MATLAB Fundamentals>>Representing Discrete Categories

MATLAB Fundamentals>Specialized Data Types>Representing Discrete Categories>(1/6) Introduction

Representing Discrete Categories

When text labels are intended to represent a finite set of possibilities, a string array may use more memory than a categorical array. There are functions designed to work with categories of data, so if your text describes a group or category, this is often the best data type.

MATLAB Fundamentals>Specialized Data Types>Representing Discrete Categories>(2/6) Converting to and Operating on Categoricals

This code sets up the activity.

x = ["C","B","C","A","B","A","C"]

This line of code would produce an error.

% histogram(x)

说明1:You can convert a string array to a categorical using the categorical function.

任务1:Convert x into a categorical array named y.


y = categorical(x)

说明2:Categorical arrays take up less memory than cell arrays of strings.

任务2:Issue the whos x y command to see how much memory each variable uses.


whos x y


You can see the categories represented in a categorical array using the categories function on the categorical array.


cats = categories(y)


Create a variable named iC which contains values of true corresponding to the values in y that equal C.


iC = y == "C"


Create a variable named iNB which contains values of true corresponding to the values in y that are not equal to B.


iNB = y ~= "B"

附加练习:Try indexing into y with iC and iNB.


iCidx = y(iC)
iNBidx = y(iNB)


(1)a string array may use more memory than a categorical array字符串数组比分类数组占用更多内存;




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