linux c++ ffmpeg rtsp推流报错 rtsp://localhost:8554/Live: Protocol not found

根据报错内容rtsp://localhost:8554/Live: Protocol not found


std::string rtsp_server_url = "rtsp://localhost:8554/live";

  std::stringstream command;

  command << "ffmpeg ";

  command << "-y "  // overwrite output files

          << "-an " // disable audio

          << "-f rawvideo " // force format to rawvideo

          << "-vcodec rawvideo "  // force video rawvideo ('copy' to copy stream)

          << "-pix_fmt bgr24 "  // set pixel format to bgr24

          << "-s 640x516 "  // set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)

          << "-r 25 "; // set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)

  command << "-i - "; //

  command << "-c:v libx264 "  // Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder

          << "-pix_fmt yuv420p "  // set pixel format to yuv420p

          << "-preset ultrafast " // set the libx264 encoding preset to ultrafast

          << "-f flv " // force format to flv

          << "-rtsp_transport tcp "

          << "-f rtsp "

          << rtsp_server_url;


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