保持长期高效的七个法则(一)7 Rules for Staying Productive Long-Term(2)

If your system is going to be liberating rather than suffocating, however, you need to follow a few guidelines: 然而,如果你的系统想要解放而不是扼制,就需要遵循一些准则:

Rule #1 - Your system needs to fit your work(not the other way around) 准则一:系统需要适配你的工作(而不是反过来)

Any system is designed using certain assumptions about your work.If those assumptions are wrong, the system may backfire.

Take Weekly/Daily Goals, the system I use most often. The idea is that you have two lists, a weekly to-do list and a daily to-do list.The latter is intended to be fixed-you decide what to work on that day and hold it constant, even if you finish early.

This system works well when you have a bunch of concrete tasks you need to finish that you might procrastinate on, but if you just sat down and did them all in a burst of focus you could probably get them done easily.The goal here is to use the potential reward of a workday finished early to get thins done in an effective manner.

This system doesn’t work as well if your tasks are ambiguous and open-ended.It struggles more when your day is mostly meetings occurring at fixed times on your calendar.If your daily goals list just contains one task, “Work on X.” then it isn’t even functioning as a productivity system at all.

Therefore, before you get started with a system, it’s important to ask what the assumptions are that underpin it .What does your work need to look like for this bo be effective?

Rule #2 - The system should counterbalance your worst tendencies.

The guiding philosophy behind Getting Things Done is that , without writing down what needs doing , we’re liable to forget.Although the system aims at more than this, the key tendency it’s trying to counteract is simply forgetting what you need to do.

Fixed-schedule productivity counterbalances the tendency to constantly work overtime, having your office hours bleed into your home life.You’re answering emails at midnight, but at the same time, you’re exhausted in the evening and not as sharp when at work.

Maintaining deep work hours suggests the problem is mostly distraction, particularly from tasks that feel like work but aren’t your main source of value.

The Most Important Task method works when you have a few hard tasks that you need to prioritize. It assumes you’ll end up working on convenient, easy tasks, rather than those that really matter.Quadrant systems over merely urgent ones, are another tool for prioritizing.

Breaking your day into Pomodoro chunks assumes the problem is that the work feels too large to get started, so you procrastinate. Small chunks with mandatory breaks focus your attention on the next mile marker and not the entire marathon.

These tendencies need not be mutually exclusive.You could, for instance, combine deep work hours with Pomodoro chunks or the Most Important Task method.What matters is that these systems are balancing the problems you’re actually facing.A sales person investing in deep work hours probably doesn’t make sense.

Rule #3 - The system needs a way of dealing with exceptions.


Every system, no matter how complicated, will create situations where it no longer makes sense to follow the guidelines it sets.

What’s needed, then, is a way of handling exceptions to the rules without making so many ad-hoc adjustments that the original system is rendered meaningless.Unfortunately, there’s no way to crate a list of such meta-rules since if there were, they could simply be included into the original system.


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