
All NMEA messages start with the $ character, and each data field is separated by a comma.

GP represent that it is a GPS position (GL would denote GLONASS).

181908.00 is the time stamp: UTC time in hours, minutes and seconds.

3404.7041778 is the latitude in the DDMM.MMMMM format. Decimal places are variable.

N denotes north latitude.

07044.3966270 is the longitude in the DDDMM.MMMMM format. Decimal places are variable.

W denotes west longitude.

4 denotes the Quality Indicator:

1 = Uncorrected coordinate

2 = Differentially correct coordinate (e.g., WAAS, DGPS)

4 = RTK Fix coordinate (centimeter precision)

5 = RTK Float (decimeter precision.

13 denotes number of satellites used in the coordinate.

1.0 denotes the HDOP (horizontal dilution of precision).

495.144 denotes altitude of the antenna.

M denotes units of altitude (eg. Meters or Feet)

29.200 denotes the geoidal separation (subtract this from the altitude of the antenna to arrive at the Height Above Ellipsoid (HAE).

M denotes the units used by the geoidal separation.

1.0 denotes the age of the correction (if any).

0000 denotes the correction station ID (if any).

*40 denotes the checksum.

The $GPGGA is a basic GPS NMEA message. There are alternative and companion NMEA messages that provide similar or additional information.

Here are a couple of popular NMEA messages similar to the $GPGGA message with GPS coordinates in them (these can possibly be used as an alternative to the $GPGGA message):


In addition to NMEA messages that contain a GPS coordinate, several companion NMEA messages offer additional information besides the GPS coordinate. Following are some of the common ones:

$GPGSA – Detailed GPS DOP and detailed satellite tracking information (eg. individual satellite numbers). $GNGSA for GNSS receivers.

$GPGSV – Detailed GPS satellite information such as azimuth and elevation of each satellite being tracked. $GNGSV for GNSS receivers.

$GPVTG – Speed over ground and tracking offset.

$GPGST – Estimated horizontal and vertical precision. $GNGST for GNSS receivers.

Rarely does the $GPGGA message have enough information by itself. For example, the following screen requires: $GPGGA, $GPGSA, $GPGSV.

The following screen, focused on the time capabilities of GPS, requires a slightly different set of NMEA messages: $GPGGA or $GPRMC or $GPZDA, $GPGSA, $GPGSV.

  1. 經度
  2. 緯度
  3. 定位完成代號
  4. 採用有效的衛星顆數
  5. 所用的衛星編號,及仰角,方向角,接收訊號強度。
  6. 衛星方位角
  7. 高度
  8. 相對位移位移速度
  9. 相對位移位移方向角度
  10. 日期
  11. UTC時間
  12. DOP誤差參考值
  13. 衛星狀態及接收狀態
    NMEA-0183 輸出資訊表
    NMEA 種類 說明
    GGA 衛星定位資訊。
    GLL 基本地理位置-經度及緯度
    GSA GNSS DOP(誤差資訊)
    GSV GNSS 天空範圍內的衛星
    RMC 基本定位資訊(指已達到定位目的時)
    VTG 相對位移方向及相對位移速度



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