霍金《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time) 学习笔记(第三章)

Chapter 3: The Expanding Universe


Footnote: Chapter 3. Mainly talks about the theory of expansion after the big bang.


Footnote: The SBH (Supermassive Black Hole) at the center of a spiral galaxy (much like ours).


Footnote: 3 possible cases of the fate of the universe. ( a ) the Big Crunch; ( b ) Steady eventual expansion speed; ( c ) the Icy Ending (faster and faster expansion, never-ending)


Footnote: Approximated expansion duration: 10 ^ 10 Years. Approximated remaining life of the sun: 5 billion (5 * 10 ^ 9) Years. Solution: maybe move to parallel universe?


Footnote: Concept of Singularity. (infinite space-time curvature, black holes)


Footnote: Conclusion of this chapter.

Personal Recap:



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