


  1. 在此文《基于LangChain+LLM的本地知识库问答:从企业单文档问答到批量文档问答》的3.5节中,我们曾分析过langchain-chatchat项目中文本分割相关的代码,当时曾提到该项目中的文档语义分割模型为达摩院开源的:nlp_bert_document-segmentation_chinese-base (这是其论文)
  2. 在此文《知识库问答LangChain+LLM的二次开发:商用时的典型问题及其改进方案》中,我们再次提到,langchain-chatchat的默认分块大小是chunk_size:250 (详见configs/model_config.py,但该系统也有个可选项,可以选择达摩院开源的语义分割模型:nlp_bert_document-segmentation_chinese-base)


  • 一方面,更好的促进我司第三项目组知识库问答项目的进度
  • 二方面,把我司在这个方向上的探索、经验一定程度的通过博客分享给大家(更多深入细节则见我司的大模型项目开发线上营)

第一部分 基于Cross Segment Attention的文本分割


Lukasik等人在论文《Text Segmentation by Cross Segment Attention》提出了三种基于transformer的分割模型架构。其中一种仅利用每个候选断点(candidate break)周围的局部上下文,而另外两种则利用来自输入的完整上下文(所谓候选断点指任何潜在的段边界,即any potential segment boundary)

1.1 Cross-segment BERT:确定某个句子是否作为下一个段落的开头


  1. 在 Cross-segment BERT模型中,我们将围绕潜在段落断点的局部上下文输入到模型中:左边k个标记和右边k个标记
  2. 其中与[CLS]对应的输出隐状态被传递给softmax分类器,以便对候选断点进行分段决策



  1. 当用BERT编码每个句子时,所有序列都以[CLS]标记开始
    \rightarrow  如果分割决定是在句子级别sentence level做出的(例如,文档分割document segmentation),我们使用[CLS]token作为LSTM的输入
    \rightarrow  在分词决策是在词级word level做出的情况下(例如,话语分词discourse segmentation),我们获得BERT的完整序列输出,并使用每个词的最左边的词段作为LSTM的输入(use the left-most word-piece of each word as an input to LSTM)

    需要注意的是,在话语分割(discourse segmentation)任务中,由于上下文较短,可以仅使用一次BERT进行完全编码(Note that,due to the context being short for the discourse seg-mentation task, it is fully encoded in a single passusing BERT. );
    或者可以独立地对每个单词进行编码。考虑到许多单词由single word-piece组成,使用深度transformer编码器来对它们进行编码可能会比较费计算资源,毕竟transformer的计算成本(特别是自注意力)随着输入长度呈二次增长
  2. 然后,LSTM负责处理具有线性计算复杂度的多样化和潜在的大型句子序列(Then, the LSTM isresponsible for handling the diverse and potentiallylarge sequence of sentences with linear computa-tional complexity)。在实践中,我们将最大文档长度设定为128个句子,更长的文档会被分割成连续且非重叠的128个句子块,并作为独立的文档进行处理

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1.3 Hierarchical BERT


第二部分 阿里语义分割模型SeqModel

2.1 SeqModel核心原理


  1. 上文的Cross-Segment提出了一个基于本地上下文的跨段BERT模型和一个分层BERT模型(Hier.BERT),以利用两个BERT模型对句子和文档进行编码,从而实现更长的上下文建模
    proposed a cross-segment BERT model using local contextand a hierarchical BERT model (Hier.BERT) using two BERTmodels to encode sentence and document separately for ex-ploiting longer context
  2. 2020年,此篇论文《Two-level transformer and auxiliary coherence modeling for improved text segmentation》还采用了两个分层连接的Transformer结构(uses two hierarchically con-nected transformers)。然而,由于分层模型计算成本高且推理速度较慢

2.1.1 SeqModel:将文档分割建模为句子级序列标记任务

为此,Zhang等人在论文《Sequence Model with Self-Adaptive Sliding Window for Efficient Spoken Document Segmentation》中提出了SeqModel

  • SeqModel利用BERT对多个句子同时编码,建模了更长的上下文之间依赖关系之后再计算句向量,最后预测每个句子后边是否进行文本分割
  • 此外,该模型还使用了自适应滑动窗口方法,在在不牺牲准确性的情况下进一步加快推理速度

如下图所示,SeqModel将文档分割建模为句子级序列标记任务(which models document segmentation as a sentence-level sequence label-ing task)

  1. 首先,文档中的每个句子经过WordPiece分词器进行分词[12]
  2. 然后,通过由“token嵌入、位置嵌入和段落嵌入”组成的输入表示层来对这些句子进行编码
    This sequence is embedded through the input representation layer as the element-wise sum of token embedding, position embedding, and segment embedding.
  3. 接下来,这些嵌入被送入Transformer编码器,输出与k个标记对应的隐状态\left\{R_{m-i}\right\}_{i=1}^{k},并使用均值池化方法得到句子编码
    These embedding sare then fed to a transformer encoder and the output hiddenstates corresponding to k tokens in sentence sm, denoted by {Rm−i }ki=1, are mean-pooled to represent the sentenceencoding. 
  4. 最后,将所有句子\{s\}_{m=1}^{n}的句子编码\left\{S_{m}\right\}_{m=1}^{n}输入softmax二元分类器以判断每个句子是否为段落边界,训练目标是最小化softmax交叉熵损失
    The sentence encodings {Sm}nm=1 for sentences{s}nm=1 are fed to a softmax binary classifier to classifywhether each sentence is a segment boundary. The training objective is minimizing the softmax cross-entropy loss.

2.1.2 自适应滑动窗口(Self-adaptive Sliding Window)

我们还提出了一种自适应滑动窗口方法,在不牺牲准确性的情况下进一步加快推理速度(We also propose a self-adaptive sliding window approach tofurther speed up inference without sacrificing accuracy),如下图所示

  1. 传统的分割推理滑动窗口使用固定的前向步长。在我们提出的自适应滑动窗口方法中,在推理过程中,从前一个窗口中的最后一句话开始,模型在最大后向步长内 向后查看,以找到来自前一个推理步骤的积极分割决策(模型对分割预测概率>0.5)
    Traditional sliding window for seg-mentation inference uses a fixed forward step size. In ourproposed self-adaptive sliding window approach, during in-ference, starting from the last sentence in the previous win-dow, the model looks backward within a maximum backward step size to find positive segmentation decisions (segmenta-tion prediction probability from the model > 0.5) from the previous inference step.
  2. 当在这个跨度内有积极的决策时,下一个滑动窗口将自动调整为:从最近预测片段边界之后的下一个句子开始。否则,当在这个跨度内没有积极的决策时,下一个滑动窗口将从前一个窗口中的最后一句话开始
    When there are positive decisions within this span, the next sliding window is automatically ad-justed to start from the next sentence after the most recent predicted segment boundary. Otherwise, when no positive de-cisions exist within this span, the next sliding window startsfrom the last sentence in the previous window.
  3. 考虑到最后一段和历史对下一个分割决策影响已经降低,这种策略有助于丢弃滑动窗口内不相关的历史信息。因此,自适应滑动窗口既可以加快推理速度也可以提高分割准确性
    Consideringthat the last paragraph and the history beyond have reducedimpact on the next segmentation decision, this strategy helpsdiscard irrelevant history within the sliding window. Hence,the self-adaptive sliding window may both speed up inferenceand improve segmentation accuracy. 

2.2 与cross-segment BERT、Hierarchical BERT的区别

2.2.1 与cross-segment BERT的区别

  • 对于cross-segment BERT而言,其将文档分割作为每个候选断点的token级别的二分类任务。输入训练样本由一个领头的[CLS]标记和连接候选断点左右局部上下文的方式组成,并通过[SEP]标记进行分隔

    the cross-segment BERT model [10],treats document segmentation as a token-level binary classi-fication task for each candidate break (i.e., each token). The input training sample is composed of a leading [CLS] token,and concatenation of the left and right local contexts for acandidate break, separated by the [SEP] token.
    This sequenceis fed to a BERT-encoder and the output hidden state corre-sponding to [CLS] is fed to a softmax classifier for segmen-tation decision on the candidate break. 
  • 相比之下,我们的SeqModel同时编码一组句子\left\{S_{m}\right\}_{m=1}^{n},因此通过编码器自注意力机制可以利用更长的上下文和句子间依赖关系。因此,使用上下文化的句子编码\left\{S_{m}\right\}_{m=1}^{n}来进行分类有潜在地提高了分割准确性
    In comparison, our SeqModel encodes a block of sentences {sm}nm=1 simulta-neously, hence exploits longer context and inter-sentence de-pendencies through encoder self-attention. Consequently, thecontextualized sentence encodings {Sm}nm=1 for classifica-tion can potentially improve segmentation accuracy.
    In ad-dition, our SeqModel classifies multiple sentences simultane-ously, hence significantly speeds up inference compared tothe cross-segment model. 

2.2.2 与Hierarchical BERT、直接BERT的区别

  • 不同于Hierarchical BERT,SeqModel通过均值池生成上下文化的句子编码,而不是像Hierarchical BERT那样使用另一个Transformer编码器进行文档编码。因此,它显著降低了计算复杂度,并提高了推理效率(SeqModel generates contextualized Hier.BERT, hence significantly reduces computational com-plexity and improves inference efficiency.)
  • BERT[BERT: pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding]采用下一句预测(NSP)任务作为句间目标,这是一个判别两个句子在原始来源中是否相邻的二值分类任务
    BERT [13] employs the next sentence prediction (NSP) task as an inter-sentence objective, which is a binary classification task deciding whether two sentences are contiguous in the original source.


    1. 同时向BERT中输入两个句子,预测第二个句子是否是第一个句子的下一句。基于这个原理,我们可以设计一种最朴素的文本切分方法,其中最小的切分单位是句子 (下图:图源)

    2. 在完整的文本上,用滑动窗口的方式分别将相邻的两个句子输入到BERT模型中做二分类,如果预测分值较小,说明这两个句子之间的语义关系比较弱,可以作为一个段落切分点
    3. 然而,这种方法判断是否是文本切分点时只考虑了前后各一个句子,没有利用到距离更远位置的文本信息。此外,该方法的预测效率也相对较低
  • RoBERTa[14]将NSP目标从预训练中移除,但也添加了其他训练优化
    RoBERTa [14] removes the NSP objective from pre-training but also adds other training optimizations.
  • StructBERT[15]在BERT预训练目标的基础上增加了一个单词结构目标和一个句子结构目标。句子结构目标对两个句子(S1,S2)进行三元分类,以决定S1是在S2之前还是之后,或者两个句子是不连续的
    StructBERT [15] augments BERT pre-training objectives with a word structural objective and a sentence structural objective. The sentence structural objective conducts a ternary classification on two sentences (S1, S2) to decide whether S1 precedes or follows S2 or the two sentences are noncontiguous.
  • CONPONO模型[16]利用了新的句子间目标,包括预测具有多个句子之间的连贯但非连续的跨度之间的排序。
    The CONPONO model [16] exploits new inter-sentence objectives, including predicting ordering between coherent yet noncontiguous spans with multiple sentences in between.
  • ELECTRA[17]用一个更有效的替换token检测任务取代了BERT预训练中的屏蔽语言建模,该任务用生成器网络生成的可信替代(plausible alternatives)替代一些输入token,然后训练一个判别器来预测损坏输入中的每个token是否被生成的样本替换
    ELECTRA [17] replaces masked language modeling in BERT pre-training with a more efficient replaced-token detection task, which replaces some input tokens with plausible alternatives generated by a generator network, then trains a discriminator to predict whether each token in the corrupted input is replaced by a generated sample or not.

2.3 SeqModel的应用


from modelscope.outputs import OutputKeys
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks

p = pipeline(

result = p(documents='......')


// 待更..


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