顶顶通呼叫中心中间件(基于FreeSWITCH)对接mrcp asr 和 tts配置


顶顶通呼叫中心中间件通过asrproxy程序对接各种asr和tts,本文主要讲解 asrproxy程序 对接 mrcp v1 和 mrcp v2的配置。



        "interface": {
            "mrcp": {
                "count": 0,
                "fault_threshold": 0,
                "fault_try_interval": 600,
                "type": "mrcp",
                "engine": "uni2",
                "appid": "",
                "key": "",
                "secret": ""
  • grammar 语法配置文件,由ASR提供。
  • engine mrcp的配置文件client-profiles/unimrcp.xml里面配置的mrcp-profile

tts 配置

            "mrcp": {
                "count": 0,
                "fault_threshold": 0,
                "fault_try_interval": 600,
                "type": "mrcp",
                "engine": "uni2-tts",
                "appid": "",
                "key": "",
                "secret": ""
  • engine mrcp的配置文件client-profiles/unimrcp.xml里面配置的mrcp-profile

mrcp 配置



      If the attribute "type" is set to "auto", IP address is determined implicitly by the hostname.
      This is the default setting.
    <ip type="auto"/>

      If the attribute "type" is set to "iface", IP address is determined by the specified name of
      network interface/adapter.
    <!-- <ip type="iface">eth0</ip>-->

      IP address can also be specified explicitly.
    <ext-ip>如果mrcpserver是外网取消这个注释,这里设置本机外网IP </ext-ip>
      Server IP address should be specified explicitly, unless the client and the server are located on
      the same host. The server IP address can also be specified per <sip-settings> and <rtsp-settings>.
    <!-- <server-ip>a.b.c.d</server-ip> -->


主要配置mrcpv2 服务器IP和端口,如果mrcpv1配置V1对应的。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- UniMRCP client document -->
<unimrcpclient xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
    <!-- SIP MRCPv2 settings -->
    <sip-settings id="UniMRCP-SIP-Settings">
	    Server IP address can explicitly be specified per "sip-settings". Otherwise, the server IP
        address defaults to "server-ip" set in the properties, which in turn defaults to "ip".
      <server-ip>mrcpv2 ASR 服务器外网Ip</server-ip>
      <server-port>mrcpv2 ASR 服务器外网端口</server-port>
	  <!-- <feature-tags>speechrecog.engine="SR-1";speechsynth.engine="SS-1"</feature-tags> -->

    <sip-settings id="TTS-UniMRCP-SIP-Settings">
	    Server IP address can explicitly be specified per "sip-settings". Otherwise, the server IP
        address defaults to "server-ip" set in the properties, which in turn defaults to "ip".
      <server-ip>mrcpv2 TTS 服务器外网Ip</server-ip>
      <server-port>mrcpv2 TTS 服务器外网端口</server-port>
      <!-- <force-destination>true</force-destination> -->
	  <!-- <feature-tags>speechrecog.engine="SR-1";speechsynth.engine="SS-1"</feature-tags> -->

    <!-- RTSP MRCPv1 settings -->
    <rtsp-settings id="UniMRCP-RTSP-Settings">
	    Server IP address can explicitly be specified per "rtsp-settings". Otherwise, the server IP
        address defaults to "server-ip" set in the properties, which in turn defaults to "ip".
      <!-- <server-ip></server-ip> -->
      <!-- <force-destination>true</force-destination> -->
        <param name="speechsynth" value="speechsynthesizer"/>
        <param name="speechrecog" value="speechrecognizer"/>
    <!-- UniMRCP MRCPv2 profile -->
    <mrcpv2-profile id="uni2">

    <mrcpv2-profile id="uni2-tts">

    <!-- UniMRCP MRCPv1 profile -->
    <mrcpv1-profile id="uni1">

    <!-- More profiles may follow. -->


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