2022 Task 2 Max Sum of 2 integers sharing first and last digits

Task 2
There is an array A consisting of N integers.
What’s the maximum sum of two integers from A that share their first and last digits?
For example, 1007 and 167 share their first(1) and last(7) digits, whereas 2002 and 55 do not.

Write a function:

class Solution { public int solution(int[] A); }

that, giving an array A consisting of N integers, returns the maximum sum of two integers that share their first and last digits.
If there are no two integers that share their first and last digits, the function should return -1.


  1. Given A =[130, 191, 200, 10], the function should return 140. The only integers in A that share first and last digits are 130 and 10.
  2. Given A =[405, 45, 300, 300], the function should return 600. There are two pairs of integers that share first and last digit: (405, 45) and (300, 300). The sum of the two 300s is bigger than the sum of 405 and 45.
  3. Given A =[50, 222, 49, 52, 25], the function should return -1. There are no two integers that share their first and last digits.
  4. Given A =[30, 909, 3190, 99, 3990, 9009], the function should return 9918.

Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:

  • N is an integer within the range [1 … 100,000];
  • each element of array A is an integer within the range [10 … 1,000,000,000].


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