EEEE3084 Scalable cross platform software design

Scalable Cross-Platform Software Design:

Coursework#3 – Assessment on JAVA and GUI Topic

25% of the module mark.

Read the marking scheme on Moodle to familiarised with what I am looking for.

Coursework Instructions (you may be penalised if not following the instruction given):

1. Please submit as a single zip file which contains the whole NetBeans project folder

and a brief report (max 8 pages).

2. Only one NetBeans project encompassing all tasks to be submitted—not separate

Netbeans project for each Question.

3. The NetBeans project must be prepared using JDK v8 and JavaFX v8 and should run in

my PC without modification. (how to install documents are in Moodle)

4. Graphical User Interface (GUI) will based on JavaFX v8 platform

5. The report will describe the answer for each Questions, i.e., class name and their

purpose, and evidence to convince the client that it works correctly.

Document date: 20/09/2023

Context description

A well-known Aerospace company AirCoach requests you to design and implement

software with a user-friendly user interface to be integrated with their optical roughness

sensing device. Their plan is to use the optical roughness device to measure “how

smooth” the inner-lining of the inner engine cylinder of their new flagship plane Nimbus

2023. As they found from simulation that roughness of the engine cylinder degrades the

engine’s efficiency, lifetime, and increases carbon and noise emission.

Your task is to develop the accompanying software for the optical roughness device. The

engineer has described that this device will output a text file which lists the roughness as

the deviation 𝛿 in the unit of meter from an ideal circle (see Fig. 1).

For illustration purposes, the first few lines of such text file are given in Fig. 2,


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