This standard defines power supply voltage range, dc interface, switching parameter and overshoot/undershoot for high speed low voltage swing terminated NMOS driver family digital circuits with 0.6V supply. The specifications in this standard represent a minimum set of interface specifications for low voltage terminated circuits. Item 180.24.







接口扩展到更高的频率将消耗更多的电量,LPDDR4的I/O接口信号发送方式做出重大改变,采用低电压摆动-终止逻辑(LVSTL)方式。LVSTL(Low Voltage Small signal Terminated level), 低电压摆幅终端逻辑。










由pin脚定义可以看出,LPDDR4的CA管脚,由之前的10位,减少到了6位。6bit的CA信号仍然包含command 、address和bank的信息。还有一个改变就是CA不再像LPDDR3那样支持DDR的模式,而只是SDR的模式。所以这样看起来,其CA的效率相对于LPDDR3有所下降,考虑到接口速度上的提升,总体来说跟LPDDR3持平。

LPDDR4也包含类似LPDDR3的一个CA training的过程,不同的是LPDDR4采用的是CBT(command bus training)的方式,在这种方式中,会进行VrefCa,CLK对CS,CLK对CA的时序调整。


LPDDR3的读写操作都不带有校验功能。为了提高读写的可靠性,LPDDR4里新增了一种带有ECC校验功能的写命令(masked write command)。实际上这种带校验的写命令,是在cell内部做了个read-modify-write的动作。所以这种写操作的效率要比正常的写操作要低。


FSP(frequency set point)功能支持两个预设的工作频率之间的快速切换。

A new approach to signaling
Recognizing that extending the LPDDR3 interface to higher frequencies would consume too much power, the JEDEC committee decided to implement a significant change in LPDDR4’s I/O signaling to low-voltage swing-terminated logic (LVSTL). LPDDR4’s LVSTL I/O signaling voltage of 367 or 440mV is less than 50% the I/O voltage swing of  LPDDR3.  This reduces power while enabling high-frequency operation.  In addition, by using Vssq termination and data bus inversion (DBI), termination power can be minimized since any I/O signal driving a “0” consumes no termination power.

Several other steps were taken to save power.  The operating voltage was reduced from the 1.2V of previous generations to 1.1V.  Also, the standard was specifically designed to enable power-efficient operation at a wide range of frequencies. The I/O can operate in un-terminated mode at low frequencies with a reduced voltage swing, and the standard allows rapid switching between operating points so the lower frequency operation can be used whenever possible.

This rapid switching is enabled by the addition of frequency set points (FSPs).  LPDDR4 specifies two FSPs, which are copies of all the DRAM registers that store operating parameters which might need to be changed for operation at two different frequencies.  Once both operating frequencies are trained and the parameters stored in each of the two corresponding FSPs, switching between the frequencies can be accomplished by a single mode register write.  This reduces the latency for frequency changes, and enables the system to operate at the optimal speed for the workload more often.

“It supports end-user flexibility,” noted Vuong. “Some designers like to run their devices as fast as they can and then put them to sleep. Others like to run at lower frequencies – and lower power – when possible. A process might take a little longer but that’s a trade-off they’re willing to make. We designed LPDDR4 to be flexible enough to allow the end-user to decide what they want to do.” With that flexibility comes superior performance – an LPDDR4 device, at a similar data rate, will consume less power than an LPDDR3 device.

Key specifications include:

  • Two-channel architecture
  • Internal Vref supplies for CA and DQ
  • Data Bus Inversion (DBI-DC)
  • ODT for CA and DQ
  • I/O throughput: 3200 MT/s, rising to 4266 MT/s
  • Signaling voltage: 367mV or 440mV
  • Operating voltage: 1.1V
  • Pre-fetch size: 32B per channel
  • Topology: Point to point, PoP, MCP
  • Max I/O capacitance: 1.3pF
  • Write leveling
  • 6-pin SDR CA bus CA training (12 pins per two channels)
  • As with previous low-power DRAM generations, LPDDR4 does not require a delay-locked loop (DLL) or phase-locked loop (PLL)

LPDDR4 Workshop
To facilitate understanding and adoption of the LPDDR4 standard, JEDEC is hosting an LPDDR4 Workshop in Santa Clara, CA on September 23, 2014. For online registration and agenda information visit: http://www.jedec.org/LPDDR4-ca-2014.

JEDEC is the global leader in the development of standards for the microelectronics industry. Thousands of volunteers representing nearly 300 member companies work together in 50 JEDEC committees to meet the needs of every segment of the industry, manufacturers and consumers alike. The publications and standards generated by JEDEC committees are accepted throughout the world.  All JEDEC standards are available for free download from the JEDEC website. For more information, visit www.jedec.org


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