GPT实战系列-构建本地知识库RAG的LLM Agent

GPT实战系列-构建本地知识库RAG的LLM Agent








GPT实战系列-LangChain + ChatGLM3构建天气查询助手






  • Chat Models.聊天机器人基于消息的界面,而不是raw text,需要的LangChain界面是最适合聊天模型而不是raw text的 LLM 。聊天模型具有对话语气和天生支持消息接口。
  • Prompt Templates,简化提示的过程,包括结合默认消息、用户输入、聊天记录和 (可选)额外检索。
  • Chat History,允许聊天机器人“记住”过去互动,并响应后续行动时将其考虑在内。
  • Retrievers(可选),如果需要使用特定领域的最新知识作为背景,以增强对话的响应。

如何将上述组件组合在一起,创建一个 强大的对话式聊天机器人。



from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

chat = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106", temperature=0.2)


from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage

            content="Translate this sentence from English to French: I love programming."
AIMessage(content="J'adore programmer.")



from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage

            content="Translate this sentence from English to French: I love programming."
        AIMessage(content="J'adore la programmation."),
        HumanMessage(content="What did you just say?"),
AIMessage(content='I said "J\'adore la programmation," which means "I love programming" in French.')




定义提示模板,使格式设置简单些。可以 通过将链通过管道,连接到模型中来创建链:

from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
            "You are a helpful assistant. Answer all questions to the best of your ability.",

chain = prompt | chat


        "messages": [
                content="Translate this sentence from English to French: I love programming."
            AIMessage(content="J'adore la programmation."),
            HumanMessage(content="What did you just say?"),
AIMessage(content='I said "J\'adore la programmation," which means "I love programming" in French.')


作为一个有记性的聊天机器人,需管理聊天记录,其快捷方法可以使用 MessageHistory 类,它是 负责保存和加载聊天消息。已经集成很多内置历史消息功能,可将消息保存到各种的数据库,这里仅仅用内存来演示。ChatMessageHistory


from langchain.memory import ChatMessageHistory

demo_ephemeral_chat_history = ChatMessageHistory()
demo_ephemeral_chat_history.add_ai_message("whats up?")

[HumanMessage(content='hi!'), AIMessage(content='whats up?')]

这样,我们就可以将存储的消息,作为参数直接传递到链中 :

    "Translate this sentence from English to French: I love programming."

response = chain.invoke({"messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages})

AIMessage(content='The translation of "I love programming" in French is "J\'adore la programmation."')
demo_ephemeral_chat_history.add_user_message("What did you just say?")

chain.invoke({"messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages})
AIMessage(content='I said "J\'adore la programmation," which is the French translation for "I love programming."')


虽然这也可以作为一个有用的聊天机器人了,但我们还想让它更厉害!就需给它连接内部知识,通过某种形式的,或简称 RAG,来获取浅的,特定领域的,很有用知识,使聊天机器人更加强大。

接下来将介绍 retrieval-augmented generation`


可以设置并使用 Retriever 来获得聊天机器人的特定领域知识。例如,让聊天机器人,能够回答有关LangSmith 文档的问题。你也可以让他回答别的问题。

将使用 LangSmith 文档作为源材料,并将其存储在 vectorstore 中,以供以后检索。请注意, 这个例子将跳过一些关于解析和 存储数据源。


from langchain_community.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader

loader = WebBaseLoader("")
data = loader.load()

接下来,将其拆分为更小的块,LLM 的上下文窗口可以处理,并将其存储在向量数据库中:

from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter

text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=500, chunk_overlap=0)
all_splits = text_splitter.split_documents(data)


from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings

vectorstore = Chroma.from_documents(documents=all_splits, embedding=OpenAIEmbeddings())


retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever(k=4)

docs = retriever.invoke("how can langsmith help with testing?")

[Document(page_content='You can also quickly edit examples and add them to datasets to expand the surface area of your evaluation sets or to fine-tune a model for improved quality or reduced costs.Monitoring\u200bAfter all this, your app might finally ready to go in production. LangSmith can also be used to monitor your application in much the same way that you used for debugging. You can log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. Each run can also be', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='inputs, and see what happens. At some point though, our application is performing\nwell and we want to be more rigorous about testing changes. We can use a dataset\nthat we’ve constructed along the way (see above). Alternatively, we could spend some\ntime constructing a small dataset by hand. For these situations, LangSmith simplifies', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='Skip to main content🦜️🛠️ LangSmith DocsPython DocsJS/TS DocsSearchGo to AppLangSmithOverviewTracingTesting & EvaluationOrganizationsHubLangSmith CookbookOverviewOn this pageLangSmith Overview and User GuideBuilding reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.Over the past two months, we at LangChain', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='have been building and using LangSmith with the goal of bridging this gap. This is our tactical user guide to outline effective ways to use LangSmith and maximize its benefits.On by default\u200bAt LangChain, all of us have LangSmith’s tracing running in the background by default. On the Python side, this is achieved by setting environment variables, which we establish whenever we launch a virtual environment or open our bash shell and leave them set. The same principle applies to most JavaScript', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'})]

可以看到,调用上面的检索器会获得 LangSmith 文档,其中包含有关测试我们 聊天机器人可以在回答问题时用作上下文。


通过修改前面的提示,以接受文档作为上下文输入。使用帮助程序函数“填充”所有 将文档输入到提示中,这也方便地处理 格式。其他参数(如 )将直接传递 通过进入提示:create_stuff_documents_chain``messages

from langchain.chains.combine_documents import create_stuff_documents_chain

chat = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")

question_answering_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
            "Answer the user's questions based on the below context:\n\n{context}",

document_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(chat, question_answering_prompt)


from langchain.memory import ChatMessageHistory

demo_ephemeral_chat_history = ChatMessageHistory()
demo_ephemeral_chat_history.add_user_message("how can langsmith help with testing?")

        "messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages,
        "context": docs,
'LangSmith can assist with testing by providing the capability to quickly edit examples and add them to datasets. This allows for the expansion of evaluation sets or fine-tuning of a model for improved quality or reduced costs. Additionally, LangSmith simplifies the construction of small datasets by hand, providing a convenient way to rigorously test changes in the application.'



接下来,让我们将 Retriever 集成到链中。Retriever 应该检索最后一条消息相关的信息,所以提取相关文档并将其作为输入, 将其添加到当前链中。通过前述文档链中,综合信息,以生成一个最终的 答。


from typing import Dict
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough

def parse_retriever_input(params: Dict):
    return params["messages"][-1].content

retrieval_chain = RunnablePassthrough.assign(
    context=parse_retriever_input | retriever,
response = retrieval_chain.invoke(
        "messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages,

{'messages': [HumanMessage(content='how can langsmith help with testing?')],
 'context': [Document(page_content='You can also quickly edit examples and add them to datasets to expand the surface area of your evaluation sets or to fine-tune a model for improved quality or reduced costs.Monitoring\u200bAfter all this, your app might finally ready to go in production. LangSmith can also be used to monitor your application in much the same way that you used for debugging. You can log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. Each run can also be', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='inputs, and see what happens. At some point though, our application is performing\nwell and we want to be more rigorous about testing changes. We can use a dataset\nthat we’ve constructed along the way (see above). Alternatively, we could spend some\ntime constructing a small dataset by hand. For these situations, LangSmith simplifies', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='Skip to main content🦜️🛠️ LangSmith DocsPython DocsJS/TS DocsSearchGo to AppLangSmithOverviewTracingTesting & EvaluationOrganizationsHubLangSmith CookbookOverviewOn this pageLangSmith Overview and User GuideBuilding reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.Over the past two months, we at LangChain', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='have been building and using LangSmith with the goal of bridging this gap. This is our tactical user guide to outline effective ways to use LangSmith and maximize its benefits.On by default\u200bAt LangChain, all of us have LangSmith’s tracing running in the background by default. On the Python side, this is achieved by setting environment variables, which we establish whenever we launch a virtual environment or open our bash shell and leave them set. The same principle applies to most JavaScript', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'})],
 'answer': 'LangSmith can help with testing in several ways:\n\n1. Dataset Expansion: LangSmith enables quick editing of examples and adding them to datasets, which expands the surface area of evaluation sets. This allows for more comprehensive testing of models and applications.\n\n2. Fine-Tuning Models: LangSmith facilitates the fine-tuning of models for improved quality or reduced costs. This is beneficial for optimizing the performance of models during testing.\n\n3. Monitoring: LangSmith can be used to monitor applications, log traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise during testing. This monitoring helps in ensuring the reliability and performance of the application during testing phases.\n\nOverall, LangSmith helps in making testing more rigorous and comprehensive, whether by expanding datasets, fine-tuning models, or monitoring application performance.'}
demo_ephemeral_chat_history.add_user_message("tell me more about that!")

        "messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages,
{'messages': [HumanMessage(content='how can langsmith help with testing?'),
  AIMessage(content='LangSmith can help with testing in several ways:\n\n1. Dataset Expansion: LangSmith enables quick editing of examples and adding them to datasets, which expands the surface area of evaluation sets. This allows for more comprehensive testing of models and applications.\n\n2. Fine-Tuning Models: LangSmith facilitates the fine-tuning of models for improved quality or reduced costs. This is beneficial for optimizing the performance of models during testing.\n\n3. Monitoring: LangSmith can be used to monitor applications, log traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise during testing. This monitoring helps in ensuring the reliability and performance of the application during testing phases.\n\nOverall, LangSmith helps in making testing more rigorous and comprehensive, whether by expanding datasets, fine-tuning models, or monitoring application performance.'),
  HumanMessage(content='tell me more about that!')],
 'context': [Document(page_content='however, there is still no complete substitute for human review to get the utmost quality and reliability from your application.', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='You can also quickly edit examples and add them to datasets to expand the surface area of your evaluation sets or to fine-tune a model for improved quality or reduced costs.Monitoring\u200bAfter all this, your app might finally ready to go in production. LangSmith can also be used to monitor your application in much the same way that you used for debugging. You can log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. Each run can also be', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content="against these known issues.Why is this so impactful? When building LLM applications, it’s often common to start without a dataset of any kind. This is part of the power of LLMs! They are amazing zero-shot learners, making it possible to get started as easily as possible. But this can also be a curse -- as you adjust the prompt, you're wandering blind. You don’t have any examples to benchmark your changes against.LangSmith addresses this problem by including an “Add to Dataset” button for each", metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='playground. Here, you can modify the prompt and re-run it to observe the resulting changes to the output - as many times as needed!Currently, this feature supports only OpenAI and Anthropic models and works for LLM and Chat Model calls. We plan to extend its functionality to more LLM types, chains, agents, and retrievers in the future.What is the exact sequence of events?\u200bIn complicated chains and agents, it can often be hard to understand what is going on under the hood. What calls are being', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'})],
 'answer': 'Certainly! LangSmith offers the following capabilities to aid in testing:\n\n1. Dataset Expansion: By allowing quick editing of examples and adding them to datasets, LangSmith enables the expansion of evaluation sets. This is crucial for thorough testing of models and applications, as it broadens the range of scenarios and inputs that can be used to assess performance.\n\n2. Fine-Tuning Models: LangSmith supports the fine-tuning of models to enhance their quality and reduce operational costs. This capability is valuable during testing as it enables the optimization of model performance based on specific testing requirements and objectives.\n\n3. Monitoring: LangSmith provides monitoring features that allow for the logging of traces, visualization of latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshooting of issues as they occur during testing. This real-time monitoring helps in identifying and addressing any issues that may impact the reliability and performance of the application during testing.\n\nBy leveraging these features, LangSmith enhances the testing process by enabling comprehensive dataset expansion, model fine-tuning, and real-time monitoring to ensure the quality and reliability of applications and models.'}



retrieval_chain_with_only_answer = (
        context=parse_retriever_input | retriever,
    | document_chain

        "messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages,
"LangSmith offers the capability to quickly edit examples and add them to datasets, thereby enhancing the scope of evaluation sets. This feature is particularly valuable for testing as it allows for a more thorough assessment of model performance and application behavior.\n\nFurthermore, LangSmith enables the fine-tuning of models to enhance quality and reduce costs, which can significantly impact testing outcomes. By adjusting and refining models, developers can ensure that they are thoroughly tested and optimized for various scenarios and use cases.\n\nAdditionally, LangSmith provides monitoring functionality, allowing users to log traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they encounter them during testing. This real-time monitoring and troubleshooting capability contribute to the overall effectiveness and reliability of the testing process.\n\nIn essence, LangSmith's features are designed to improve the quality and reliability of testing by expanding evaluation sets, fine-tuning models, and providing comprehensive monitoring capabilities. These aspects collectively contribute to a more robust and thorough testing process for applications and models."


介绍另一个优化 - 在上面的示例中, 当问一个后续问题时,可能检索到的文档不直接包含信息。这是因为我们将逐字逐句地作为查询传递给检索器,输出还是可以的,因为文档链检索链可以生成一个根据聊天记录回答,但我们可以检索到更丰富的内容和信息性文件:

retriever.invoke("how can langsmith help with testing?")
[Document(page_content='You can also quickly edit examples and add them to datasets to expand the surface area of your evaluation sets or to fine-tune a model for improved quality or reduced costs.Monitoring\u200bAfter all this, your app might finally ready to go in production. LangSmith can also be used to monitor your application in much the same way that you used for debugging. You can log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. Each run can also be', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='inputs, and see what happens. At some point though, our application is performing\nwell and we want to be more rigorous about testing changes. We can use a dataset\nthat we’ve constructed along the way (see above). Alternatively, we could spend some\ntime constructing a small dataset by hand. For these situations, LangSmith simplifies', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='Skip to main content🦜️🛠️ LangSmith DocsPython DocsJS/TS DocsSearchGo to AppLangSmithOverviewTracingTesting & EvaluationOrganizationsHubLangSmith CookbookOverviewOn this pageLangSmith Overview and User GuideBuilding reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.Over the past two months, we at LangChain', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='have been building and using LangSmith with the goal of bridging this gap. This is our tactical user guide to outline effective ways to use LangSmith and maximize its benefits.On by default\u200bAt LangChain, all of us have LangSmith’s tracing running in the background by default. On the Python side, this is achieved by setting environment variables, which we establish whenever we launch a virtual environment or open our bash shell and leave them set. The same principle applies to most JavaScript', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'})]
retriever.invoke("tell me more about that!")
[Document(page_content='however, there is still no complete substitute for human review to get the utmost quality and reliability from your application.', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='You can also quickly edit examples and add them to datasets to expand the surface area of your evaluation sets or to fine-tune a model for improved quality or reduced costs.Monitoring\u200bAfter all this, your app might finally ready to go in production. LangSmith can also be used to monitor your application in much the same way that you used for debugging. You can log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. Each run can also be', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content="against these known issues.Why is this so impactful? When building LLM applications, it’s often common to start without a dataset of any kind. This is part of the power of LLMs! They are amazing zero-shot learners, making it possible to get started as easily as possible. But this can also be a curse -- as you adjust the prompt, you're wandering blind. You don’t have any examples to benchmark your changes against.LangSmith addresses this problem by including an “Add to Dataset” button for each", metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
 Document(page_content='playground. Here, you can modify the prompt and re-run it to observe the resulting changes to the output - as many times as needed!Currently, this feature supports only OpenAI and Anthropic models and works for LLM and Chat Model calls. We plan to extend its functionality to more LLM types, chains, agents, and retrievers in the future.What is the exact sequence of events?\u200bIn complicated chains and agents, it can often be hard to understand what is going on under the hood. What calls are being', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'})]

为了解决这个常见问题,添加一个从输入中删除引用的步骤。会把旧包装起来 检索器如下:

from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableBranch

# We need a prompt that we can pass into an LLM to generate a transformed search query

chat = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106", temperature=0.2)

query_transform_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
            "Given the above conversation, generate a search query to look up in order to get information relevant to the conversation. Only respond with the query, nothing else.",

query_transforming_retriever_chain = RunnableBranch(
        lambda x: len(x.get("messages", [])) == 1,
        # If only one message, then we just pass that message's content to retriever
        (lambda x: x["messages"][-1].content) | retriever,
    # If messages, then we pass inputs to LLM chain to transform the query, then pass to retriever
    query_transform_prompt | chat | StrOutputParser() | retriever,

现在用这个新的链。它接受 dict 作为输入并解析要传递给检索器的字符串,所以我们不必在顶层进行额外的解析:

document_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(chat, question_answering_prompt)

conversational_retrieval_chain = RunnablePassthrough.assign(

demo_ephemeral_chat_history = ChatMessageHistory()


demo_ephemeral_chat_history.add_user_message("how can langsmith help with testing?")

response = conversational_retrieval_chain.invoke(
    {"messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages},


{'messages': [HumanMessage(content='how can langsmith help with testing?'),
  AIMessage(content='LangSmith can assist with testing in several ways. It allows you to quickly edit examples and add them to datasets, expanding the range of evaluation sets. This can help in fine-tuning a model for improved quality or reduced costs. Additionally, LangSmith simplifies the construction of small datasets by hand, providing a convenient way to rigorously test changes in your application. Furthermore, it enables monitoring of your application by logging all traces, visualizing latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshooting specific issues as they arise.')],
 'context': [Document(page_content='You can also quickly edit examples and add them to datasets to expand the surface area of your evaluation sets or to fine-tune a model for improved quality or reduced costs.Monitoring\u200bAfter all this, your app might finally ready to go in production. LangSmith can also be used to monitor your application in much the same way that you used for debugging. You can log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. Each run can also be', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='inputs, and see what happens. At some point though, our application is performing\nwell and we want to be more rigorous about testing changes. We can use a dataset\nthat we’ve constructed along the way (see above). Alternatively, we could spend some\ntime constructing a small dataset by hand. For these situations, LangSmith simplifies', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='Skip to main content🦜️🛠️ LangSmith DocsPython DocsJS/TS DocsSearchGo to AppLangSmithOverviewTracingTesting & EvaluationOrganizationsHubLangSmith CookbookOverviewOn this pageLangSmith Overview and User GuideBuilding reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.Over the past two months, we at LangChain', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='have been building and using LangSmith with the goal of bridging this gap. This is our tactical user guide to outline effective ways to use LangSmith and maximize its benefits.On by default\u200bAt LangChain, all of us have LangSmith’s tracing running in the background by default. On the Python side, this is achieved by setting environment variables, which we establish whenever we launch a virtual environment or open our bash shell and leave them set. The same principle applies to most JavaScript', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'})],
 'answer': 'LangSmith can assist with testing in several ways. It allows you to quickly edit examples and add them to datasets, expanding the range of evaluation sets. This can help in fine-tuning a model for improved quality or reduced costs. Additionally, LangSmith simplifies the construction of small datasets by hand, providing a convenient way to rigorously test changes in your application. Furthermore, it enables monitoring of your application by logging all traces, visualizing latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshooting specific issues as they arise.'}
demo_ephemeral_chat_history.add_user_message("tell me more about that!")

    {"messages": demo_ephemeral_chat_history.messages}
{'messages': [HumanMessage(content='how can langsmith help with testing?'),
  AIMessage(content='LangSmith can assist with testing in several ways. It allows you to quickly edit examples and add them to datasets, expanding the range of evaluation sets. This can help in fine-tuning a model for improved quality or reduced costs. Additionally, LangSmith simplifies the construction of small datasets by hand, providing a convenient way to rigorously test changes in your application. Furthermore, it enables monitoring of your application by logging all traces, visualizing latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshooting specific issues as they arise.'),
  HumanMessage(content='tell me more about that!')],
 'context': [Document(page_content='LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='You can also quickly edit examples and add them to datasets to expand the surface area of your evaluation sets or to fine-tune a model for improved quality or reduced costs.Monitoring\u200bAfter all this, your app might finally ready to go in production. LangSmith can also be used to monitor your application in much the same way that you used for debugging. You can log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. Each run can also be', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='Skip to main content🦜️🛠️ LangSmith DocsPython DocsJS/TS DocsSearchGo to AppLangSmithOverviewTracingTesting & EvaluationOrganizationsHubLangSmith CookbookOverviewOn this pageLangSmith Overview and User GuideBuilding reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.Over the past two months, we at LangChain', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'}),
  Document(page_content='inputs, and see what happens. At some point though, our application is performing\nwell and we want to be more rigorous about testing changes. We can use a dataset\nthat we’ve constructed along the way (see above). Alternatively, we could spend some\ntime constructing a small dataset by hand. For these situations, LangSmith simplifies', metadata={'description': 'Building reliable LLM applications can be challenging. LangChain simplifies the initial setup, but there is still work needed to bring the performance of prompts, chains and agents up the level where they are reliable enough to be used in production.', 'language': 'en', 'source': '', 'title': 'LangSmith Overview and User Guide | 🦜️🛠️ LangSmith'})],
 'answer': 'Certainly! LangSmith simplifies the process of constructing and editing datasets, which is essential for testing and fine-tuning models. By quickly editing examples and adding them to datasets, you can expand the surface area of your evaluation sets, leading to improved model quality and potentially reduced costs. Additionally, LangSmith provides monitoring capabilities for your application, allowing you to log all traces, visualize latency and token usage statistics, and troubleshoot specific issues as they arise. This comprehensive monitoring functionality helps ensure the reliability and performance of your application in production.'}

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