Linux 36.2@Jetson Orin Nano之Hello AI World!

1. 源由




好了,废话不多说,既然我们有了《Linux 36.2@Jetson Orin Nano基础环境构建》,就来看看用这些AI技术可以有些什么好玩的!

2. Hello AI World!

大体所有的新事物都会有个类似“Hello AI World”的介绍,让更加贴心的让我们快速接触和理解新事物。

这里也有一个Jetson AI的Hello AI World!


  1. Setting up Jetson with JetPack
  2. Running the Docker Container
  3. Building the Project from Source


3. 步骤


3.1 准备阶段


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git cmake

3.2 获取代码



$ git clone
$ cd jetson-inference
$ git submodule update --init

3.3 Python环境

Python在AI程序应用上是非常便捷的方法,当然讲效率那就去用C++。这里都Hello World,谁知道有没有Python示例代码。

$ sudo apt-get install libpython3-dev python3-numpy

3.4 重点环节


以下这些是Hello World必备的编译链接环境:

$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-dev tensorrt-dev nvidia-jetpack

3.5 软件配置


$ cd jetson-inference    # omit if working directory is already jetson-inference/ from above
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -D CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda ..

3.6 PyTorch安装


$ cd jetson-inference/build
$ ./

3.7 编译链接

$ cd jetson-inference/build          # omit if working directory is already build/ from above
$ make -j$(nproc)  # 多核编译,加快速度

3.8 安装更新


$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig


jetson-inference$ tree build/ -L 1
├── aarch64
├── CMakeCache.txt
├── CMakeFiles
├── cmake_install.cmake
├── docs
├── examples
├── install-pytorch.rc
├── Makefile
├── python
├── tools
├── torch-2.1.0-cp310-cp310-linux_aarch64.whl
├── torchvision-310
└── utils

8 directories, 6 files

4. 测试

Jetson Orin Nano的板子用在AI上,最好的应用就是视频图像分析、物体跟踪。


S3E1 - Hello AI World Setup


4.1 video-viewer


$ ./video-viewer --help
usage: video-viewer [--help] input_URI [output_URI]

View/output a video or image stream.
See below for additional arguments that may not be shown above.

positional arguments:
    input_URI       resource URI of input stream  (see videoSource below)
    output_URI      resource URI of output stream (see videoOutput below)

videoSource arguments: 
    input                resource URI of the input stream, for example:
                             * /dev/video0               (V4L2 camera #0)
                             * csi://0                   (MIPI CSI camera #0)
                             * rtp://@:1234              (RTP stream)
                             * rtsp://user:pass@ip:1234  (RTSP stream)
                             * webrtc://@:1234/my_stream (WebRTC stream)
                             * file://my_image.jpg       (image file)
                             * file://my_video.mp4       (video file)
                             * file://my_directory/      (directory of images)
  --input-width=WIDTH    explicitly request a width of the stream (optional)
  --input-height=HEIGHT  explicitly request a height of the stream (optional)
  --input-rate=RATE      explicitly request a framerate of the stream (optional)
  --input-save=FILE      path to video file for saving the input stream to disk
  --input-codec=CODEC    RTP requires the codec to be set, one of these:
                             * h264, h265
                             * vp8, vp9
                             * mpeg2, mpeg4
                             * mjpeg
  --input-decoder=TYPE   the decoder engine to use, one of these:
                             * cpu
                             * omx  (aarch64/JetPack4 only)
                             * v4l2 (aarch64/JetPack5 only)
  --input-flip=FLIP      flip method to apply to input:
                             * none (default)
                             * counterclockwise
                             * rotate-180
                             * clockwise
                             * horizontal
                             * vertical
                             * upper-right-diagonal
                             * upper-left-diagonal
  --input-loop=LOOP      for file-based inputs, the number of loops to run:
                             * -1 = loop forever
                             *  0 = don't loop (default)
                             * >0 = set number of loops

videoOutput arguments: 
    output               resource URI of the output stream, for example:
                             * file://my_image.jpg       (image file)
                             * file://my_video.mp4       (video file)
                             * file://my_directory/      (directory of images)
                             * rtp://<remote-ip>:1234    (RTP stream)
                             * rtsp://@:8554/my_stream   (RTSP stream)
                             * webrtc://@:1234/my_stream (WebRTC stream)
                             * display://0               (OpenGL window)
  --output-codec=CODEC   desired codec for compressed output streams:
                            * h264 (default), h265
                            * vp8, vp9
                            * mpeg2, mpeg4
                            * mjpeg
  --output-encoder=TYPE  the encoder engine to use, one of these:
                            * cpu
                            * omx  (aarch64/JetPack4 only)
                            * v4l2 (aarch64/JetPack5 only)
  --output-save=FILE     path to a video file for saving the compressed stream
                         to disk, in addition to the primary output above
  --bitrate=BITRATE      desired target VBR bitrate for compressed streams,
                         in bits per second. The default is 4000000 (4 Mbps)
  --headless             don't create a default OpenGL GUI window

logging arguments: 
  --log-file=FILE        output destination file (default is stdout)
  --log-level=LEVEL      message output threshold, one of the following:
                             * silent
                             * error
                             * warning
                             * success
                             * info
                             * verbose (default)
                             * debug
  --verbose              enable verbose logging (same as --log-level=verbose)
  --debug                enable debug logging   (same as --log-level=debug)

4.2 detectnet


$ ./detectnet --help
usage: detectnet [--help] [--network=NETWORK] [--threshold=THRESHOLD] ...
                 input [output]

Locate objects in a video/image stream using an object detection DNN.
See below for additional arguments that may not be shown above.

positional arguments:
    input           resource URI of input stream  (see videoSource below)
    output          resource URI of output stream (see videoOutput below)

detectNet arguments: 
  --network=NETWORK     pre-trained model to load, one of the following:
                            * ssd-mobilenet-v1
                            * ssd-mobilenet-v2 (default)
                            * ssd-inception-v2
                            * peoplenet
                            * peoplenet-pruned
                            * dashcamnet
                            * trafficcamnet
                            * facedetect
  --model=MODEL         path to custom model to load (caffemodel, uff, or onnx)
  --prototxt=PROTOTXT   path to custom prototxt to load (for .caffemodel only)
  --labels=LABELS       path to text file containing the labels for each class
  --input-blob=INPUT    name of the input layer (default is 'data')
  --output-cvg=COVERAGE name of the coverage/confidence output layer (default is 'coverage')
  --output-bbox=BOXES   name of the bounding output layer (default is 'bboxes')
  --mean-pixel=PIXEL    mean pixel value to subtract from input (default is 0.0)
  --confidence=CONF     minimum confidence threshold for detection (default is 0.5)
  --clustering=CLUSTER  minimum overlapping area threshold for clustering (default is 0.75)
  --alpha=ALPHA         overlay alpha blending value, range 0-255 (default: 120)
  --overlay=OVERLAY     detection overlay flags (e.g. --overlay=box,labels,conf)
                        valid combinations are:  'box', 'lines', 'labels', 'conf', 'none'
  --profile             enable layer profiling in TensorRT

objectTracker arguments: 
  --tracking               flag to enable default tracker (IOU)
  --tracker=TRACKER        enable tracking with 'IOU' or 'KLT'
  --tracker-min-frames=N   the number of re-identified frames for a track to be considered valid (default: 3)
  --tracker-drop-frames=N  number of consecutive lost frames before a track is dropped (default: 15)
  --tracker-overlap=N      how much IOU overlap is required for a bounding box to be matched (default: 0.5)

videoSource arguments: 
    input                resource URI of the input stream, for example:
                             * /dev/video0               (V4L2 camera #0)
                             * csi://0                   (MIPI CSI camera #0)
                             * rtp://@:1234              (RTP stream)
                             * rtsp://user:pass@ip:1234  (RTSP stream)
                             * webrtc://@:1234/my_stream (WebRTC stream)
                             * file://my_image.jpg       (image file)
                             * file://my_video.mp4       (video file)
                             * file://my_directory/      (directory of images)
  --input-width=WIDTH    explicitly request a width of the stream (optional)
  --input-height=HEIGHT  explicitly request a height of the stream (optional)
  --input-rate=RATE      explicitly request a framerate of the stream (optional)
  --input-save=FILE      path to video file for saving the input stream to disk
  --input-codec=CODEC    RTP requires the codec to be set, one of these:
                             * h264, h265
                             * vp8, vp9
                             * mpeg2, mpeg4
                             * mjpeg
  --input-decoder=TYPE   the decoder engine to use, one of these:
                             * cpu
                             * omx  (aarch64/JetPack4 only)
                             * v4l2 (aarch64/JetPack5 only)
  --input-flip=FLIP      flip method to apply to input:
                             * none (default)
                             * counterclockwise
                             * rotate-180
                             * clockwise
                             * horizontal
                             * vertical
                             * upper-right-diagonal
                             * upper-left-diagonal
  --input-loop=LOOP      for file-based inputs, the number of loops to run:
                             * -1 = loop forever
                             *  0 = don't loop (default)
                             * >0 = set number of loops

videoOutput arguments: 
    output               resource URI of the output stream, for example:
                             * file://my_image.jpg       (image file)
                             * file://my_video.mp4       (video file)
                             * file://my_directory/      (directory of images)
                             * rtp://<remote-ip>:1234    (RTP stream)
                             * rtsp://@:8554/my_stream   (RTSP stream)
                             * webrtc://@:1234/my_stream (WebRTC stream)
                             * display://0               (OpenGL window)
  --output-codec=CODEC   desired codec for compressed output streams:
                            * h264 (default), h265
                            * vp8, vp9
                            * mpeg2, mpeg4
                            * mjpeg
  --output-encoder=TYPE  the encoder engine to use, one of these:
                            * cpu
                            * omx  (aarch64/JetPack4 only)
                            * v4l2 (aarch64/JetPack5 only)
  --output-save=FILE     path to a video file for saving the compressed stream
                         to disk, in addition to the primary output above
  --bitrate=BITRATE      desired target VBR bitrate for compressed streams,
                         in bits per second. The default is 4000000 (4 Mbps)
  --headless             don't create a default OpenGL GUI window

logging arguments: 
  --log-file=FILE        output destination file (default is stdout)
  --log-level=LEVEL      message output threshold, one of the following:
                             * silent
                             * error
                             * warning
                             * success
                             * info
                             * verbose (default)
                             * debug
  --verbose              enable verbose logging (same as --log-level=verbose)
  --debug                enable debug logging   (same as --log-level=debug)

4.3 演示命令

  1. 网络RTSP摄像头拉流&分析
$ cd jetson-inference/build
$ ./video-viewer --input-codec=h264 rtsp://
$ ./detectnet --input-codec=h264 rtsp://
  1. 视频文件播放&分析
$ cd jetson-inference/build
$ ./video-viewer --input-codec=h264  ../../../../TrackingBike.mp4
$ ./detectnet ../../../../TrackingBike.mp4 ../../../../TrackingBike_Detect.mp4

Extreme Mountain Biking FPV Drone Chasing

5. 参考资料

【1】Linux 36.2@Jetson Orin Nano基础环境构建

6. 附录 AI模型

detectNet 中有不少模型可供选择,默认情况: ssd-mobilenet-v2

  • ssd-mobilenet-v1
  • ssd-mobilenet-v2 (default)
  • ssd-inception-v2
  • peoplenet
  • peoplenet-pruned
  • dashcamnet
  • trafficcamnet
  • facedetect
$ cd jetson-inference/tools
$ ./



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