Why React Doesn‘t Need jQuery?

  1. a revolution library – 一个革命性的库
  2. greatly simplified tasks such as … – 极大的简化了…任务
  3. DOM manipulation – DOM操作
  4. event handling – 事件处理
  5. animation creation – 动画创建
  6. Ajax request – Ajax请求
  7. with the rise of modern front frameworks – 随着现代前端框架的兴起
  8. the neccessary of … has come into question – …的必要性已经值得商榷
  9. The article explores (why…) – 这篇文章讨论了…
  10. how … addresses … in a more modern way – 如何以更加现代化的方式处理
  11. frontend development chanlleges – 前端开发中的难点
  12. data-driven views – 数据驱动视图
  13. UI updates are based on changes in state rather than directly manipulating the DOM – UI的更新基于状态的改变而非直接操作DOM
  14. a high consistency between A and B – A 和 B之间的高度一致
  15. reduce the chance of errors – 减少错误
  16. which is avoided in React’s philosophy to prevent unneccessary DOM operations – 由于直接操作了DOM元素所以在react中需要禁止使用
  17. promotes modularity – 促进模块化
  18. lacking a systematic way to organize and reuse UI logic – 缺乏系统的方法来管理和重用UI逻辑
  19. high version of javascript – js的高版本
  20. Additionally, advancement in CSS, such as Flexbox, Grid and animations, allow many visual effects and layouts implemented through jQuery to be achieved directly with CSS. – 除此之外,css中的高级功能,如弹性盒,网格,动画使得很多原来由jQuery实现的视觉效果以及页面布局都可以直接通过css代码实现了。
  21. make the code more concise – 让代码更加的简洁
  22. React Ecosystem – react生态
  23. React principles of – react的原则
  24. In a React application – 在react应用中
  25. libraries specially designed for React – React相关库
  26. eliminating the need for jQuery – 减少对jQuery的需求
  27. a combination of template strings and conditional logic with the className attribute achieves the same effect – 模板字符串和基于className属性的条件渲染逻辑的结合能够达到相同的效果
  28. conditional rendering – 条件渲染
  29. dynamic styles – 动态样式
  30. Axios library – Axios库
  31. iterate over arrays or objects – 对数组和对象的迭代
  32. state management and re-rendering of components – 状态管理和组件重绘
  33. React offers more elegant and efficient solutions – react提供了更加优雅和高效的解决方案



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