Display PDF Files on Mobile Devices

Display PDF Files on Mobile Devices

  DevExpress .NET MAUI 23.2 adds a new PDF viewer control that allows you to display PDF files in your MAUI apps.

  DevExpress .NET MAUI is a collection of high-performance UI components specifically designed to build native cross-platform apps for iOS and Android using the .NET MAUI framework. From advanced data grids and charts to intuitive data editors and smooth PDF viewing, it empowers developers to quickly and easily craft feature-rich mobile experiences.

  Version 23.2 adds a high-performance PDF Viewer control that allows you to display PDFs from diverse sources, navigate with ease through bookmarks and page layouts, search for text, zoom in for detail, and benefit from comprehensive documentation. This powerful control unlocks a robust and user-friendly way to integrate PDF functionality into your mobile applications. The .NET MAUI PDF Viewer requires an active DevExpress Universal Subscription.



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