 Programme

Week Six

Collect data from a valid source and interpret them, present those data in excel and ppt.

The future of data analytics - AI

1-2-1 tutorials for assessment.


Task need to be submitted to the appropriate submission area on MS Teams by the deadline.


  • The standard University assessment regulations apply for this assessment.  
  • Please note that failure to submit coursework (i.e. non-submission) could lead to you failing the module.  
  • Details of assessment regulations are available at:  



  • Guidance on electronic submission:
  • Plagiarism Information:
  • Extenuating Circumstances and Late Submission:



Assignment 1 - (All marks are subject to change until the work is moderated).

Fail less than 40%

Pass (40-49%)

Satisfactory to good (50-59%)

Very good (60-69%)

Excellent (70-100%)

Knowledge, Understanding and Critical Thinking

You have not demonstrated an adequate level of understanding of sports business analytics. Your work does not illustrate your knowledge of sports business analytics and you have not supported your ideas with sufficient research. Terminology has been used incorrectly, key areas are not covered, and some significant issues need addressing.

Adequate level of understanding shown. Your work demonstrates that you have an adequate knowledge of sports business analytics, and you have supported your ideas with some research and appropriate terminology. You demonstrate an adequate awareness of ideas, contexts, and concepts in relation to sports business analytics. However, terminology may be used incorrectly and there are significant areas that need clarification or corrections.

Satisfactory to good level of understanding shown. Your work demonstrates that you have a satisfactory to good knowledge of sports business analytics, and you have supported your ideas with good research and clear use of terminology. This shows a satisfactory to good awareness of different ideas, contexts, and concepts in relation to sports business analytics. However, there are some significant areas that could be expanded upon, clarified, or corrected.

Very good level of understanding shown. Your work demonstrates that you have a detailed knowledge of sports business analytics, and you have supported your ideas with very good research and clear use of terminology. This shows a very good awareness of different ideas, contexts, and concepts in relation to sports business analytics. However, there are some areas that could be expanded upon, clarified, or corrected.

Excellent level of understanding shown. Your work demonstrates that you have a detailed knowledge of sports business analytics, and you have supported your ideas with excellent research and clear use of terminology. This shows an excellent awareness of different ideas, contexts, and concepts in relation to sports business analytics.

Research, Academic Enquiry and Referencing

There is inadequate evidence that you have used appropriate research skills to provide new information and/or identify patterns and relationships in your work.  You have not used adequate research methods or suitable sources of information.

Inadequate formatting of citations (in-text) and in the reference list (end of text).

You have used adequate research skills to provide new information and/or explored existing data to identify patterns and relationships. You have provided adequate supporting documentation (where appropriate) and identified key points.

Adequate formatting of citations (in-text) and in the reference list (end of text).

You have used satisfactory to good research skills to provide new information and/or explored existing data to identify patterns and relationships. You have provided satisfactory to good supporting documentation (where appropriate) and identified key points.

Satisfactory to good formatting of citations (in-text) and in the reference list (end of text).

There is very good evidence that you have used research skills to provide new information and/or explored existing data to identify patterns and relationships. You have provided very good supporting documentation (where appropriate) and identified key points.

Very good formatting of citations (in-text) and in the reference list (end of text).

There is excellent evidence that you have used research skills to provide new information and/or explored existing data to identify patterns and relationships. You have provided excellent supporting documentation (where appropriate) and identified key points.

Excellent formatting of citations (in-text) and in the reference list (end of text).

Communication Techniques, Writing Style and Presentation

Inadequate presentation of the report, use of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and flow. 


Adequate presentation of the report.  Adequate use of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and flow, however there are some areas for improvement.  

Satisfactory use of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and flow. Your report is generally presented well, but there are some areas for improvement.  

Very good grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and flow. Strong presentation of the report, including structure, formatting, use of titles and headings.  

Excellent grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and flow. Excellent presentation of the report, including structure, formatting, use of titles and headings. 


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