vue 可写的computed

 computed可以接受一个get、set函数的对象,变成可写的computed(创建一个可写的 ref 对象)。

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed } from "vue"

const count = ref(1)

// const plusOne = computed(() => count.value + 1) 只读的计算属性ref

const plusOne = computed({   // 可写的计算属性 ref
  get:() => count.value + 1,
  set:(val) =>{
    count.value = val - 1

 * Make the `plusOne` writable.
 * So that we can get the result `plusOne` to be 3, and `count` to be 2.



  { count }}</p>
  { plusOne }}</p>


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