【COMP337 LEC 5-6】

LEC 5 Perceptron :

Binary Classification Algorithm

感应器是 单个神经元的模型

X input

W weights

a = x1*w1+x2*w2....... > / < threshold


MaxIter is a hyperparameter  超参数 which has to be chosen experimentally
If we make many passes over the training data, then the algorithm is likely to overfit.
If we make few passes might lead to underfitting


LEC 6 Perceptron :

Geometric Interpretation 几何解释

Hyperplane 超平面

Linear separability

1. When a dataset is linearly separable, there can exist more than one hyperplanes that separates the dataset into positive/negative groups.
not unique

2. 所以当不是线性分离的时候,就不会存在hyperplane

Take the average over all weight vectors during the training  (Averaged Perceptron algorithm)

Multiclass Classification

Multiclass classifiers
Naive Bayes
Binary classifiers
Logistic regression

How to turn a binary classifier to a multiclass classifier?

Given binary classification algorithm A we want to design a meta-algorithm that use A to make k-class predictions.


One-vs.-one approach

There might be ambiguity if some classes got the same number of votes (if the binary classifier A can produce a confidence score, it can be used to break ties)

One-vs.-rest approach


1. the scale of the confidence scores may differ between the binary classifiers

2. the binary classifiers are trained on unbalanced datasets: usually the set ofnegative objects will be much larger than the set of positive objects


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