Leetcode 3011. Find if Array Can Be Sorted

1. 解题思路

这一题挺简单的,就是一个分组进行排序考察,我们将相邻且bit set相同的元素划归到同一组,然后进行排序,然后依次看各个组之间是不是都满足有序关系即可。

2. 代码实现


class Solution:
    def canSortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        n = len(nums)
        def count_digit(num):
            return Counter(bin(num)[2:])["1"]
        idx = 0
        pre_max = -1
        while idx < n:
            elems = []
            d = count_digit(nums[idx])
            while idx < n and count_digit(nums[idx]) == d:
                idx += 1
            elems = sorted(elems)
            if elems[0] < pre_max:
                return False
            pre_max = elems[-1]
        return True



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