CPT203-Software Engineering 笔记

Week 1 -- Introduction

failure reason 

professional software development***

maintain, security, efficiency, acceptability

two kinds***: generic, customized

software deterioration 软件退化

reduce changes/ side effects after changes

software engineering approaches 软件工程方法***

4 fundamental activities:s,d,v,e(迭代优化) Lec1 p24

•软件规范(Software specification)(需求明确)

•软件开发(Software development)

•软件验证(Software validation)

•软件进化(Software evolution)(软件迭代)


• 顺序开发(Sequential)
• 迭代开发(Iterative)



minimize risks -- communicate

Week 2 --software process

a set of related activities

•软件规范(Software specification)
•软件设计和实现(Software design and implementation)
•软件验证(Software validation)
•软件进化(Software evolution)


plan driven/ agile process

process models 软件过程模型 p12

瀑布模型(The waterfall model)

This takes the fundamental process activities of specification, development, validation, and evolution and represents them as separate process phases such as requirements specification, software design, implementation, testing, and so on.

*document produced in each stage

* free parts 


增量开发(Incremental development)

This approach interleaves the activities of specification, development, and validation. The system is developed as a series of versions (increments), with each version adding functionality to the previous version.






面向重用的软件工程(Reuse-oriented software engineering)

This approach is based on the existence of a significant number of reusable components. The system development process focuses on integrating these components into a system rather than developing them from scratch.

注意:这些模型不是相互排斥(mutually exclusive)的,并且经常一起使用,特别是对于大型系统开发。

e.g web服务, 包,standalone software


less work/cost/risks



· 然而,需求妥协(requirements compromises)是不可避免的,这可能导致系统不能满足用户的真正需求。



定义***现实的软件过程是技术、协作和管理活动的交错序列,其总体目标是指定、设计、实现和测试软件系统(specifying, designing, implementing, and testing a software system)

在瀑布模型中,它们按顺序组织(in sequence)



requirement engineering

- 2level high level/ detailed level 

-4 activities p35 




它总是涉及软件设计和编程过程,但是,如果使用增量开发方法,也可能涉及软件规范的细化(refinement of the software specification)




design activity 设计活动

体系结构设计(Architectural design)

接口设计(Interface design)

组件设计(Component design)

数据库设计(Database design)

Software Validation 软件验证

•    a system both conforms to its specification
•    it meets the expectations of the system customer

Validation techniques 验证技术

三个阶段的测试过程包括对系统组件的测试(testing for system component),然后是对集成系统的测试( testing for an integrated system),最后是使用客户数据对系统进行测试(testing of the system with the customer’s data)

开发测试(Development testing)


系统测试(System testing)


验收测试(Acceptance testing)


Week 3 -- Agile methods

Rapid Software Development 快速软件开发

The software is not developed as a single unit but as a series of increments, with each increment including new system functionality.

fundamental characteristics: interleaved, Minimum documentation,series of version with system stakeholders involvement, interactive development system


•    Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
•    Working software over comprehensive documentation
•    Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
•    Responding to change over following a plan


- require: a customer who is willing and able to spend time with the development team and who can represent all system stakeholders

- Individual team members may not have suitable personalities for the intense involvement

- Prioritizing changes difficult

- contract difficult - time paid

- responsibility 

-maintain continuity

Maintenance 维护


system requirements document **

Plan-driven and Agile development 计划驱动和敏捷开发


•    Detail specification and design needed?
•    Is incremental strategy realistic?
•    How large is the system?
•    What type of system being developed?
•    System life span?

•    Available technologies and tools?
•    Organization of the team?
•    Cultural issues?
•    Available skillsets?
•    External regulation?

Week 4 -- Requirement Engineering

是software specification这个阶段的任务哦!

高层描述(high-level description)User requirements;
细节描述(detail description)System requirements

Functional  requirement

· 功能需求

These are statements of services the system should provide. How the services should react and behave in certain condition. In some cases, the functional requirements may also explicitly state what the system should not do.




Non-functional requirement*****

· 非功能需求

These are constraints on the services or functions offered by the system. Non-functional requirements often apply to the system as a whole, rather than individual system features or services. 

系统属性(System properties)

重要:如可靠性、安全性和机密性需求(reliability, safety, and confidentiality)

1. failing the unfunctional requirement means the whole system is unuseable

2. affect overall architecture

3 may generate a number of related functional requirements


•    Product requirements - These requirements specify or constrain the behavior of the software.
•    Organizational requirements - These requirements are broad system requirements derived from policies and procedures in the customer’s and developer’s organization.
•    External requirements - This broad heading covers all requirements that are derived from factors external to the system and its development process


软件需求文档(The Software Requirements Document)

软件需求文档(有时称为软件需求说明书(software requirements specification)或SRS)是系统开发人员应该实现的正式文档。应该包括系统的用户需求系统需求详细规格说明


质量特性:correct,complete,unambiguous,verificable, consistent, ranked for importance/stability, modifiable, traceable

需求工程过程(Requirements Engineering Processes)


4 high-level activities

-(可行性研究,feasibility study)

需求发现(获取和分析,elicitation and analysis),



需求获取与分析(Requirements Elicitation and Analysis)

需求规范(Requirements specification):需求被记录下来,并输入到螺旋的下一轮中。如第4.3节所述,可能会产生正式或非正式的需求文件

挑战 p39

1. unreachable

2. customer use their own terms

需求发现(Requirements discovery/elicitation)

This is the process of interacting with stakeholders of the system to discover their requirements


interviews (close/open)a springboard question, a requirements proposal, a prototype system 来自访谈的信息补充了来自描述业务流程或现有系统的文档、用户观察等有关系统的其他信息。




1.采访(Requirements Discovery - Interview)

2.场景(Requirements Discovery - Scenarios)

示例交互会话(example interaction sessions),标识了系统与其用户或其他系统之间的单独交互


3.用例(Requirements Discovery - Use case)

4.人类学(Requirements Discovery – Ethnography)


需求规范(Requirements Specification) p60



1. 需求规范—自然语言规范(Natural Language Specification)

2. 结构化规范(Structured Specification)


需求验证(Requirements Validation)

•Requirements validation is the process of checking that requirements correctly define the system that the customer really wants

types of checks

有效性检查(Validity checks)

一致性检查(Consistency checks)

完整性检查(Completeness checks)

真实性检查(Realism checks)



需求评审(Requirements reviews)


测试用例生成(Test-case generation)

重要性:不适当的 validation 可能导致rework

Week5 -- System Modeling

构成元素 elements




系统视角(System perspectives)

external/interaction/structural/behavioral  models



活动图(Activity diagrams)显示流程或数据处理涉及的活动

用例图(Use case diagrams),显示系统与其环境之间的交互

序列图(Sequence diagrams),显示参与者和系统之间以及系统组件之间的交互

类图(Class diagrams),显示系统中的对象类和这些类之间的关联

状态机图(State machine diagrams),显示系统如何对内部和外部事件作出反应。 

上下文建模(Context models)

illustrate the operational context of a system - they show what lies outside the system boundaries. 

social & organisational may affect System boundaries

1.生成一个简单的体系结构模型(a simple architectural model)

交互模型(Interaction models)

Modeling user interaction/system-to-system interaction/component interaction

用例图和顺序图(Use case diagrams and sequence diagrams用于描述系统中用户和系统之间的交互(交互模型(Interaction models))



结构模型(Structural models)

static -- the structure of the system design

dynamic -- the organization of the system when it is executing

类图(class diagrams用于定义系统中类的静态结构及其关联

generalization 底层类是继承父类的属性和操作的子类,泛化显示为指向更通用类的箭头(三角箭头)


行为模型(Behavioral models)


数据驱动模型(Data-driven modeling)

关于事件驱动的建模(Event-driven modeling)

活动图(Activity diagrams)和序列图可用于对数据处理建模(data-driven models),其中在活动图,每个活动表示一个过程步骤。

状态图(State diagrams)用于对系统响应内部或外部事件的行为进行建模(event-driven models)。

Week 8--Design Concepts

analysis 做什么

design 怎么做



•    Firmness (no bugs)
•    Commodity (useful or valuable)
•    Delight (pleasurable experience)

Design in the SE context


Component level design

 transforms structural elements of the software architecture into a procedural description of software components.

Interface design

describes how the software communicates with systems that interoperate with it, and with humans who use it

Architectural design

defines the relationship between major structural elements of the software, the architectural styles and patterns that can be used to achieve the requirements defined for the system, and the constraints that affect the way in which architecture can be implemented.

data design/class design

transforms class models into design class realizations and the requisite data structure required to implement it.

Quality control in the design progress*

3 goals : satisfy implicit/explicit requirement/readable/complete picture

8 technical criteria p9 - architecture, modular, distinct representation, appropriate data structures, independent, repeatable, notation

Quality -- FURPS***

Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, Supportability

Design concepts***

idea: foundation, partition, technical quality


Abstraction simply means to hide the details to reduce complexity and increases efficiency or quality.
procedural abstraction: a sequence of instructions that have a specific and limited function. The name of a procedural abstraction implies these functions, but specific details are suppressed.

data abstraction: a named collection of data that describes a data object.


better organize complex system

Functional independence: coupling &cohesion

coupling: refers to the degree of interdependence between software modules

sol: interface--, cohesion++

cohesion: the degree of how closely the elements of a module are related to each other

object-oriented design

designing object classes

objects are created dynamically from these class definitions.

Elements in design model


abstract → refined

Program-component level

Application level

Business level


floor to the house


application domain

model elements



doors and windows

UI, external, internal






Week 9--Architecture, Component-Level and Interface

Architecture Design

Architectural design is concerned with understanding how a system should be organized and designing the overall structure of that system. It identifies the main structural components in a system and the relationships between them. The output of this design process is a description of the software architecture.

affects: performance, robustness, distributability, and  maintainability

    Individual component – implement functional requirements
    System architecture – fulfill non-functional requirement

advance: stakehoder communication, system analysis, reuse

Architecture View

· Logical

shows the key abstractions in the system as objects or object classes.

· process

shows how, at run-time, the system is composed of interacting processes.

· development (模块)

shows how the software is decomposed for development.

· physical

shows the system hardware and how software components are distributed across the processors in the system.



Aechitectural Patterns************

 Patterns are means of representing, sharing and reusing knowledge. A stylized description of good design practice,

· MVC (Model-View-Controller)

    Model: central component of the pattern that directly manages the data, logic and rules of the application
    View:can be any output representation of information, such as a chart or a diagram.
    Controller: accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or view, enables the interconnection between the views and the model

·  Layered Patterns

the system functionality is organized into separate layers, and each layer only relies on the facilities and services offered by the layer immediately beneath it.

supports the incremental development , not efficient 

· Repository Patterns

· Client-Server Patterns

· Pip and filter Patterns

Component-level Design

Component-level design occurs after the first iteration of architectural design has been completed.
 A complete set of software components is defined during architectural design.

define  data structures, algorithms, interface characteristics, and communication mechanisms

intermediate representations

➢    A software component is a modular building block for computer software.
➢    It can be used to review for correctness and consistency with other components.

Views of Component

·面向对象视角(object-oriented view)

Centers on objects as the fundamental building blocks of software. An object encapsulates both data and behavior, representing entities or concepts.


· 传统视角(conventional view)


· 流程视角(process view)


User Interface Design

golden rules

1. Place the User in control

 does not force

flexible interaction

interruptible and undoable

 direct interaction on screen


2. Reduce the Users' Memory Load

Reduce demand on short-term memory.



3. make the interface consistant 




Response time: length, variability

Help facilities

Error handling

Application accessibility



Week 10--Software Testing

Testing basics

validation vs defect

validation testing 验证:

You expect the system to perform correctly using a given set oftest cases that reflect the system's expected use.

A successful test shows that the system operates as intended

defect testing 缺陷:

The test cases are designed to expose defects. The test cases indefect testing can be deliberately obscure and need not reflecthow the system is normally used

A successful test is a test that makes the system performincorrectly and so exposes a defect in the system.

verification vs validation

meeks specification and delivers functionality

verification: functional and non-functional requirements

validation: meets the customer's expectations

software inspections vs software testing

inspection : Concerned with analysis of the static system representation to discover problems(static V&V)

adavantage: ignore error interaction, no additional cost, border quality

testing : Concerned with exercising and observing product behavior (dynamic V&V)

stages of testing

Development testing

the system is tested during development to discover bugs and defects

Unit testing

where individual program units or object classes are tested. Unit testing should focus on testing the functionality of objects or methods.

unit : Object classes with several attributes and methods

automated test: setup, call, assertion

testing strategies

partition testing(类似的组合测试); single value, different size, boundaries, midpoint, zero length

guideline-based testing(容易出错地方的测试)

Component testing

several individual units are integrated to create composite components. Component testing should focus on testing component interfaces. * not individual components

interface testing 

interface misuse: A calling component calls another component and makes an error in its use of its interface e.g. parameters in the wrong order

interface misunderstanding: A calling component embeds assumptions about the behavior of the called component which are incorrect

timing errors: The called and the calling component operate at different speed sand out-of-date information is accessed

extreme ends, null pointers, component failure 

System testing

where some or all of the components in a system are integrated and the system is tested as a whole System testing should focus on testing component interactions

use-case testing

testing policies

Release testing

a separate testing team test a complete version of the system before it is released to users

system: bugs / release: check requirements

requirement based testing

scenario testing

performance testing - operational profile/ Stress testing

User testing

users or potential users of a system test the system in their own environment 

alpha - user and team at developer's site

beta - user experiment


Week 11--Junit Testing







life circle








Week12 Project Management


intangible, one-off, variable and organization-specific

Risk management

•    Project risks: Risks that affect the project schedule or resources (e.g., loss of an experienced designer). 
•    Product risks: Risks that affect the quality or performance of the software being developed (e.g., failure of a purchased component to perform as expected). 

•    Business risks: Risks that affect the organization developing or procuring the software (e.g., a new product from competitors). 


•    Risk identification: identify possible project, product, and business risks

•    Risk analysis: assess the likelihood and consequences of these risks



•    Risk planning: plans to address the risk, either by avoiding it or minimizing its effects on the project

Avoidance strategies, Minimization strategies, Contingency plans

•    Risk monitoring: regularly assess the risk and your plans for risk mitigation and revise these when you learn more about the risk

managing people

4 critical factors: Consistency, Respect, Inclusion, Honesty

people type: Task/Self/Interaction-oriented people

Software team

a closed/random/open/synchronous paradigm

efficiency influence by: Group size/Group structure/Group composition/The physical work environment/ The available communication channels 


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