保持长期高效的七个法则(一)7 Rules for Staying Productive Long-Term(1)

Easily the best habit I’ve ever started was to use a productivity system.The idea is simple:organizing all the stuff you need to do (and how you’re going to do it) prevents a lot of internal struggle to get things done.
There’s a ton of system out there.Some are elaborate, like Getting Things Done.Others are dead-simple, such as simply using a prioritized daily to-do list.Some require software.Many you can do with just pen and paper.
Being successful with a long-term system is hard.Here are just a few common problems:
You have no idea which system to pick, or when you do pick something you constantly second-guess yourself that you’re “doing it right”
You get a burst of enthusiasm each time you try it , are productive for about two weeks, then you start to slack off and eventually abandon it.
The system never seems to “fit right” for your life, yet you’re convinced the problem is that you don’t know how to work within it.
The system you’ve chosen feels like a slowly constricting prison you’ve made for yourself, choking off your will to do meaningful work and turning you into a robot.
These problems can be avoided, but it takes a little thinking about what the point of having a system is and what it can and cannot do for you.
Why Use a System at All?
Ultimately, everybody has a system for productivity.There are really only three different kinds:
The system of other people.You simply respond to the pressures put on you by colleagues, clients, bosses or family members.Big deadline tomorrow?I guess you’re working late on it.
The system of feelings and moods.Feeling creative today?You might get a loft of work done.Does that thing that seemed interesting before now seem dull?I guess you’re not working on it .At its best, this can be fun and spontaneous.At its worst it can be soul-crushing to see you never make more than fleeting progress on anything with an ounce of frustration.
A system of your own design.In this case, you create guidelines for yourself that structure your efforts.Moods and outside pressures still matter, but they’re no longer the only guiding factor about what to work on, how much and how often.
Building the habit of a productivity system is about self-consciously creating a buffer between you and temporary emotions or external agents.You still need to respond to deadlines and listen to your emotions, but those aren’t the only things you heed when planning your day.


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