
%% MCM/ICM LaTeX Template %%
%% 2023 MCM/ICM           %%

% Replace ABCDEF in the next line with your chosen problem
% and replace 1111111 with your Team Control Number


\lhead{Team \Team}


  {.}}  % Place your graphic files in the same directory as your main document
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf, .jpg, .tif, .png}
	\parbox[t]{0.3\linewidth}{\begin{center}\textbf{Problem Chosen}\\ \Large \textcolor{red}{\Problem}\end{center}}
	& \parbox[t]{0.3\linewidth}{\begin{center}\textbf{2023\\ MCM/ICM\\ Summary Sheet}\end{center}}
	& \parbox[t]{0.3\linewidth}{\begin{center}\textbf{Team Control Number}\\ \Large \textcolor{red}{\Team}\end{center}}	\\
%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Summary %%%%%%%%%%%
% Enter your summary here replacing the (red) text
% Replace the text from here ...
	\Huge {We are the champions}

Use this template to begin typing the first page (summary page) of your electronic report. This \newline
template uses a 12-point Times New Roman font. Submit your paper as an Adobe PDF \newline
electronic file (e.g. 1111111.pdf), typed in English, with a readable font of at least 12-point type.	\\[2ex]
Do not include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this or any page.	\\[2ex]
Papers must be within the 25 page limit.	\\[2ex]
Be sure to change the control number and problem choice above.	\\
You may delete these instructions as you begin to type your report here. 	\\[2ex]
\textbf{Follow us @COMAPMath on Twitter or COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL on Weibo for the \newline
most up to date contest information.}
% to here


\noindent \textbf{Keywords: }\LaTeX \quad  MCM/ICM \quad Champion
%%%%%%%%%%% End Summary %%%%%%%%%%%

% Uncomment the next line to generate a Table of Contents
\rhead{Page \thepage~of~25}



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  2. 计时80

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  3. 计时68

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  4. 计时68

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  5. 计时67

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  6. 计时65

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  7. 计时64

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