
The Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)®

The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM)®






3.2 赛题类型

美国大学生数学建模竞赛目前分为两种类型,MCM(Mathematical Contest In Modeling)和 ICM(Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling),两种类型竞赛采用统一标准进行,竞赛题目出来之后,参数队伍通过美赛官网进行选题,一共分为 6 种题型。


ICM:D:运筹学/网络科学E:环境科学 F:政策

3.3 2024年美赛新变化








4 如何准备2024数学建模美赛

4.1 工具的推荐与使用

论文检索工具:推荐谷歌学术(需科学上网) 国内的镜像网站



翻译工具:deepl + chatgpt


4.2 论文研读学习

l 看哪些?




l 怎么学?

1 学习整体框架。根据3-5篇论文整理出一套可以在比赛时直接用的写作模版

2 学习写作格式。方法同上

3 学习语言表达。整理优秀的论文中的措辞,以及用什么什么方法,有什么好的表述方法没有。建议最后将一些好的表达放在一个整理的文档中,方便变比赛时使用

4 学习算法及模型。这里尤其要强调,并不是需要学习优秀论文涉及的所有算法,一般只需要学习用了现在常用的算法(比如元胞自动机等)流程、实现及表述即可,将其按照算法进行分类整理。(之后C君可能会开数模算法模版+算法写作通用模版系列)很多论文有部分仅适用于那个问题,自创的模型,这种费时费力,收效甚微,不建议学习

5 学习摘要的表述

6 学习可视化用的工具及如何去展示

l 怎么看?


step1 根据题目,写出自己对问题的分析,然后查阅资料,改进自己的问题分析【半天】

step2 和队友讨论,形成自己队伍对于问题的解决方案(不需要具体做,写出问题分析即可)【半天】

step3 阅读优秀论文(第一部分提到了怎样才算优秀论文),注意此时不要看优秀论文的摘要,从问题分析开始看起。然后根据第二部分提到的方向分别进行整理【两天】

step4 优秀论文的思路与自己的思路进行对比【半天】

step5 根据优秀论文后面的内容,给此优秀论文写摘要。写完后对比论文的摘要,总结自己表述的优缺点【半天】

step6可选任务 再挑两篇优秀论文进行学习,从step3到step5,此时取长补短,浓缩精华即可【2天】

Upcoming Contest Dates

February 120

 — February 5, 

Learn More and Register

The Challenge

COMAP's Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) are international contests for high school students and college undergraduates. The contests challenge teams of up to three students to analyze, model, solve, and present solution reports to an open-ended application problem. In these contests research, analytics, and applied intelligence are just as important as time management and problem selection. Are you and your team up to it?

Problem Choices

Contest teams of up to three students address one of the following six problem choices over the period of the contest weekend.

    • MCM Problem A (continuous)
    • MCM Problem B (discrete)
    • MCM Problem C (data insights)
    • ICM Problem D (operations research/network science)
    • ICM Problem E (sustainability)
    • ICM Problem F (policy)

What's in it for you? 

The contests provide a challenge to solve a real-world application problem, and get recognition for it on an international stage. It's an excellent opportunity to develop your interpersonal skills through teamwork, develop technical writing and communication skills through your written report, feel a sense of accomplishment, and earn an impressive resume credential. Students and advisors report that participation and success in MCM/ICM provides an advantage when applying for internships and jobs.


What's in it for your school? 

Schools enjoy the recognition and prestige of being part of COMAP's annual international modeling contest event. COMAP published a press release of the annual contest results that lists advisors, schools, school locations, and awards. Contest participation indicates the school’s support of students’ meaningful application of topics studied in the classroom in preparation for addressing a variety of problems in the real-world. The contest can provide impetus and justification for developing more applied courses and for integrating modeling into current courses.

And there’s MORE!

MCM/ICM offer your team and school the chance to win prizes. The International COMAP Scholarship Award will be awarded to the four(4) top MCM/ICM teams from any of the participating countries; $9000 being split among the team members and $1000 to the school represented. Awards will be announced on or before April 30th each year.点击链接加入群聊【2024美赛A-F题助攻资料汇总】:


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